
3.6/570 評價
4.5/552 評價
首先,剛到房間housekeeper 好像敲錯門,然後在衛生間毛巾上發現一根陌生頭髮,浴衣全是線頭,泳池做的雞尾酒不好喝,比Radisson blu差遠了,賴在設備頭上,技術有待提高。樓頂的餐廳太昏暗,菜單都看不清楚。泳池邊的餐廳不錯,餐食很好,w衹是領位的姑娘好像不知道自己在做什麼,把我們領到一個沒收拾的餐桌,但其實有很多桌子空着的。再有,酒店的標識不是很清楚,碰到很多客人都在不停的找自己的房間。早餐還是OK的。整體來講,如果以四季的標準衡量,這可能是我住過最尷尬的四季酒店了。順便說一下,花園可以再打理得仔細點。
3.7/568 評價
Not my first here. Stayed here in 2022 but it was wintertime so decided to give it another try during summer season. I will try to be brief. 1. Food / buffet = Horrible - they seem to save leftovers from previous days, reheat and reserve. 2. Staff = Not the friendliest, they can become super friendly if you show cash and tip. But I would say the front desk team is nice. 3. Pool = beautiful saltwater pool but you do not get to enjoy it. It is open to the public ( non hotel guests ) for a fee of 50 Dinars so there is a crowd and not a great crowd. 4. Rooms = Good views from the room. That is it. Not so clean. There is this random weird mildew smell in the hallways that ends up making its way to the room. 5. Nightclub = STAY AWAY. High prices and horrible service. Horrible entertainment. I will never stay here again.
4.2/561 評價
我想說,如果你看過我對旅行顧問的其他評論,我非常誠實地強調殘酷,所以當我給一個地方一個好的評論時,它就贏得了它。我出差去突尼斯,訂了住宿在The Residence,因爲它離我需要的地方很近,而且評分很好。我可以說,我們被它是多麼的美好所震撼,工作人員令人驚歎,整個酒店和它很大,一塵不染。從海灘漫步過來,距離酒店只有3分鐘的路程,這裏的場地保存得很好如果我有選擇的話,我唯一會改變的是,在酒吧和餐館裏,禁菸的地方,兩者都足夠大,以至於部分可以被封鎖。在外面吃早餐,呼吸新鮮空氣,直到旁邊桌子的人點上一支菸,這真是太好了。
3.9/585 評價
Just returned from a 3 night stay at the hotel. On a positive note the restaurant was excellent very good staff and the food very good. On a negative note the house keeping needs to be improved. We had to request towels and toilet paper in the room I had to complain to the reception. I did not expect that building materials were outside our room from a hotel of this star rating..I would not stay there again. The rooms are very tired toilet roll holder broken and the towel rail on the balcony also broken .it's such a shame we went for a break but I was very disappointed


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