蘭納花園度假(SHA Extra Plus)隸屬於雲南安隱飯店管理有限公司,是集度假、當地生活,美麗住宿、旅行為一體的度假美宿系列,建築風格源於泰國本土文化,蘭納花園度假(SHA Extra Plus)純手工壁畫客房能夠讓您更好感受當地文化和異域風情。還有11間裝修各異主題房則是給大家耳目一新的感覺,設施用品小到電器開關均為高端品牌。安隱有別於常規度假飯店標準模式化的經營理念。在您預訂安隱開始,我們將會提前聯繫到您,告知您當地的天氣、出行的衣著、以及需要注意的事項,讓您安心到達。我們希望您能夠和我們一起忘卻工作、生活的煩惱,在清邁尋找一份安隱的生活,體驗最清邁的人文風情,讓旅行,更有樂趣。或許您會因為來到異國旅行的語言、文化、安全問題困擾,選擇安隱您便可以放心,我們將全程為您提供中、英、泰等多種語言服務,提供最當地的體驗玩法,以及解決您出行遊玩的各類障礙。店內配備超大露天泳池和花園、咖啡廳、地道泰餐廚師、在您結束一天的遊玩後可以盡情享受清邁的愜意時光。
Nampiangdin Boutique Hotel飯店位於清邁(Chiang Mai),距離清邁門(Chiang Mai Gate)1.6公里,配有室外游泳池、花園、露台和免費WiFi。距離Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport機場有2.1公里,距離柴迪隆寺(Chedi Luang Temple)有2.4公里。
Start with a yellowish minibar as it’s quite old as everywhere inside was full of yellow stains. Wondering the fridge was moved from an old hotel “ Lanna Hotel”, after considering to see a mix of different Hôtel names as shown on the bottles of shampoo, conditioner and body lotions with Decharme Hôtel & Lanna Hôtel. Thé Basic need of toothbrush and paste was not provided but others like cotton buds and shower cap were found. One Wooden hanger in the closet was broken as shown and a nail was coming out and it scratched me while removing. Quite dangerous! The Bathroom was quite small and especially the barrier between toilet and bathroom floor was to be careful not to hit and fall down. Had to put my feet on the wet floor while using the toilet. (No dry space after a shower). Overall, it’s not recommended to stay at such a messy hotel.