需要在清邁住4晚。不在乎豪華,但也不想要我能找到的最便宜的地方。在Agoda上遇到這個,覺得可能值得一試。從清邁機場坐150泰銖的車。我到達了 Check in 很快又容易。房間很整潔。小但很乾淨。很棒的牀平板電視很多很多頻道。空調很棒。是敵對的,但也有。我預訂的單人房。簡直難以置信的價值。22.50一晚。他們不宣傳免費早餐。但他們有一個公共區域就在接待後面。有大屏幕電視,而且有一個全套廚房,歡迎大家使用。如果你自己打掃衛生,他們有所有餐具。他們早上確實有一份小早餐,免費給所有住在這裏的人。雖然他們沒有廣告。它華夫餅穀類咖啡茶吐司。基本但非常好。他們還有四五輛免費使用的自行車,這真是一個很大的額外津貼。有一些缺點,但根據錢的價值。我可以繞着它們工作。第一,沒有房間,保險箱第二,當你離開房間時把鑰匙卡拿出來,冰箱也斷電了。冰箱插座有線可以保持熱,即使鑰匙卡不在。如果他們有椅子的話會很好。房間裏沒有別致的只是一張基本的椅子。我應該再次發現自己在清邁嗎?我一定會再次使用這家酒店。這裏的工作人員非常非常友好。從接待處到客房清潔工,每個人都總是微笑着,願意幫助回答任何問題。確保每個人都有一個美好的一天。我推薦這個地方還不夠。
I like everything here except they don’t have towel for you. I didn’t bring it expecting that they have. And the door is really safe but sometimes its sounds of the digital lock is annoying and the room for 4 beds is already small so we hear everything. The sink is really not in good position
(Interior design gone wrong) to open tap water with that stable pressure and it’s splashing everywhere. My floor is 3rd floor but women bathroom is second floor. So i use men bathroom on the same floor. It’s too tired to walk up and down 😅. I wrote this as suggestion not complaining. The location is good and they have cafe downstairs and staff are friendly.
멋진 바 2-4층에 위치한 숙소입니다. 첨에 2층은 화장실을 다른 방과 함께 써야해서 좀 불편했어요.
하지만 그 외에 모든 것이 좋았습니다. 방도 침구류도 깨끗하고 와이파이도 빠르고 세탁기, 건조기도 있어요. 특히 호스트가 정말 친절하십니다. 다음 기회이 또 오고싶어요.
訪訪客Fantastic hospitality. The staff have helped us with all our trips whilst in Chiangmai. Super friendly. Clean hostel. Lobby is super super chill. Also amazing lovely cat! Area is great also, lots of nice cafes, bar and shops to get any all essentials. Would definitely recommend.