旅客若想住在清邁的昌普·老城北邊,那麼清邁標誌公園飯店 (SHA Extra Plus)將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Into The Wild Elephant Camp、清邁清真寺和乾帕門均可步行很短距離到達。飯店提供健身室,旅客可以在這裡舒緩身心壓力。提供乾洗服務,為您的旅途省心。飯店顧客可以額外使用免費停車場。
蘭納花園度假(SHA Extra Plus)隸屬於雲南安隱飯店管理有限公司,是集度假、當地生活,美麗住宿、旅行為一體的度假美宿系列,建築風格源於泰國本土文化,蘭納花園度假(SHA Extra Plus)純手工壁畫客房能夠讓您更好感受當地文化和異域風情。還有11間裝修各異主題房則是給大家耳目一新的感覺,設施用品小到電器開關均為高端品牌。安隱有別於常規度假飯店標準模式化的經營理念。在您預訂安隱開始,我們將會提前聯繫到您,告知您當地的天氣、出行的衣著、以及需要注意的事項,讓您安心到達。我們希望您能夠和我們一起忘卻工作、生活的煩惱,在清邁尋找一份安隱的生活,體驗最清邁的人文風情,讓旅行,更有樂趣。或許您會因為來到異國旅行的語言、文化、安全問題困擾,選擇安隱您便可以放心,我們將全程為您提供中、英、泰等多種語言服務,提供最當地的體驗玩法,以及解決您出行遊玩的各類障礙。店內配備超大露天泳池和花園、咖啡廳、地道泰餐廚師、在您結束一天的遊玩後可以盡情享受清邁的愜意時光。
清邁99號畫廊飯店 (Sha Extra Plus)坐落於清邁市中心,距離清邁夜市(Chiang Mai Night Bazaar)和塔佩門(Tha Pae Gate)均只有5分鐘的車程,距離清邁國際機場約15分鐘的車程。飯店地理位置優越,享有得天獨厚的便利交通條件,讓您的出行更為輕鬆。飯店共擁有53間典雅的客房,均配備了空調、冰箱、帶有線頻道的平面電視等盡善盡美的配套設施,旨在為您締造像家一樣的感覺。飯店全面覆蓋免費無線網絡連接,設有1個室外游泳池和24小時服務的櫃檯,能滿足您住宿期間的一切需求。此外,飯店距離附近的熱門餐館和酒吧只有很短的步行路程,您可以隨時前往,品嚐地道的泰北美食。清邁99號畫廊飯店 (Sha Extra Plus)不僅僅是一家飯店,更像是一個舒適愜意的泰式之家。無論您需要的是一次放鬆的旅行、一個閤家歡假日、一次文化之旅,還是一段環保的短途之行,這裡都會是您不容錯過的選擇。
Great location, great facilities, large rooms, great service.. After sleeping on a roller bed and a train having a real bed each was absolutely bliss, staff organised a taxi to pick us up in the evening for the Night Markets and everything else you could want or need was within an 10min walk in all directions.. We totally loved our time here.. thank you 99 Gallery
Beautiful and charming small hotel run by a friendly and helpful family. Included airport pick up. Rooms and cafe are decorated with local textiles. Coffee and croissants are delicious!! Owners gave lots of info about local transport and even accompanied me to a sporting event. Quiet street but east access to sites of interest.
訪訪客We stayed at this hotel for six nights. It’s in a good location within the old city. Our room was clean, quiet and comfortable. We did not hear any street noise at night. Our package included breakfast which was a good option. Breakfast included a choice of hot dishes, cereals, yogurt, fruit, toast, croissants, juice, coffee and tea. The pool was refreshingly cool and there is a small cafe/bar next to the pool. The staff were somewhat friendly although there was one front desk fellow who seemed a little aloof. I think perhaps their spoken English isn’t very strong which might be the reason for this. The woman in the lobby who did the tour bookings was very friendly and helpful. There is a security guard outside. Overall, a good little hotel and gave it four stars. (I only give 5 stars if there is something really outstanding such as exceptional service above and beyond.) We would stay here again if the opportunity arose.