
4.2/555 評價
4.4/5137 評價
我1月23日星期四住了。這是我今年一月連續第三年住在您的酒店。今年的服務很棒。 Charmaine在1月23日簽到我。她熱情友好地打招呼,用真誠的哀悼向我解釋了一切,並希望協助態度。然後今天我在接待處走來走去,一位女士承認我,並在她走進辦公室時打招呼。然後有個人幫助我結帳,再次高效,友好和專業。早餐時,這位女士再次非常有幫助,並贏得了顧客的好評。哦,我把鑰匙卡放在房間裏了,再也不必麻煩了。感謝大家使我的短暫逗留如此愉快。是的,這家酒店很基本,但設置可行。更為奏效的是你們所有人提供的五星級服務,這確實是使客戶留下深刻印象的根本。謝謝 。
4.8/518 評價
4/587 評價
Went for lunch but felt it was underwhelming. Ciabatta was ok, the salad garnish with the food was just mixed lettuce leaves and a tomato. It didn't appear to be fresh, the leaves were brown, no dressing so tasteless. Noticed everyone around had left their salad. No salt and pepper and any dressing offered. Service not good, had to leave to go and put extra money in the car park. The chips arrived after we'd nearly finished the Ciabatta. Felt £4.50 for a coke was also a bit excessive.
4.1/5108 評價
回訪,可愛的得到一些工作人員的認可,他們給了我們非常熱情的歡迎。酒店很乾淨,工作人員友好,專業。食物豐富,美味,非常好呈現。非常享受我們在這裏的時光,真的希望我們能在一年晚些時候回來。感謝卡羅琳娜,你安排的所有安排都按計劃進行。謝謝kusum,當我們到達會議室時,可愛的歡迎。感謝Pradeep,Mackenzie和14 12爲我們服務的年輕女士。偉大的廚師。製作美味的食物,熱而美麗的呈現。非常感謝科洛伊,這位小姐姐超越了,只是非常細心,照顧我們非常好。
3.9/574 評價
4.4/543 評價
We stayed here for a weekend break. The initial greeting from Ash on arrival was lovely - warm and friendly. We had room 3 which is a small double with en suite. It is well furnished with 2 chairs and a reasonable view across a grassy open bank. The room was well decorated and furnished. Good quality tea/coffee in the room. The rooms are situated away from the main building so nice and quiet, apart from other guests. The full English breakfast was gorgeous - well cooked and a great start to the day. Great coffee too. Small downside - no cereal/fruit/yogurt options, although granola or krispies were available on request. Although we didn't eat in, I think it would have been a great experience. I did have a pudding on arrival on the first night - rhubarb and custard. Don't be fooled by the name. It was a confection of mousse, hidden in a glazed shell and beautifully decorated with Italian meringue. It was glorious! At night the skies around are very dark with little light pollution so beautiful views of the stars and the milky way. Service was a little slow at times but Ash works long hours and is always willing to help. Would definitely stay again.
4.7/555 評價
4.5/557 評價
Stayed at this great place over the weekend, for a surprise family event. Stunning hotel and restaurant and staff to match. Very old, so lots of history but renovated to a top standard. We had Room 16, which was fantastic. So much room, elegance and very comfortable. Felt very relaxed during our stay. We ate in the restaurant on Saturday lunch and my girlfriend and I could not recommend it enough - quality chefs. We also had the event on the Sunday lunch and everything was very very good. Philip the owner was very accommodating and helpful with requests over the Surprise event as were all the staff, didn’t get everyone’s name, but thank you to Sam, Dan and special thanks to Tyler - GM in the making!!
4.1/545 評價


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平均價格 (平日)NT$5,926
平均價格 (週末)NT$6,904