
3.8/593 評價
Got what I paid for and was happy with it! I was meeting a friend in Chesterfield to spend Saturday with her. I therefore drove form Milton Keynes to Tibshelf services after work and stayed overnight at Days Inn. I had a good nights sleep, very quiet and went one my way. A very welcome stopgap!
4.1/5103 評價
We booked as 3 families having a Christmas get together for 3 nights, and it worked very well. Great communication with the hotel. Well received on arrival.The staff were always very friendly. Plenty of space to sit in the evening around 3 roaring log burners in different parts of the guest area. It was a very busy time as there was a family wedding reception taking place while we were there, but the staff still had time to look after us. Room was very nice and plenty of space. A little dated and the bathroom a little tired but very clean. Would definitely return. Disliked · Staffing at breakfast was under par but may have been because it was between Christmas and New Year.
3.6/5103 評價
The hotel is ideally situated outside hustle and bustle of Matlock Spa. The food was absolutely delicious - well done chef and kitchen crew. The attentiveness and friendliness of the staff was excellent - we were made very comfortable and welcome. The massage my husband and I had was of very high quality and much needed. The spa area is very small and cramped - I wonder if there are any plans to extend ? The outdoor naturally heated pool a delight - our first experience of this which we thoroughly appreciated. Again everyone around the pool were friendly and encouraging. But oh dear …. The hotel buildings themselves need millions investing in them to bring them up to scratch as a spa venue … and I suppose the money just isn’t there, which is such a shame - as in its prime I bet it was a real destination venue. So go - enjoy it for what it is. Laugh at mismatched head boards, bolt on wardrobes, out of date signage in bathrooms, skew pictures and mirrors, radiators hanging off walls, rotten wood, peeling paint. If someone has spare millions - please invest in this place 😉
4/554 評價
Breakfast is not really included as such. Only the continental buffet. This is cereal, fruits, cereal bars, baked items and a large selection of cakes, including mince pies, which was odd for breakfast. The hot breakfast requires a surcharge to be paid, something I’ve never experienced before. The full English would be best described as part English breakfast, with no sausages, tomatoes, or mushrooms included which is a bit of an insult when you’re paying a surcharge. I can’t fault the service, or anything else, but this felt a bit naughty to be doing.
4.1/542 評價
我在這家酒店度過了一段美好的時光。位置就在克倫福德市中心。 這些食物確實很好,而且供應的很豐盛. 一進酒店就忍不住被迷住了,我覺得房間是典型的英國風格。 牀鋪的柔軟程度令人難以置信,而且做工精良. 徒步走了一整天,這真的很不錯。 酒店是19世紀的賓館,所以有歷史的感覺。我喜歡。 一句話:完美。
4.3/542 評價
Would definitely recommend this very clean and friendly hotel especially if you like cricket obviously the view of the ground is superb also we had left are charger at previous travelodge in Stafford and Gemma was able to help with a temporary charger and organised the charger to be kept for us to retrieve from Stafford ,Gemma fantastic customer service
4.3/564 評價
週末在女王的頭酒店呆了,因爲參加了在布克斯頓歌劇院舉行的音樂會。 我們照顧得很好,工作人員非常友好和樂於助人。住宿很乾淨,熱情和熱情。 雖然沒有內部停車場,但市場地方只有幾分鐘的步行路程,很容易進入。 感謝您的愉快住宿。
4/556 評價
3.3/544 評價
首先,這已經不是Premier Inn了,而是OYO Tyger Inn了。這是我第二次入住這家酒店。房間很大,很舒服,溫馨,很乾淨。停車場很大,wifi足以在我的平板電腦上播放電視畫面。房間裏電視機的圖片很好。如果您願意,您可以儘早在下午2點入住。的確,浴室裏有一些出色的裝飾工作(16室),但每晚40英鎊,我的停留代表了出色的錢,當我回到這個地區時,我將再次尋找新的書籍。
4.1/5101 評價
Just back from a 2 night stay at this hotel. Arrived around 6pm on the Friday evening. Quick check-in - nice clean room on the second floor. About 5 minutes walk from Derby station. Breakfast was the usual buffet but it was topped up at regular intervals - nice and hot and set us up for the day. Would happily use again in the future.


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平均價格 (週末)€151
平均價格 (平日)€136