





4/5121 評價


朋友給我安利了大名鼎鼎的Xcaret水上樂園,聖誕節的酒店價格貴得離譜,尤其是Xcaret旗下的酒店,所以這次除了住這家Xcaret Mexico(下稱X)以外,另一家是中國遊客不太多的Iberostar Quetzal (下稱Q)。Q酒店的價格不到X酒店的一半(當然X酒店包含了遊樂園門票,值不值自己算)。相對於國人如雷貫耳、硬件設施、風景更勝一籌的X,我更推薦Q 環境: X酒店就是國人熟悉的五星級酒店,房間大,設施新,硬件沒得説。沙灘很有特色,有種阿凡達懸浮山的感覺,海灘一多半是礁石,一小段沙灘,水質超好。X是花園,Q是叢林。 餐飲服務: 如果衹住了X酒店一家,我可能會覺得還不錯,可惜我住了Q酒店。相比之下Q酒店有種賓至如歸的感覺,服務員更開心隨和,酒水敞開了喝,自助餐新鮮花樣多、基本不用等位,聖誕那天大龍蝦、生蠔暢吃,一點不帶吝嗇的。相比之下,X酒店的服務員都是一副公事公辦的感覺,自助餐人不多也要等位,看着地方大其實吃喝花樣少。 還預約了Xin Gao日式餐,期望值別太高,娃點了個前菜是什麼什麼rice,上來的是一碗白花花的米飯!我點個刺身,沒上芥末,服務員説不好意思,今天沒有芥末了,給您泡薑片是替代芥末的 活動: 去Xcaret旗下的樂園非常方便,20分鐘一班。酒店有免費送機,需提前一天預約
4.9/556 評價


Our family recently stayed for one week at Rosewood Mayakoba. We went for Thanksgiving week and there were lots of festive theme dinners with delicious food and music. The service by the staff was exceptional- some of the best I have ever experienced in all my years of travelling. ( Including reception, concierge, waiters at restaurants, pool and beach attendants). It is an gated community with lush landscaping , lagoons and a beach. The setting is truly magical. Be sure to take the boat ride offered by the hotel that goes through the resort. My grandchildren loved the resort including the bicycles provided to all the guests, the complimentary beach equipment including a sail boat. The 1.5 hour snorkel trip was great too. We ate at all our meals at the hotel and Zapote was our favorite. Look into the meal plan that is not advertised but is reasonably priced. My son and his wife did the community dinner and said it was a highlight. At the beach and pools the staff come around with treats all day long. The snowballs are great too! The suites are fabulous and large with luxurious bedding. Housekeeping cleaned our suite to perfection 2x a day. There is a great spa with a sauna and steam area and a beautiful adult pool at the spa. Rosewood Mayakoba does everything first class! I want to thank our amazing butler- Gerry. He provided us with great service during our stay and had the best attitude. Be sure to download the app- to contact the butler. He will respond immediately. Thank you also to Susana Palacios/ Concierge- for your great communication in planning our trip. Also to Jorge Garcia- Reservations Agent- for being so kind to us. It was a pleasure meeting the Rooms Director- Alberto. Thank you for the beach bags. A resort that is that special does not just happen without the leadership of the General Manager- Daniel Scott and the Resort Manager- Christian. They are always present and very engaging with the guests. I loved talking with both of them. There is a reason Rosewood Mayakoba is rated 5 stars by Forbes Travel Guide. They have also won numerous awards including Travel and Leisure Worlds’ Best. Our whole family enjoyed our week at Mayakoba and look forward to coming back.





3.9/535 評價


它不是所有的包容性,大多數的度假村聞起來像污水!海灘上的任何東西都很可能你必須付錢(豪華的牀,食物),甚至海灘邊的游泳池,海灘上免費的椅子,你需要支付和預訂附近的窮人。不含,冰淇淋...不含,spa...不含 大部分工作人員不知道度假村發生的/方式的事情。送毛巾的傢伙不知道,很驚訝椅子需要付費,在海灘附近的游泳池周圍保留。工人們給人的印象是,這家布拉薩尼餐廳/自助餐僅預訂,但當我們去那裏時,他們讓我們沒有問題。房間在下午三點前準備好,如果你提前幾個小時到達,他們會把你的行李放好,在你準備好的時候把行李送到他們面前。(建議預訂晚些時候的航班,這樣您在3)我們很喜歡房間,而且DID每天都在服務,我唯一的問題是浴室的設計。別墅的淋浴設計使它會泄漏到走廊。浴室/廁所裏裂開,這樣你就可以進去了。不是真正可以游泳/深海的毛/淺灘,加上游泳池,它們都是5英尺深和溫暖的小貼士,可以生存下來。如果你們中的一個人不在房間,請不要關上陽台上的大玻璃門,否則你將會被鎖在外面,需要招搖員工來讓你回來。2.如果錢用光了,使用自動取款機要收你30美元。3.猴子會偷你的物品,如果它們沒有固定在你身上。當把東西扔進垃圾桶時要小心,以防裏面有負鼠。4.不要刷牙/沖洗牙刷時,房間裏有水槽,它有氣味。不要吃生菜,否則接下來的幾周你都會因爲胃痛和持續的衛生間訪問而度過。...你會(見下面的故事)我們通過AirTransat/a工人Dhyada預訂了幾次遠足,她非常愉快,回答了我們的問題...,所以我們想。我們第一次遠足是浮潛,參觀了德穆傑雷斯島。達達提到我們需要10美元的旅費(她沒有提到世衛組織給的)我們不太精通旅行,所以我們給了巴士司機,他把它作爲小費保存下來。當我們到達碼頭離開時,我們沒有任何美元,因爲代理人說我們只需要它作爲紀念品等。當我們到達島上(沒有任何現金/卡)時,浴室裏到處都是錢,陰涼處的任何地方都是錢,酒吧裏的水都是錢。如果我們知道我們會帶一些,但我們卻相信並非如此。我們試圖懇求大篷車把我們帶回來,我們不想在沒有水的烈日下呆上3個小時。但他們堅持



Residence Inn Playa del Carmen
4.2/5115 評價

Residence Inn Playa del Carmen

I don’t even know where to start. Residence Inn at Marriot Playa Del Carmen has to be on of my pleasant hotel experiences ever. Starting from the positive vibe you feel as soon as you enter the premises all the way to when you checkout, they make you feel like a truly valued guest. Staff Everyone keeps smiling at you and they always try their best to accommodate your requests. Willy(security) was always there to assist whenever we arrived at the hotel. He was very professional and knowledgeable of the area, so he could put you on the right track regardless of which destination you were trying to get to. Gabriela (front desk) was super pleasant to work with during our check-in, when we had to extend our stay and every others time we had to request assistance from her. She always had a smile on her face and truly made us feel welcome. Cleanness The hotel appears to be brand new, with modern amenities and great décor. They keep all the common areas squeaky clean. I had to work from my room, so oftentimes when Domingo and Paulina came by to clean the room, I was in the middle of a meeting, but they never gave up on me and kept coming back until they made sure my room was clean on daily basis. Amenities Considering it is a hotel, they have an amazing gym and rooftop pool. I was hesitant about working out there at first when I made a reservation, but after seeing the equipment, size and clean environment they have at the gym, I actually looked forward to working out in the mornings. Food They serve decent breakfast(included) in the mornings between 7 to 10 am. They also have a specious dining area, so you will never have an issue finding a table. Waiters are also amazing, they try everything they can to make sure you have a pleasant dining experience. Thank you for an amazing experience, we will be back!






Sky Blue Spa


Nuestra Senora del Carmen Catholic Church


The Union



4.2/5101 評價
3.6/5107 評價
Hotel excelentemente ubicado , a media cuadra de la 5 Avenida.Recepcionistas muy agradables , con toda la onda!. Me toco una habitacion en el 4to piso enorme , muy amplia y linda , en frente a la pileta. Pero bueno.. el hotel esta en mitad de camino entre un hotel mediocre o bueno..deben decidirse... Wifi pesima , sin ascensor (3 pisos por escaleras con valijas!), puerta de habitacion sin proteccion, cortinas metalicas en mal estado, toallas terriblemente malas , deshilachadas! Desayuno !!! A media cuadra , en otro hotel, por favor ..no ofrezcan este servicio , les juega en contra ..preferimos desayunar en otro sitio...MALISIMO! No volveria!!
3.7/5102 評價
我真的很喜歡這家酒店,肯定會推薦它。它就在海灘上,餐廳大約6英尺遠,可以俯大海。從你所有的餐點來看,這是一個美妙的景色。海灘很漂亮,大海和游泳池真的很溫暖,這是一個非常放鬆的地方。海灘上沒有人賣東西給你,雖然我第一週有一些海,你可以很容易地游到它周圍,有人在清理,第二週沒有水,水完全清。如此友善和友好的工作人員使它如此偉大。不是一家巨大的酒店,意味着你可以真正瞭解他們,並且自己獨立,他們的友好意味着我不孤獨,因爲我沒有與其他客人交朋友的成功!他們都工作如此努力,令人驚歎。金髮碧眼的單身,我經常發現自己很努力,因爲我受到了男人的困擾,但是每個員工都是如此專業和禮貌,而不是一個人嘗試了它,這意味着我可以放鬆一下,享受我的假期。這是其他地方的一個很好的變化,這意味着我真的不想回家,很容易再呆兩個星期。Samira 會知道我喜歡坐在餐廳的位置,總是帶我去我最喜歡的桌子!馬克西莫會看到我走進來,留下我的咖啡,我喜歡它,或者我的午餐飲料,他記得我喜歡在我的桌子上,甚至沒有和他說話,也沒有問!它每天都會出現!我知道是他。我從來不會要求別人,因爲他會先注意到,然後帶更多的東西過來。他是個很棒的侍者他們都是這樣。(如果管理層讀到這個,他應該得到一個獎項!!)艾倫超越了他的特里普顧問的聲譽,其他在那裏工作的人,安琪爾等,同時製作了許多飲料,工作如此努力。服務員艾倫也如此善良和美妙。當我晚上在餐館裏哭的時候,我遇到了一個巨大的恐懼症,佩德羅和約尼是如此的甜蜜和善良,不停地給我帶來飲料,檢查我是否沒事。他們每晚都對我如此的棒和友善。在商店工作的洛雷娜是如此可愛和友好,並且有很好的幽默感。海灘組織和銷售旅遊的2個人安東尼奧·馬爾克斯和卡洛斯每天都對我如此熱情和友好。他們有很好的高質量旅遊選擇,價格真的很有競爭力。他們是如此可靠和友善。我強烈建議在預訂其他地方的旅行之前與他們交談,看看他們有什麼可以提供的,這可能會更昂貴。告訴他們我送你去了!!附近有很多很棒的旅行和參觀的地方。他們很棒,知識淵博,給了我一些好的建議。我錯過了每天和他們聊天!我的房間很大,也許是一個角落的房間。傢俱並不新,但有很多東西,所以儲存了很多東西
3.5/544 評價
位置不錯。酒店需要裝修。 如果你不想花太多錢,這應該是一個選擇。沒有冰箱。只是必需品,牀和浴室。
4.3/5103 評價
海河天堂艾貝索 - 限成人- 全包式
3.8/5101 評價
From start to finish, the experience at Ocean Riviera Paradise El Beso was simply outstanding. The resort itself is beautiful, with immaculately maintained grounds. But what really stood out to me was the exceptional service provided by the employees, particularly Miroslava, Rafael, Timu, Jorge (from the trolly), Mijael (bartender), and Francisco!! As mentioned, the employees at Ocean Riviera Paradise El Beso that truly make the resort stand out and made our time there absolutely AMAZING are Miroslava, Rafael, Timu, Jorge (from the trolly), Mijael (bartender), and Francisco! Here are some more positives about their exceptional service: * They are incredibly knowledgeable about the resort and the surrounding area. They were always happy to provide recommendations for activities, restaurants, and local attractions, and they seemed genuinely invested in ensuring that we had a wonderful time! * They were dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that we felt valued and appreciated. They clearly take pride in their work and went out of their way to make sure that every guest had a personalized and memorable experience. * They are warm, friendly, and approachable. They are always available to answer questions or offer assistance, but never intrusive or pushy. * They are professional, and they take their jobs very seriously. They are punctual, reliable, and always strived to exceed guest expectations. Overall, these employees at Ocean Riviera Paradise El Beso are truly exceptional. Their dedication to providing outstanding service and ensuring that guests have a wonderful time is evident in everything they do. I can't speak highly enough of them and their commitment to making the resort a truly special place. Please do ensure this feedback is shared with them all. THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME TIME GUYS!!! You made the trip super awesome and we are super grateful to have met you all. - Adrian (NYC)



最高價格TWD 105,660
最低價格TWD 917
平均價格 (平日)TWD 11,529
平均價格 (週末)TWD 13,220