
4.8/542 評價
位置絕佳,我們受到了非常熱情的歡迎,車是貼身的,因爲天氣寒冷和下雨,這很重要。 我們得到了一杯熱飲和一個舒適的坐位,同時辦理了入住手續。 我們甚至沒有時間喝完飲料,然後才免費提供升級的房間。哇! 房間很寬敞,穿着很漂亮,我們可以看到我們自己的私人陽台,景色最壯觀,而且佈置得很好。 一切都如我們所希望和期望的,因爲酒店是昂貴的,但我們得到了我們支付的確切費用。 所有的員工都很細心、友好和樂於助人。 不幸的是,大流行影響了每個人,這家酒店不得不竭盡全力度過這些困難時期。 水療中心的設施已被削減以節省費用,但當我們去使用它時,這個地方被加熱了,治療得到了加強,以確保我們感到滿意。 奢侈品很貴,我們真的很喜歡縱容!!! 我能說的是這家酒店和他們的客人待遇是你所期望的一切,你必須付出的代價。 如果我們有無限的錢,我們只能呆在這裏,因爲我們訪問克什米爾,我經常訪問家人。 即使我們在這裏拜訪家人,我們也會經常參觀酒店,只是爲了欣賞花園,欣賞建築和氛圍。 雖然我們可能不會花一分錢去參觀,但工作人員的待遇一直與我們在這次訪問中所經歷的一樣。 一個詞來形容這家酒店的時尚。
3.4/563 評價
Food Quality not good , House keeping Staff Behaviour with customers not good then directly asking for money Some other payments were pending due to which they were not allowing us to check out. While check in they would told us that your payment pending but they not inform to us and last moment when we have catch the train then are telling us about the payment pending but which we had already paid in advance. This type of service not acceptable. There is not proper dinning hall for breakfast /lunch/ dinner. There is place to sit next to room for breakfast /lunch/ dinner due to which there is lots of noise pollution no relaxation. Hotel is bit far away from highway we need to walk 5 mins to 10 mins walking to be done for reaching hotel. Better to check other hotels near to main road not visit this hotel.
3.5/542 評價
-酒店位置不錯。唯一的挑戰是不斷的鐵路公告來到你身邊。但這是可以承受的。 -前台真的很有幫助。我旅行累了,他們在預定的入住時間前幾個小時幫我辦理了入住,看到我的疲勞。 - 整體氛圍良好,設有獨立的用餐區和安全的電梯。 廁所(房間#201)很髒特別是廁所。 - 浴室排氣扇太吵了 - 沒有衣櫃 - 服務延遲 - 要求提供淋浴帽,因爲帽子僅在de***d上可用。重複電話後,幾乎花了一個小時才交付。 - 他們需要考慮認真考慮在房間裏提供電水壺。茶/咖啡和熱水的公共區域服務不錯。但不提供正確的服務水平和舒適度。 如果有人想喝多杯溫水,這個人需要去那裏坐。 - 早茶,你需要走出房間 我認爲考慮到電熱水壺的成本,它可以更經濟,更老化。
4.5/550 評價
Very clean with variety of breakfast buffet choices. Staff is also very polite and ready to accommodate guests. Nice and stylish reception area. Good security system at the gate with every vehicle checked before entering the premises.
4.5/51 評價
位置步行可到lal chowk。是一條安靜的道路,還算乾淨。裝飾不錯,房間有暖氣和電熱毯和風扇。溫暖的水似乎在早晨可用,但大多數晚上不可用,可能是由於每年這個時候的冰凍溫度。對我個人來說,這是一個問題,因爲我通常也會晚上洗澡。每個房間都有窗戶。早餐非常愉快,推薦。工作人員很有禮貌,在我離開時也幫我買了汽車。總的來說,體驗足夠愉快,如果你每天只洗一個浴缸,那就沒問題了
4.6/548 評價
Very cozy lodge! Full of character. Check in was smooth, stay was comfortable, bed was comfy with a thick bouncy duvet. Generally friendly staff, guardsman in particular was a sincere, nice guy. Breakfast was nothing to write home about, but dinner buffet was. I have to compliment the chef, fried chicken and haak gaad esp were my favourites of any dish I’ve ever eaten at any hotel buffets. Fresh, fragrant and the ratio of collard greens to fish was perfect. Doneness of collards was also perfect. Hearty and we agreed it was a joy of a meal. Something extra that can be done to take advantage of the lodge vibes and winter experience is if the lodge offered something warm and cosy to enjoy in the lounge or on the porch in the winter air. Perhaps a roasted sweet potato, a mug of hot cocoa, or something like hot fresh Korean walnut cakes for guests to hold while out in the snowy yard. Something extra. :)
4.7/51 評價
Mr Sarkar very helpful and good host - hospitality is 200%. He suggested we visit Zero point bridge and even kind enough to give us a ride there in his own car. He showed us the way to walk back to the home stay. He also kept an eye out for us and was especially nice when he found and picked us up when we were on our way back from Zero bridge. Breakfast was good, delicious and fast. Hospitality was genuine and second to none. I would highly  recommend this place to anyone on a budget
4.1/543 評價
確實是Pahalgam附近最好的酒店 - 位於利德河漂流點遠離Pahalgam市場區的喧囂。這家酒店最好的部分是所有工作人員的服務質量。食物很好,前廳工作人員效率超級高。房間寬敞,暖氣安排良好。
4.6/544 評價
4/543 評價
The food was awesome The room are huge and very clean special thanks to Mr Tilak raj from house keeping to maintain this kind of standard The hotel is very close from the Halipad only need to improve in their service The front office staff Mr Pawan was very polite and the check in process was also very smooth The ambience is also very good.


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平均價格 (平日)MXN 2,071
平均價格 (週末)MXN 2,080