
4.4/5132 評價
我們在畢爾巴美居酒店住了4晚,非常受歡迎,我們在7樓的“特權”房間非常寬敞,有一個非常舒適的特大號牀,一個大衣櫥,有吊架和架子空間,還有一個很大的保險箱。有一個迷你吧,裏面有免費的水2靜止和1個閃閃發光的,2杯啤酒和2杯可口可樂,每天都有補充。有咖啡機。良好的可控空調。浴室有一個大型的步行淋浴。附近有一個夜總會,所以晚上會有一些噪音,所以如果你是一個輕睡的人,你應該要求一個安靜的房間。完美的位置-酒店步行15分鐘即可到達古根海姆博物館,距離新舊城鎮中心步行10分鐘左右,在主街道上步行10分鐘左右即可到達Corte Ingles,酒店只需幾分鐘從河邊走。大堂酒吧很棒,工作人員很愉快,樂於助人,價格也很合理–坐在外面喝杯葡萄酒真是可愛。從機場A3247巴士站很容易到達,從機場出發的旅程大約20分鐘。很棒的員工我們遇到的所有員工都很樂於助人。接待在3樓。早餐在4樓,有很好的咖啡機和很棒的新鮮橙汁機。感謝所有的餐廳和酒吧工作人員,特別是經理和佩德羅。客房清潔效率很高,一切都一塵不染。畢爾巴有那麼多很棒的餐廳和酒吧,供應美味的食物–我們很幸運能夠來到畢爾巴參加這個節日的開始,我們真的很享受週六晚上令人驚歎的煙火表演。我們已經期待着回到畢爾巴和畢爾巴美爵酒店。
4.2/579 評價
all services Bar, restaurant, room service was not available during my stay due to a strike, which the management was aware well in advance. Full price charged for the room, no refund provided for poor services. The above services were heavily advertised on the web and int he hotel application, without any comment on non-availability. This is a consumer misleading and as such against the consumer protection law in EU.
4.4/5107 評價
4.5/565 評價
Good parts: Room: We stayed in Junior Suite for 4 nights – a bedroom with a separate sitting room with a forest view. It is large, and well appointed, as one would expect from ‘Small Luxury Hotels of the World’ Breakfast : Good breakfast spread with choices of fruit, pintxos, cheeses, yoghurt, tea and coffee. We stayed for 4 days and the choices of food were repetitive Areas that could be improved: - Housekeeping service: We stayed 4 nights and returned to the room every day to find essentials that were amiss. Our complimentary Nespresso pods, tea bags, water bottle, small toiletries (shampoo, shower gel, etc.), and toilet rolls not been replenished. The coffee cups and glasses were not replaced with new ones – we washed it to use so no problem but it is a common expectation that all amenities and complimentary refreshments as well as clean cups and glasses to be replaced in a hotel unless you stayed in an Airbnb to which housekeeping service is not included in the price, hence cheaper. - It has to be said we either went to the reception to ask what we really can’t do without ie water or coffee pod, and the receptionists were every time helpful. One time as we were already in the shower, the receptionist came to the door to replenish all the amenities which were not replenished. This was the first time we stayed in a hotel which is a member of Luxury Hotel but the housekeeping service was so erratic. - Breakfast – a bit lack of staff, hosts were doing their best but sometimes they missed out on some guests by not offering them a menu. Also, the breakfast during weekdays perhaps finishes too early ie 10 am as you are on holiday, it would be nice to extend it to 10.30-11 am. - Mattress was far too soft, and the bed was squeaky. Location: the hotel is situated further away from the old town and it needs a car to drive in. It is in the business park and on the hill overlooking a small wood. It is a bonus to hear birdsongs. Cleaning & housekeeping service is subpar and should be improved.
4.2/5111 評價
4.3/5107 評價
4.6/541 評價
4.2/565 評價
4.3/566 評價
Visited here last month and just wanted to state how good the hotel was and more importantly, we couldn’t speak highly enough of the staff. The town is less than 10 minutes walk from the hotel - the route is fairly steep but manageable. Would not hesitate to use this hotel for our base once again. Good breakfast for a reasonable price and also free parking which comes in handy.
4.3/556 評價


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平均價格 (平日)NT$10,439
平均價格 (週末)NT$10,341