
巴亞以塔港Hyatt樂家飯店 - 全包
4.2/5105 評價
We're so excited to come to PV for the very first time and also first time with the Hyatt Hotel Group as well we might be a little bit have a higher expectation but overall the check in process was smooth and very easy we got the room early upon arrival the reception is very attentive but we will not going to return here again one thing I like to give a credited to this hotel is the location very convenient with almost private beaches stunning view but the service is up and down all the time during our 3 night stay especially the one at the main pool the waiter who walking to ask for a drink he only asked the white people obviously I'm an Asian who sat in the Sun Lounger in between the two white ladies he kept coming back and ask those two lady for any more drinks services but never ask me he treat me like I'm a ghost who never existing there I was so disappointed, The food # the Italian restaurant we try out on the first night was the worse the most terrible horrible extremely ridiculous the test was super nasty we never ever want to go back to that restaurant ever again the pineapple juice taste like water with some of the pineapple scent an orange juice is very fake color is like very light yellow almost like water but it was terrifying # The Sushi restaurant is just on average # The Mexican restaurant although Not so bad at all #The the one that we really love the most is the steakhouse the service excellent the food is the most delicious and the other one is the buffet that we recommend it, The house keeping I have to kept bucking the reception to tell them come and clean my room but they never do we ran out of the toilet pepper they never spare anything in our room unless I have to ask for once you missed the morning cleaning room you will missed it for the whole day they will never return to check to your room ever again, Another downside is the hotel is always under construction and outside by the walkway is very loud at night but not the whole night one thing I really hate about this place they claim they're 5 star hotel but I will give them only 4 or even less All the public restroom throughout the property are very dirty smells so stinky everywhere you're trying to use it's very very ridiculous the hotel itself are dated, Well overall I would say we enjoyed this stays because of the stunning beach view beautiful sunshine everyday again if you ask me would I be back here I would say ”NO”
3.9/5103 評價
酒店乾淨安靜,牀睡着很舒服。我的單位很寬敞,臥室陽光明媚,真的很感激有迷你冰箱微波爐和咖啡機。套房本來就很乏光澤-牆壁上沒有任何裝飾,傢俱很少。我真的希望有一個工作台可以使用我的筆記本電腦,還有一個完整的身體鏡,用於晚上外出穿衣。水槽和淋浴的水壓都很低,維護不一致-沒有衛生紙架(看起來是牆壞了沒有更換)套房的門沒有完全打開,然後刮到地板上。酒店本身缺乏任何甚至基本的設施,如休息室空間。它看起來像是打算有一個屋頂露台,但該地區尚未完成,工作人員用於儲存和洗衣。我最大的抱怨實際上是他們早上9點到晚上9點的客人時間非常嚴格,直到我入住才知道,如果我知道這個規則存在,我永遠不會在這裏預訂。我試圖從俱樂部帶幾個人回家,禮賓部想向我收取300美元的第二張。 如果我只需要一個睡覺的地方,我會再呆在這裏,否則我不會。
4.1/5108 評價
想和家人一起旅行嗎?強烈推薦!這是一家豪華酒店,有“精品”的氛圍,服務一流。自助早餐是PV最好的之一(住過威斯汀喜來登)。游泳池維護得很好,孩子們的遊戲室很棒(謝謝 Bibiana!)。酒店非常現代,維護得很好,雖然房間有點小。我們也住在坎昆萬豪酒店,類似的體驗。最佳預算豪華度假村。
阿爾瑪豪華度假村 - LGBT海灘體驗
4.1/5103 評價
I don't usually post negative comments, but if this will help another traveler make an informed choice, I thought I'd let you know a couple of things. First, I booked a junior suite with an ocean view. The rooms are very nice and spacious. However, our ocean view was actually of telephone poles and wires and the thatched roof of the club across the alley. I admit, the ocean was in view, beyond these obstacles. Our original room was on the 4th floor and the first night our roof sprung a fast leak due to the downpour outside. It was mostly cleaned up and we were told to let the front desk know in the morning that we needed to move rooms. I would have thought that due to the inconvenience of having to re-pack everything, that they would have given us an upgraded room. Instead, they gave us a junior ocean view suite on the 3rd floor with a closer view of the wires and rooftop. This room also had only one patio chair so even if we wanted to sit out on the patio, we wouldn't have been able to together. The resort itself has nice amenities.
4.4/5108 評價
酒店本身真是太棒了! 但是我想我需要開車去酒店。 酒店確實有汽車。 酒店還提供機場接送服務,並設有可俯瞰大海的班車。 高度非常好,可以看到風景,設施也很棒。 它並不便宜,但是您可以獲得付費的服務。 酒店的外觀也使您想去。 房間寬敞而美好。它有一個可容納5或6人的大房間,對於家庭旅客來說,這似乎是一個很好的酒店。
4.1/5107 評價
非常漂亮的清酒店,配有一切需要;空調,Wi-Fi,優質的金大牀,廚房有冰箱, Balkon,2個熱水池,在海灘上有交易,衛生間,很多活動,健身房,適合家庭。
4.5/5120 評價
4.3/5104 評價
兩年前我在這個位置,當時是Grand Fiesta Americana。晚餐餐廳的菜單和質量都很棒。作爲希爾頓,餐廳的食物質量絕對從8點下降到5點。夜間娛樂非常糟糕。他們需要做一些更有趣的游泳池活動和夜秀。晚餐後晚上沒什麼可做的。我建議研究更好的菜單選擇,食物和娛樂的質量。墨西哥餐廳以美國食品爲主。意大利餐廳選擇非常有限,食物一點也不好,我甚至不能吃我的意大利菜。但酒店的位置,服務和景色都很棒。我討厭寫差評,但這是誠實的評論。謝謝!
4/5116 評價
4.3/583 評價
我們原定住在另一家酒店(通過Trip.com),最終被關閉了。Trip.com不是簡單地退款我們的錢,而是非常有幫助,並主動提出爲我們確保另一個地方,自費。所以,我們最終在Hacienda Chichen。我對此一無所知。我認爲我去過的最寧靜,最世俗,回到自然,優雅,歷史悠久的地方。精緻是最好的詞。場地,房間,游泳池,食物;它真的是一個聖母院。如果你想找一個完全恢復你靈魂和感覺的地方,選擇Hacienda Chichen。沒有其他可比的。


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平均價格 (平日)NT$8,186
平均價格 (週末)NT$8,399