查看我們在馬特洛克的頂級評價 3星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


3.6/5103 評價
The hotel is ideally situated outside hustle and bustle of Matlock Spa. The food was absolutely delicious - well done chef and kitchen crew. The attentiveness and friendliness of the staff was excellent - we were made very comfortable and welcome. The massage my husband and I had was of very high quality and much needed. The spa area is very small and cramped - I wonder if there are any plans to extend ? The outdoor naturally heated pool a delight - our first experience of this which we thoroughly appreciated. Again everyone around the pool were friendly and encouraging. But oh dear …. The hotel buildings themselves need millions investing in them to bring them up to scratch as a spa venue … and I suppose the money just isn’t there, which is such a shame - as in its prime I bet it was a real destination venue. So go - enjoy it for what it is. Laugh at mismatched head boards, bolt on wardrobes, out of date signage in bathrooms, skew pictures and mirrors, radiators hanging off walls, rotten wood, peeling paint. If someone has spare millions - please invest in this place 😉
4/568 評價
Blood on the bedsheet, safety light in the room on all night! Awful, we paid £148 for one night and on reporting the issues with the room to reception we were offered a complimentary coffee!! Unfortunately a coffee doesn’t come close to compensating us for a poor sleep on bloody bedsheets!!! Had we have not paid in advance I certainly wouldn’t have paid in full! Disgraceful.
4.1/542 評價
我在這家酒店度過了一段美好的時光。位置就在克倫福德市中心。 這些食物確實很好,而且供應的很豐盛. 一進酒店就忍不住被迷住了,我覺得房間是典型的英國風格。 牀鋪的柔軟程度令人難以置信,而且做工精良. 徒步走了一整天,這真的很不錯。 酒店是19世紀的賓館,所以有歷史的感覺。我喜歡。 一句話:完美。
3.8/543 評價
他們的酒吧和餐廳非常有氣氛。 環境也不錯


  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間熱門的 3飯店?

    不論您到馬特洛克商務出差或悠閒度假,新浴飯店家譜飯店灰狗飯店 都是熱門飯店。

  • 在馬特洛克的 3飯店平均價格約多少?

    對於馬特洛克的 3飯店,平日均價大致落在 NT$5,145,而週末 (週五到六) 均價大致落在 NT$5,561。

  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店提供泳池?

    在馬特洛克有多間 3飯店提供泳池。新浴飯店 是熱門飯店。

  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店提供酒吧?

    在馬特洛克有多間 3飯店提供酒吧。新浴飯店家譜飯店灰狗飯店 都是熱門飯店。

  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店提供早餐?

    新浴飯店家譜飯店灰狗飯店 提供美味早餐。就用豐盛早餐啟動當天的精彩行程!

  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店提供 Spa 服務?

    要到 Spa 好好放鬆一下嗎?在馬特洛克的 3飯店之間,新浴飯店 是熱門飯店。

  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店提供機場接駁服務?

    對馬特洛克不怎麼熟嗎?新浴飯店 提供機場接駁服務。

  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

    網際網路連線已經是旅行的必備條件。新浴飯店家譜飯店灰狗飯店 都是提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

  • 在馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店坐擁無敵海景?

    惠靈頓公爵飯店 可以攜帶寵物。帶著家裡的寶貝毛孩子一同出遊吧!

  • 馬特洛克有哪幾間 3飯店提供優惠?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供 3飯店的多樣優惠及折扣。您可以到 優惠活動頁面查看 Trip.com 提供的絕佳優惠。


平均價格 (平日)NT$5,145
平均價格 (週末)NT$5,561