與朋友們一起入住將近一週 在這裡度過了非常舒服美好的時刻
位於古城區右下方離各個大的逛街與古城距離都不遠 grab大概都在一百泰銖有找 房間簡潔整齊基本備品都有提供 也有每日housekeeping 來為你補水跟清潔房務 但可能要稍微明確一點的把垃圾聚集 他們可能怕丟到你還想留著的東西
老闆娘與員工們非常熱情 甚至透過護照發現同行有人生日 特別準備生日驚喜給我們 如果你是喜歡安靜有自己空間 將玩樂跟休息有個明確區分的人 這裡超適合你!
Stayed with friends for a week, we had a very comfortable and wonderful time here.
Located in the southeast corner of the Old City, it's close to all major shopping areas and the Old City itself, with Grab rides costing around 60-100 THB. The rooms are classic, elegant, and equipped with basic amenities.
The owner and staff are incredibly welcoming. They even noticed from our passports that one of us had a birthday and prepared a special birthday surprise for us.
If you enjoy quiet places with your own space and like to clearly separate fun and relaxation, this place is perfect for you.
旅客若想住在清邁的昌普·老城北邊,那麼清邁標誌公園飯店 (SHA Extra Plus)將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Into The Wild Elephant Camp、清邁清真寺和乾帕門均可步行很短距離到達。飯店提供健身室,旅客可以在這裡舒緩身心壓力。提供乾洗服務,為您的旅途省心。飯店顧客可以額外使用免費停車場。