
4.6/52 評價
金伯利旅人旅館 - 青年旅舍
3.7/546 評價
需要記住,The Kimberley Travellers Lodge是一家YHA機構,通常爲揹包客提供服務。因此,此評論反映了這一狀態,而不是審查酒店/汽車旅館。抵達時的接待非常友好和信息豐富。提供的客房樸素,包含兩張舒適的單人牀,它們之間有一個櫃子。還有一個相當大的梳妝檯,提供充足的存儲機會。共用浴室面積很小,但提供了足夠的面積,以達到最低限度的要求。唯一真正的問題是,到一天結束時,它們變得雜亂無章,令人不快。用餐/休息區,雖然覆蓋,通常是一個戶外區域,爲所有居民提供足夠的座位,並有機會社交。它還包括酒吧,游泳池和酒吧-b-que區。爲希望自助餐的客人提供公共廚房,每天早上還提供非常簡單的歐式早餐。遺憾的是,我們當時在那裏,三個烤麪包機中只有一個在工作,甚至不太好。離機場很近很方便,步行十分鐘就到了。
3.9/550 評價
This hotel has the atmosphere of decline. Once a thriving resort it is now lacking customer service with the feeling that checking in is an inconvenience for the staff. Having booked a 'Poolside room'- we were placed in a room overlooking a little pool in the back of the building. The restaurant was pleasant but the menu was limited. There must be much better places to stay in Broome.
4.5/565 評價
我們很快在較低的座位區找到了可供四位成人使用的桌子,並決定在標誌性的電纜海灘旁邊共享炸魚和薯條以及一個披薩,然後到自助服務台訂購飲料和食物。我們帶着飲料回到我們的餐桌旁,等待我們點菜。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 這個地方很忙,但隨着太陽駛過天際線,人們漸漸消失了,人們逐漸疏遠了,在背景中衹能聽到漆黑的海洋。 我們注意到有幾張桌子送達,有些人已經排在我們後面,我們決定再給5分鐘。聊天和喝酒,又過了15分鐘,仍然沒有進餐。我去了自助服務台,正要問服務我的那個傢伙,我們的訂單是否已經辦理完畢,在我說他說“你的食物”之前,他走出了自助服務台,並與一名女職員和凸輪交談。回到說“她正在檢查您的訂單”,此時我還沒有機會說什麼。告訴我坐下吧,她很快就會過去。 果然在10分鐘內我們的炸魚薯條和比薩餅就到了。餓了我們說吃了,魚和薯條還可以,但毫無疑問,這是有史以來最稀的魚。麵糊和薯條都很好。披薩,教父在外觀,口味和外觀上都令人失望。尚未將比薩餅切成薄片,我們有脆弱的輕木刀叉,無法切成比薩餅,而比薩餅現在看上去比以前任何時候都沒有胃口。發現了牛排刀並切成薄片。比薩看起來令人噁心,有大量的山羊奶酪剛剛掉入比薩中間,每位同伴們在切片后決定把比薩拿回來並解釋問題。 她得到了一杯酒的補償,後來變成了兩杯,女服務員走過去與她交談之後,我們猜想這位經理看上去很悲慘。令人失望的經歷。
4.8/532 評價
The accommodation at beach bungalows was really amazing, big and spacious inside with everything you need for cooking and dining. The lounge area is very comfortable and the decked verandah area is big and spacious with big outdoor dining table, chairs, bbq and gorgeous trees and greenery surrounds it offering privacy too. The accommodation is directly across the road from a happening venue called Spinifex, great food and entertainment there and it is also directly across from cable beach. I really did enjoy my stay here! and will definitely be back.
4.4/581 評價
I really enjoyed this suite motel The staff was very helpful, especially Steve. He had great tips on the area, restaurants, and anything else I needed. He carried my bags up the stairs for me. I didn't have a view, but I didn't have to walk far. There is a freezer in the office area with wonderful ice cream bars...just the perfect dessert or lunch! Staff called taxies for me. Matso's sent over food and wine and charged them to the room bill...delivered them to the room. Bed was very comfortable. A/C worked great. Trash was picked up daily and new towels were supplied, otherwise no other maid service. Nice display of jewelry in the lobby area. Nice stay.



最高價格THB 14,740
最低價格THB 826
平均價格 (週末)THB 4,780
平均價格 (平日)THB 4,742