正在查找Tuesday Morning附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Tuesday Morning附近的熱門飯店


4.2/5105 評價


羅利|距離Tuesday Morning0.62km
Everything was great until...... My wife and I checked in Thursday for 3 nights. Upon check in, we were taken care of by Maria. Very sweet, attentive and had us on our way in no time. Thursday night was fine. Got up and went about our business Friday morning. Came back to the hotel Friday evening, head to the room and fell asleep quick. Then came Saturday morning. My wife is disabled, and we were on the 5th floor. We got to the elevator and waited about 4 or 5 minutes, and nothing happened. I called the front desk from my personal phone (the phone in our room wasn't hooked up) Was unfortunate to get a front desk person by the name of Kwamel. Very unprofessional individual. I asked if there was a problem with the elevators. He said yes, there were not working. I asked him how we were supposed to get downstairs. He directed me to where the stairs were. I advised him that my wife is disabled and not able to walk down 5 flights of stairs. In his own charming way, he had no other answer for me. I hung up and had to help my disabled wife down 5 flights of stairs with her walker and our cooler for the day. Took us about 25 minutes to get to the bottom as my wife had to take one step at a time holding on the guard rail with both hands. I had to stand under her so she wouldn't slip and fall. When I got to the front desk, I inquired how long they would be out. My wife and I were going to be at a convention all day but obviously needed them working before we got back later that night. Mr. Personality had no idea. I inquired what we were supposed to do if we get back and they are still not working as there was NO WAY my wife could WALK up 5 flights. He was very unsympathetic and showed no compassion whatsoever. There was another rep behind the desk. She kept quiet for a while which was probably better for her. She finally asked me to come to her. She looked in her computer and long story short, if they were not fixed by the time we got back we had a room on the 1st floor waiting for us. I would just need to clear everything out of our current room which of course I would. That reps name was Karen. She was very nice, polite and showed an interest in helping us. Kwamel showed NO SIGNS to help. He just stood there with his shirt untucked and looked like it had been slept in. Instead of being part of the solution he kept telling me no. Wonder if he would have felt the same way if it was his mom or his grandma that was disabled and had to walk down 5 flights of stairs. I called Karen later in the day and was told they got 1 side working but the other wouldn't be looked at until Tuesday (holiday weekend) I am very surprised they wouldn't have someone on call 24 hours a day in case something like this happens. Doesn't say much about how much they care about their guests. Got back to the hotel at around 8PM. We were greeted by Daniel. We told him what took place that morning. He was VERY apologetic and showed much sympathy. Kwamel should really take some notes from



正在尋找Tuesday Morning附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
2.5/559 評價
 羅利最喜歡的酒店之一 $50押金沒有蟲子外面沒有大聲的人,就在丹尼和巴哈馬風旁邊,很冷的地方
3.8/5103 評價
這家酒店前台工作人員最差。工作人員提前被告知,由於施工,5樓的一半沒有熱水 - 但他們仍然預訂了房間。他們確實通知了客人。當時是晚上9:45,當我試圖在睡覺前淋浴時,這就是我意識到水問題時。起初,工作人員對這種情況不屑一顧,並表示他們無能爲力,因爲當天的維護已經消失。當我堅持要洗澡時,我被告知可以換房間。這意味着收拾我所有的物品,深夜再次拆箱。這不可行,所以我要求能夠在他們要搬進我的房間淋浴。經過一番辯論,前台工作人員終於允許我這樣做,然而,他們故意給了我一個骯髒房間的鑰匙。前台工作人員告訴我“只是忽略牀和東西”,因爲自從前客人退房以來,客房部還沒有打掃房間。我很討厭,不得不爲一個有熱水的乾淨房間而爭論。我被當作要求升級一樣對待。此外,退房時,我要求一張收據,這是商業報銷所需的收據,前台工作人員說打印機壞了,她會將收據發送電子郵件。這也沒有發生,當我出差回家時,我不得不撥打無數電話給酒店,以便最終有人將收據發送電子郵件。我永遠不會再住在這裏。該地區有太多新,更好的酒店,而不是不得不處理這個地方。常見的禮貌和客戶服務要走很長的路 - 但這家酒店的工作人員甚至沒有基本的東西。
2.6/560 評價
羅利瑰珀翠谷Residence Inn 飯店
4.4/570 評價
2.5/573 評價
3.5/5113 評價
入住2022年5月31日位於羅利3801 Capital Blvd,NC 27604的溫德姆速8酒店,入住2022年6月3日退房,提前全額支付。然後在網上預訂了另一晚退房2022年6月4日。2022年6月4日星期六,我去了前台,要求我在之前的住宿中退房,住宿 Folio 打印了我的記錄。前台經理說要麼是她的方式,要麼什麼都沒有。前台值班經理堅持簡單地延長住宿時間;我要求關閉先前的住宿。首先,她告訴我,我必須支付40美元的額外押金;我提醒她,我有40美元的押金。接下來,她告訴我下午2:00前回來辦理登機手續;我告訴她這很好,因爲我在附近的綠道公共圖書館有一些事情要做。你可以想象我在圖書館時感到驚訝,打開我的電子郵件,我發現前台經理取消了週六/週日住宿的預訂。當我回到酒店時;前台經理讓我帶着手推車立即從房間裏搬走我的物品。我要求與她的主管交談;她拒絕了一個請求。她走到房間(322),把我的東西放在垃圾袋裏(乾溼兩樣)堆亂七八糟的東西,然後下樓,要求我從房舍裏取出自己和物品。我做了,發現該地區的其他酒店都訂滿了,等到06/07/2022才和設施總經理提出問題,他發現我對待的方式沒有問題。此後,我決定與旅行公衆分享我在設施的經驗。不是一個去的地方!


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