







4.3/5114 評價


波恩區 巴塞隆納|距離摩雷雷斯之墓0.17km
I've stayed with this hotel for a number of times now, I would think about 7 times also before covid. The company I work for has also sent quite a few others to this hotel over the years. After this last visit I can say that it will probably not be the case anymore. To be honest, I felt like I was annoying the staff at the reception, it was always with a quick, condescending way that I was given answers. Like I was getting on their nerves. I paid almost 1.100 Euro to stay 1 week. In that time, the phone was broke, my door would not shut properly without slamming it, the room STANK !!! of sewage (I was told because of the pool filter or something and I was directly next to the pool basically in room 721 - the cleaning lady spoke no english so that's the info I understood), the breakfast was not to great standards; never was there bacon, the boiled eggs cold. The coffee machine broke, so the waitress was so angry that she was slamming chairs and saying angry stuff in spanish loudly about how management never takes care of the machine; she dropped all kinds of glasses and plates in the kitchen; then the cook came out and looked at me and rolled his eyes and shrugged (how do people in service actually work like this???) . It was unrelaxing and not worth the price at all. The only helpful and sincere person I met there was the girl at the reception who always asked how my day was, and also the room cleaning lady (the elder one with glasses). I was not even offered ANYTHING in response to having to sleep in a stinking room with no phone. I thought maybe someone would say to me ”sorry about all the inconvenience, have a wine on us” but not even that!! Only the next day I was asked if I wanted to move (I declined only because I was traveling to Valencia for 3 days on that day and I was told that afterwards it would be fixed so I didn't want to move if it would be fixed. But when I came back, only the phone was fixed - the smell was still there and the door I still had to slam). Also, my credit card was charged for a night on the first day of my stay, even tho my company pre-paid the whole stay in advance and it was confirmed. I had to wait several days before it was booked back to my account. At the checkout I was not asked once how my stay was. I would have otherwise told the guy there directly. But maybe he knew I would say something and chose not to ask anything. He was the most condescending of them all anyway. He never freely said Hello or Good bye. Only interested in himself. Horrible person and not sure how he can work in service! When he reads this he will know who I am, for sure. I did not have a welcoming or pleasant stay there this time and next time I and my company will choose another hotel for this or any other stays. If you feel too secure and think you have enough guests, then think again. Covid isn't gone and one day you will be surprised how quickly guests can leave and go somewhere else. One should never feel too stable bu



4.3/5114 評價
I've stayed with this hotel for a number of times now, I would think about 7 times also before covid. The company I work for has also sent quite a few others to this hotel over the years. After this last visit I can say that it will probably not be the case anymore. To be honest, I felt like I was annoying the staff at the reception, it was always with a quick, condescending way that I was given answers. Like I was getting on their nerves. I paid almost 1.100 Euro to stay 1 week. In that time, the phone was broke, my door would not shut properly without slamming it, the room STANK !!! of sewage (I was told because of the pool filter or something and I was directly next to the pool basically in room 721 - the cleaning lady spoke no english so that's the info I understood), the breakfast was not to great standards; never was there bacon, the boiled eggs cold. The coffee machine broke, so the waitress was so angry that she was slamming chairs and saying angry stuff in spanish loudly about how management never takes care of the machine; she dropped all kinds of glasses and plates in the kitchen; then the cook came out and looked at me and rolled his eyes and shrugged (how do people in service actually work like this???) . It was unrelaxing and not worth the price at all. The only helpful and sincere person I met there was the girl at the reception who always asked how my day was, and also the room cleaning lady (the elder one with glasses). I was not even offered ANYTHING in response to having to sleep in a stinking room with no phone. I thought maybe someone would say to me ”sorry about all the inconvenience, have a wine on us” but not even that!! Only the next day I was asked if I wanted to move (I declined only because I was traveling to Valencia for 3 days on that day and I was told that afterwards it would be fixed so I didn't want to move if it would be fixed. But when I came back, only the phone was fixed - the smell was still there and the door I still had to slam). Also, my credit card was charged for a night on the first day of my stay, even tho my company pre-paid the whole stay in advance and it was confirmed. I had to wait several days before it was booked back to my account. At the checkout I was not asked once how my stay was. I would have otherwise told the guy there directly. But maybe he knew I would say something and chose not to ask anything. He was the most condescending of them all anyway. He never freely said Hello or Good bye. Only interested in himself. Horrible person and not sure how he can work in service! When he reads this he will know who I am, for sure. I did not have a welcoming or pleasant stay there this time and next time I and my company will choose another hotel for this or any other stays. If you feel too secure and think you have enough guests, then think again. Covid isn't gone and one day you will be surprised how quickly guests can leave and go somewhere else. One should never feel too stable bu
4.3/5103 評價
4.5/5114 評價
The location was excellent and I felt very safe when out for a run in the early morning. The staff were friendly and helpful. We took advantage of the hotel breakfast and it was perfectly acceptable -- nothing spectacular but no problems either. The shower in particular was a problem in that it drained poorly, was very slippery when wet (see: drained poorly), and caused a lot of flooding on the floor of the main bathroom, which increased the slippery danger. The beds were comfortable and I appreciated the staff leaving an extra pillow in the armoire if we wanted it.
3.5/536 評價
L'Hotel è situato in una zona della città ben servita e dotata di tutti i mezzi pubblici (fermata del bus e della metropolitana), inoltre la spiaggia può essere raggiunta tranquillamente a piedi. Ho da ridire sulla dimensione delle camere, in quanto in 2 persone si faceva molta fatica a muoversi e a gestire i bagagli insieme a tutto il resto. Nulla da ridire sulla pulizia, in quanto le stanze venivano pulite accuratamente, ma la cosa che ha lasciato un po' perplessi è stata la mancanza della cassaforte e del mini frigo. Va bene che sia economico per la posizione in cui si trova, però almeno un mini frigorifero per metterci 2 bottiglie di acqua o altro non deve mancare assolutamente!!!
4.1/549 評價
我的新冠病毒檢測呈陽性,飯店不願意更改日期或退還我的錢。我發送了測試報告作為證據,但情況沒有彈性。更糟的是,他們願意接待患有「輕度新冠」病例的客人。據他們說,這就是西班牙現在的法律規定,我仍然可以按照之前計劃去酒店“只要我戴上口罩並清潔雙手”......真的嗎?無論法律如何規定,我認為企業不應將客戶的健康置於危險之中,這應該是常識。令人難以置信的是,對客人缺乏責任感和關心,你應該為這樣的謊言感到羞恥!我於5月25日檢測呈陽性,並於當天透過************通知您!我的預訂是27號開始的!我有 ************ 的談話證據,你說即使感染了新冠我也可以去酒店!對客戶零尊重、對真相零承諾、對客戶健康安全零承諾……我確實很感激沒有和你們在一起。我只能想像和你在一起的經歷會有多糟糕……順便說一句,每個人都有感染新冠病毒的風險!你生活在哪個世界???
4.4/5118 評價
我們八個人去了聖誕節市場。沒有我們任何人的抱怨。工作人員真的很有幫助和友好。該酒店是中央螞蟻,工作人員幫助我們到達了我們想要去的任何地方。 早餐使我們全天都無怨無悔。房間很好。我唯一的困擾是,其他人沒有提到房間裏沒有沏茶或咖啡設施,這對4星級的酒店來說有點奇怪。











1. 聖家堂:聖家宗座聖殿暨贖罪殿,一般簡稱為聖家堂,是位於西班牙加泰隆尼亞首府巴塞隆納擴展區的一座未完工的天主教教堂,是世界上最大的未完工的天主教堂,由加泰隆尼亞建築師安東尼·高第設計。其高聳與獨特的建築設計,使得該教堂成為巴塞隆納最為人所知的觀光景點,同時也是聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的一部分。

2. 巴特羅之家:巴特羅之家是建築師安東尼·高弟同若熱普-瑪麗亞·茹若爾合作裝修改造的一座建築,以其獨特的外觀和設計而聞名。巴特羅之家有單獨的入口和樓梯體現了典型的高弟自然主義風格。高弟設計中獨具一格且不可複製的建築藝術特色,以及原汁原味的現代主義美術與工藝精品,在主廳內隨處可見。

3. 奎爾公園:奎爾公園位於巴塞隆納格拉西亞區(Gràcia)的埃爾卡梅爾(El Carmel)山上,由加泰隆尼亞建築師安東尼·高第設計,該公園建於1900年到1914年,並於1926年作為公共公園正式對外開放。1984 年,奎爾公園作為安東尼·高第作品的一部分,被聯合國教科文組織宣佈為世界遺產。

4. 米拉之家:米拉之家是加泰隆尼亞現代主義建築師安東尼·高第的代表作之一,坐落在巴塞隆納市區的Eixample擴建區、格拉西亞街(Passeig de Gràcia)上。米拉之家波浪形的外觀,是由白色的石材砌出的外牆、扭曲迴繞的鐵條、鐵板構成的欄杆和寬大的窗戶組成的,讓人盡情發揮想像力。

5. 巴塞隆納海灘:巴塞隆納海灘是巴塞隆納非常受歡迎的一塊海灘,聚集了各色酒吧和餐飲,到了夏季常常人山人海。這片海灘距離巴塞羅那市中心不遠,海鮮餐廳、酒吧、涼亭比比皆是,你可以躺在沙灘上,吹吹海風,舒服享受日光浴,餓了吃一頓海鮮大餐吧,再來個冰淇淋或是來杯啤酒更好不過了。










何塞普·塔拉德利亞斯巴塞隆納-埃爾普拉特機場(Aeropuerto Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat)是進入巴塞隆納的主要機場,提供往返西班牙國内各大城市和以歐洲及北非為主的國際航線。機場距離市中心約15公里,您可以搭乘計程車、巴士或捷運地鐵前往市中心。

此外,巴塞隆納聖徒車站(Estació de Barcelona-Sants)是西班牙巴塞隆納主要的鐵路車站。 此站是西班牙加泰隆尼亞地區最重要的交通樞紐,位於巴塞隆納市中心,與主要目的地距離均在10公里以内,您可以搭乘火車前往西班牙其他各大城市。從火車站出發,您可以搭乘計程車、巴士或捷運地鐵往來巴塞隆納的其他目的地。




