
3.8/597 評價
雖然很明顯,度假村並不是某些地方的情況,但我敢肯定他們在大流行期間遭受了很多痛苦,它仍然是一個美麗的地方,我仍然會去參觀。一份評論說,‘住一晚’。我同意。雖然我們最後住了兩晚!主要度假區--大堂、泳池、餐廳--仍然呈現良好,儘管池邊酒吧已停止使用。當我們在那裏時,他們在泳池周圍畫畫。工作人員在辦理入住手續和餐廳時非常友好。我們努力獲得旅遊的明確信息,但這是通過直接到旅遊中心和羅莎交談而得到糾正的。我們乘坐空中電車、樹懶保護區、在湖上乘船和山地自行車道。一切都很棒。我們在那裏時沒有導遊的旅行,所以我們只是沿着自己的小路 - Sendero Laguna、Sendera Chunga和Sendero El Dique。我希望他們很快打開導遊的旅行。早餐很棒。我們兩晚都吃自助晚餐,每次都享受。選擇有限,因爲第二天晚上客人很少,但還是很棒的。這絕對值得一去。
4/5101 評價
This hotel is definitively a must do for those who are cruising. As the town area of Colon is deemed a bit dangerous for tourists by pretty much everyone who lives in Panama. The room are pretty decent with very comfy beds and very good pillows. We were upgraded to a suite as the rooms we requested were not available and was happy to enjoy a double bathroom, single room with TV room suite. They also gave us a rollover bed to accommodate the 3 of us (all adults). The room had a very good view of the terminal where we could see the cruise ships being docked. The hotel also features a restaurant/buffet as well as free shuttle to the cruise terminals. The hotel also has a convenient backdoor that requires hotel room keys to open to get to the small mall behind it. Which leads to a supermarket, a few stores and 3 restaurants, including a subway. Note that UBER HAS NO SERVICE IN COLON. So plan accordingly and use recommended taxis!
3.9/543 評價
This hotel is in need of maintenance. Lots of mold in the bathrooms, floors dirty, curtains not functional. The rates vary depending on who you are, where you're from and who's at the reception desk. You're pretty much forced to include the buffet in your rate. And if you refuse to add the $15.00 buffet, you're not allowed / given the option to even purchase a cup of coffee. It's either the $15.00 + tax buffett to get a cup of coffee or nothing. Towels are a commodity . If you ask for an extra towel you are told one for one. No in room coffee, no complimentary coffee. The staff seem a bit condecending. The pool ......I wouldn't dip my toe in it. Lunch is the same , buffet or go home. However; dinner is a la carte. I would not recommend this hotel to anyone.
3/55 評價
剛果民宿 - 綠雷 - 餐廳
4.2/519 評價
5/51 評價
3.7/512 評價
3.5/59 評價
4.5/58 評價
3.6/511 評價


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平均價格 (平日)IDR 1,749,601
平均價格 (週末)IDR 1,789,295