
4.3/595 評價
3.9/554 評價
酒店位於市中心,靠近商店、餐館,距離石窟約 1.1 公里(步行 10-12 分鐘)。工作人員非常友好,非常熱情,尤其是克里斯、蒂亞戈和法蒂瑪。如果能成為雅高會員,那就太好了。克里斯非常友好,並建議了要做的事情和要看的事情。每天早上的早餐都很不錯而且很有效。它包括羊角麵包、糕點、蛋糕、酸奶、冷盤、奶酪、果醬等,還有新鮮的咖啡廳和精選咖啡。早餐是更多的歐陸式早餐,所以不要指望豐盛的早餐(一分錢一分貨)。房間漂亮乾淨。房間附有國際旅行插頭;非常便利。我的房間每天都有人打掃,一塵不染(感謝出色的客房服務團隊)。房間裡最好有咖啡/茶/水壺,方便取用。床超級舒服,在我住的兩晚剩下的時間裡睡得很好,第一晚的睡眠很痛苦(關門聲,牆壁很薄,因此你可以聽到其他房間的通訊和電視,孩子們尖叫直到凌晨 1 點)。房間裡的電話壞了,我什至不能在晚上的那個時候要求換房間。因為我大部分時間都在外面,所以這並沒有太打擾我,但對於有睡眠問題的人來說,可能會是一個麻煩。有時有點吵。要求一間位於後面的房間(儘管你可能會在早上 530 點被廚房風扇的噪音吵醒)。現場不提供食物,因此如果您需要吃點東西,外賣是您最好的選擇(街對面有一家削片機和一家烤肉店)。提供的飯菜是現成的,需要微波爐加熱(我不想在雅高品牌的宜必思酒店中看到這種情況,因為它是一家中型酒店)。前台工作人員告知我這項新政策。總的來說,這是一次很好的體驗,如果短期訪問的話,會推薦宜必思盧爾德酒店。
4.3/5102 評價
We had a great experience as a couple visiting this hotel for 6 Nights. The room was a good size, comfortable and clean with coffee pods and bottles of water provided fresh every day. The location was no more than a 15min walk to everything in central Montpellier and 3 min from the tram to the beach. The only area for improvement was that our room was not cleaned until around 4:30 on two nights
4.2/550 評價
We stayed here one night as part of a tour group. Our group had a large separate room for a dinner together. Our room was small but we were on the first floor with a door out into the yard. It was lovely when we went outside in the morning and looked back at the hotel. We have a picture of us standing in the doorway taken from the garden and it is my favorite picture of the entire trip because it looks so ”French.” Breakfast was nice; nothing out of the ordinary but bright and cheerful. The hotel is only a few minutes walk to the Carcassonne castle so after dinner we took a stroll up there. The area was open and pretty empty and I wondered how safe it was going inside when a group of four teenage boys passed us as we were going out. They spoke to us, I said hello, then they said something in French that they thought was hilarious as they looked back at us. I would not have wanted to have been in there when they were.
4.2/577 評價
我認為這個位置是完美的,因為它距離機場僅 15 分鐘路程,距離市中心約 15 分鐘路程 - 電車就在酒店外面,這太棒了! 酒店很乾淨但很簡陋,是我住過的唯一一家沒有客房服務的酒店,第二天沒有整理床鋪,除了入住時沒有提供乾淨的毛巾。沒想到床離房間這麼近當我們進入房間時打開門,床是一張小雙人床,所以也沒有睡個好覺。我希望我能給出更好的評價,因為工作人員都非常可愛、熱情和樂於助人,但我對其他人盡可能誠實。 Karina 在登記入住時以及在我們的整個旅程中都非常樂於助人和友好——她真的給了我們很好的建議,讓我們了解如何遊覽圖盧茲以及看什麼等等。酒店裡到處都是友好、可愛的員工,但至於酒店——不太可能再住在這裡!
4.1/540 評價
We all look for a hotel to provide a complete, pleasant experience. However, when you “sort through” the component parts of a stay, the single most important part of the stay has to be the importance of a comfortable, good night’s sleep. This hotel advertises, on its website that it has air conditioning. When you check in, you read that the hotel prides itself in providing a 19.5 degree Celsius temp for a great night’s sleep. We had been staying on the Mediterranean coast, but would have been required to arise at around 2 AM in order to make our flight the next morning. We decided on this hotel, because of its nearness to the airport, providing us a connecting flight to Paris. We found it on TripAdvisor and other sites as well. We called and made our reservation. When we arrived in the room, it was very warm - 25.5 Celsius. It’s completely understandable that they would not want to spend the money to condition the air in rooms that are not occupied. We turned down the air as low as it would go at around 5 pm and waited in the room for two hours - the restaurant did not open until 7 pm. The temp had not come down any at all in the first two hours, but it was the heat of the day. After arriving back in the room after supper, the room was still 25.5°C. The sun was still up, and it had been a very warm day. Once again, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. We tried to go to bed, but the temperature never came down. At around 1 AM when the temperature was still 25.5°C, I called the front desk and told the young man that the room was not cooling and we desperately needed to sleep. He asked me if I correctly set the thermostat device and I told him that I was quite certain I had. He was concerned that I might not be understanding the device, so he asked me to come downstairs where he could demonstrate the procedure for setting the temp at the lowest level. I got dressed and went downstairs, and after he explained the procedure to me, I advised him that that is exactly what I was doing. This young man was very polite and told me he had no choice but to give us another room. We switched rooms and the new room was at 23.5°C. I turned it all the way down the moment we walked in and within 20 minutes the temperature had gone up a half a degree - probably from being opened up and disturbing the air with hallway air. It never went down. We were completely miserable. The lack of rest made our Paris flight and the subsequent trans Atlantic flight to Atlanta very tiring. Perhaps the outside temp was unseasonably warm (I don’t know). However, if a hotel doesn’t supply its hotel with enough air conditioning to cool the rooms for customers during the warmest months of the year, it either should not advertise Air Conditioning or should shut down and not sell rooms during that period of time. They made the business decision to under air condition their building. They should be honest enough to tell people that they cannot cool the rooms. The young
3.9/533 評價
4.2/5103 評價
非常熱情,舒適,美麗,從我的房間可以看到一條河。工作人員非常出色,非常友好和樂於助人,我在午夜時分要求使用sellotape來包裝,工作人員超越了僅僅容納我。也值得一提的是,當兩個可愛的工作人員在辦理入住時告訴我我的預訂帶有早餐時,我很驚訝,我以爲他們只是犯了一個錯誤,所以我澄清說我沒有包括早餐,因爲我大部分時間都會在外面度過我早早地飛往巴黎,但他們堅持說,“他們可以做三明治,也可以給我打包一份帶水果的清淡早餐”,真是太棒了,服務一流。 位置優越,靠近大教堂,商店,餐館。一切都很完美,我一定會回來推薦的。
3.5/543 評價
Concernant l’hôtel chambre horrible : sale cf photos jointes avec une odeur d’égout épouvantable (quand je l’ai signalé à l’accueil la seule solution proposée était de vaporiser désodorisant bien chimique) sans compter l’isolation inexistante qui m’a permis de passer une superbe nuit blanche puisque l’hôtel se situe à côté de la caserne des pompiers !!! Pas de douche mais une baignoire à enjamber (glissage garantie puisque pas de tapis) variation de température allant du froid au brûlant ! Concernant le restaurant expérience toute aussi horrible buffets quasiment vides avec des entrées qui baignent dans l’huile des plats « chauds » froids et peu goûteux…desserts surgelés bien évidemment..ne demandez pas de carte de vins il n’y en a pas ! Bref fuyez cette adresse mieux vaut faire quelques kilomètres et trouver un hôtel restaurant digne de ce nom.
4.3/553 評價
Got upgraded to a bigger room that is just beside the reception desk. Room is very spacious and clean. The dinning area has free flow of coffee and tea which is useful when you need sometime to drink. The staff is very helpful in heloing us to resolve our PCR test result error till the date we left. Definitely worth a stay if you are here in Toulouse!


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平均價格 (平日)VND 3,759,120
平均價格 (週末)VND 3,801,643