









3.8/576 評價


BED BUGS WARNING !!! BEDBUGS The Hotel Ibis Hotel Budget Strasbourg Centre is conveniently located a short walk from the impressive Strasbourg train station. We arrived in the evening, and booked an affordable room from the street in front of the hotel (I think we might have even used their wi-fi). It seemed like a clean and affordable hotel with convenient nearby parking for our short road trip through the beautiful German and French countryside. When we got into the room, we quickly noticed a small bed bug trapped in a water glass of all places. While I am fine with budget hotels and basic amenities, I don’t have patience for bedbugs. IFKYK, these pesky insects can take weeks to get rid of, and one small egg or bug can cause a whole house infestation. Since we were only in the hotel room for less than 3 minutes and only booked the room a few moments before, we thought we could easily get a refund and just part ways. The hotel wouldn’t be out any money as they didn’t hold a reservation until we arrived, and the room was literally empty just before we arrived. WRONG. When we discreetly told the friendly receptionist about the bedbug, he wasn’t shocked or surprised at all, which was the first red flag. He let us know that he wasn’t authorized to refund the charge, and would need approval from his Manager who would be at the desk in the morning and could email us with an update. PERFECT, except that never happened. We didn’t receive an email, and after emailing the hotel numerous times, we were ignored, brushed off, discredited, and ultimately denied a refund based on a variety of irrelevant excuses. After many back and forth emails, we didn’t get anywhere or resolve anything, which we thought was a shame for such a reasonable concern and simple solution. SUMMARY: Great location and cheap price but be warned if you want to spend the whole night itching and scratching thinking about bedbugs, or deal with treating all your clothes on high heat and spraying your home with nasty chemicals when you return home, you get what you pay for here. A very disappointing end to an overall fabulous trip. Happy travelling!











4/554 評價


Easy budget ? 179 euro e' un easy budget ? 1 singola con colazione. Ponte dell'immacolata 2023 PRENOTATO CON *********** .Camere piccolissime allestite minimal, se fossimo stati in 2 o passava 1 persona o l'altra ai piedi del letto, oltre a 2 appendini per cappotti dove scivolava tutto ad ogni passata. ( Ridicole le mensole sopra tv e anche l'altra al posto dell' armadio : chi e' basso di statura come ci arriva ? ). NO ARMADI. L'ARCHITETTO O DESIGNER VERAMENTE PRIVO DI ”REALISMO ” SOLO APPARENZA DI DESIGN , POI TUTTO VERAMENTE SCOMODO . Niente asciugamano grande per doccia. Dispenser sapone liquido per tutto. Finestra solo basculante inapribile. Nessuna possibilita' di parcheggio neanche a pagamento. Al telefono non rispondevano piu' prima di arrivare per chiedere informazione. La mattina della partenza con tantissime persone non c'era nessun receptionist 9 12 2023. Allarme che suonava nei corridoi alle 8. Il giorno prima donne di menage che bussavano alle 8. La ragazza che mi ha ricevuto molto gentile e super disponibile ( provvista di cell e pc : no vera reception ) : welcome drink ( the e Saint Nicholas chocolate ) mi ha aiutato con valigie. Il riscaldamento non puo' essere regolato dal cliente al di fuori dei loro orari programmati. No minibar ne cassaforte Ad 1 km e piu' dall'inizio del centro in via anonima senza nulla come ristoranti ecc. Un supermercato dietro l'angolo. Nessun bar fuori per la colazione. Comunque colazione ok che ti sprepari da solo : per le mie esigenze va anche bene, ma per chi ama colazioni abbondanti : proprio basic. Stanno ristrutturando un palazzo nella parte interna del cortile cosi' anche di sabato operai che lavorano. E' la seconda esperienza di un ibis easy budget ( l'altro a Londra ) Hanno personale giovane molto disponibile e gentile ma loro risicano sui costi su tutto ( 2 asciugamanini per faccia, neanche 1 grande per corpo ) ...figuriamoci minibar ..non se ne parla . La camera e pulita e moderna . Cioe' tutto politically correct ma danno poco per quanto chiedono come tariffa.
斯特拉斯堡Residence Inn 飯店
4.5/538 評價

斯特拉斯堡Residence Inn 飯店

從義大利回程時,我們在 Residence Inn 酒店預訂了 2 晚。這間服務式公寓式飯店及其姊妹飯店萬豪 AC 飯店位於史特拉斯堡蓬勃發展的歐洲區的一棟全新建築內。兩棟房屋均設有 Pradus 地下停車場,為飯店客人提供每天 5 歐元的折扣(在接待處換票),並且還設有通往酒店樓層的無障礙電梯。我們選擇Residence Inn酒店是因為它的價格非常合理,包括早餐,並且在L'Archipel美食餐廳可以享受20%的折扣。整個房子有兩個品牌都是全新的,房間配備了最新的飯店設施。萬豪酒店床舖的品質和 AC 酒店提供的優質早餐(總是包括切好的 IBERICO S*****en),是除了位置之外,選擇這家酒店的其他原因。我們可以輕鬆地開車前往阿爾薩斯葡萄酒村遊覽。歐洲區,包括參觀議會,都可以步行探索。注意:對於斯特拉斯堡和科爾馬,自 2023 年初以來,德國汽車也需要貼有 Critair 環保標籤。它可以輕鬆地在網上訂購,並且需要支付 5 歐元的手續費——違規的費用會高得多。如果您想遊覽市中心,那裡停車困難且價格昂貴,我們建議您乘坐現代有軌電車,從酒店到市中心需要整整 10 分鐘。我們在Residence Inn酒店睡得非常安靜,睡得很好——窗戶的隔音效果非常好。位於 9 樓的兩棟房屋均提供美味的自助早餐。工作人員很年輕,而且非常樂於助人——早餐的特殊要求甚至在第二天就得到了滿足,而無需詢問。唯一的批評點是:當你坐在辦公桌前時,房間裡的空調特別吹在你的脖子和背部上——但可以把它關掉。結論:位於歐洲區的現代化中檔飯店,同樣適合商務和休閒客人。您可以選擇飯店式公寓或 AC 飯店的四星級客房。



4.2/575 評價





4.4/5105 評價
美麗的酒店,設有很棒的葡萄酒酒吧,方便地位於“Grande-le”的邊緣。步行3分鐘可到達Place Kleber,步行約10分鐘可到達大教堂。附近有很多餐館。綜合歐式早餐。在附近的“Indigo Kléber”(位於何姆德費爾廣場)停車,你會獲得很大的折扣。所以先把車停在停車場,把車票交給旅館的接待員,他就會分發一張折扣票(大約50%)。房間分兩類:面向後院:非常非常。臨街:非常吵,一整晚。我們很幸運住在一個相當的房間。然而,我們的朋友卻在臨街的一個房間度過了一個非常吵鬧的夜晚。和許多其他酒店一樣:沒有電源插座供您充電你得爬到地板上,從不需要的東西里拿出電源線,讓你的齒輪充電。
3.9/559 評價
3.8/546 評價
這個地方全都與位置有關。到斯特拉斯堡舊城區的小法蘭西(Petit France)地區步行衹需10分鐘,酒店內設有停車場和相當便宜的客房,是飛行前往這座美麗城市的理想之地。但是,我在宜必思的一些酒店住過,我對房間這麼小,尤其是衛生間這麼小感到震驚。我實際上在飛機廁所裏有更多空間!不可能直坐在馬桶上(您必須稍微坐到一側),即使那樣,廁紙也確實在您的臉上。我估計浴室的寬度可能是1米,所以站在洗手盆旁意味着您的背部被掛在身後牆上的毛巾所刷。此外,空調衹會產生熱量(Reception的查詢告訴我,該系統要麼為每個人產生熱空氣,要麼為每個人產生冷空氣,但是您無法選擇進入房間的溫度。結果,房間非常熱。使睡眠困難。 作為一個便宜的,地理位置優越的基地,您可以在此斯特拉斯堡住一晚,值得一試,但是如果您的房價超出平均水平,甚至不用考慮!
4.1/566 評價
Old 4 stars hotel. Un unpolite concierge at the entrance. They shout at you if you don't wear the mask when the cleaning lady don't use it or wear it under her chin. I saw her two days in a row in the corridor. Old and ruined carpet in the room.
3.4/536 評價
Seul point positif de cet hôtel : un accueil très sympathique aussi bien le jour que la nuit. Sinon : Chambres vieillottes, sans double vitrage alors que situé contre une rocade. Évitez les chambres finissant par 13 à 17. La serrure électronique de ma chambre ne fonctionnant pas, malgré un signalement fait, n’a jamais été réparée. Il a fallu qu’à chaque fois la personne de la réception vienne m’ouvrir avec sa clé. Pratique… Certains oreillers et matelas sont complètement défoncés. L’état des meubles n’est visiblement pas une priorité. Des collègues ont eu des cafards dans leur chambre, certains ont éprouvé d’immense difficultés à passer du mode « robinet » au mode « douche » via le sélecteur qu’il fallait soulever. Il y a même eu une chambre avec impossibilité de passer en mode douche. Pas très sympa quand on rentre d’une immense journée de travail à minuit. Mes WC étaient sales (cf. photo) et l’attache de la lunette des toilettes était cassée. Quant au petit-déjeuner, c’est minimaliste et de qualité assez moyenne. J’ai eu de la chance d’avoir des baguettes le premier matin, puis seulement des tout petits pains décongelés les deux suivant (à 8h du matin). Un seul choix de thé : du Lipton jaune bas de gamme. Enfin, c’est peu plaisant d’être réveillé dès potron-minet par l’équipe de jardiniers faisant usage avec force de leurs outils bruyants tels que coupe-haie, souffleur et autre tondeuse.
4.6/582 評價
自駕遊人士可以先send email去酒店 然後跟着資料駛向酒店。比較麻煩。亦可以給$30euro代客泊車。酒店本身很漂亮華麗,早餐好吃,拍照地方也很多。



最高價格NZD 1,237
最低價格NZD 92
平均價格 (平日)NZD 277
平均價格 (週末)NZD 293