RRegina BayGreat place for families! Very well thought by the host. There's alot of toys for the kids to play, bottle steamers for families with young kids and the place is very very clean.
CChauOverall good value for money. My son loves the slide and playground inside the room, he had a blast and even requested to visit again. Though the location was a bit far out, there’s pretty much nothing within walking distance, luckily it was easy to grab Uber.
II Wen提早進入旅宿老闆很熱情❤️的接待我們,並且可以到8樓的遊戲室遊玩,溜滑梯、彈跳床、本來因該會有球池,但因為飯店注重衛生拿去清潔了!我覺得這樣挺好👍我們入住的是4人房面向火車站,因為火車站的正對面,所以火車路過都可以讓2個寶貝很期待,到了晚上離羅東夜市不過也才6分鐘就走到了,買了一些下酒菜,回到9樓可以邊唱歌邊吃東西,剛好他大廳也有提供一些咖啡飲料🥤共大家免費使用!