Pros: the friendly and helpful employees encountered at every turn, especially the front desk clerk at check-in on Friday evening, April 19 whose name I wish I had gotten (she and I did enjoy briefly comparing notes on our shared hometown of Danville, Virginia, in case that rings any bells for those supervisors reading this review; this clerk is a gem and deserves a raise!). Moving over to the guest room, the bed was comfortable, and the kitchenette was nicely equipped. That’s pretty much it. Cons: after bringing all of our luggage up to the room, I discovered that there was no curtain on the window except for a sheer blind through which the parking lots shone brightly. There was a curtain rod, but it was missing its curtain. (The helpful desk clerk luckily located a curtain for us to use; otherwise we would have been in a tight spot, as the hotel was fully booked such that we couldn’t have changed rooms, and the sheer blind was totally inadequate for filtering any kind of light.) Also missing from our room was the ottoman/coffee table that should have sat in front of the couch; we know this as a family member was staying in another otherwise-identical room on the same date, which we got to see, ottoman and all. Another missing item—believe it or not!—was a properly-sized comforter blanket for our room’s king-sized bed. Its comforter was at least one size too small, barely covering just the flat top of the mattress, so as we slept, one person was constantly getting uncovered as the other person turned over in bed. Where in the world could all of these items have gone, and why were they not put back in order before our room was rented, especially with no alternate rooms available?! Elsewhere in the room, on one of the bedside tables a brightly-lit digital alarm clock displayed the wrong time, and yet the mechanism for resetting the time was hidden behind a LOCKED rear panel on the clock which was labeled something on the order of “only adjustable by hotel staff.” The other bedside table’s lamp had a burned-out lightbulb. The dishwasher’s exterior was stained with something that looked like coffee or mud splashed all over and not cleaned. The bathroom had peeling wallpaper and one of the towel hooks was pulling off the wall, plus the base of the shower enclosure as it met the bathroom floor was filthy. The shower enclosure appeared to have been originally fit with a sliding glass door or similar, as the frame was present…but instead of a door, an ill-fitting shower curtain (too long for the opening) and a rusted curtain rod had been installed. It was so Jerry-rigged that the entire curtain rod and curtain came crashing to the floor, unprovoked, during one of our showers. Finally, the ground floor was in a state of complete chaos first during the evening, with what I gathered was an overnighting sports team loudly hanging out and tying up an entire long table adjacent to the front desk with dozens of goodie bags or similar; and second during the mi
We worked with the Courtyard Sales staff to secure a room block for out-of-state guests visiting our facility for a week-long training and everything was handled perfectly! The Courtyard staff were super kind, courteous, and immediately addressed any issues we encountered. The rooms were all clean and well-stocked with amenities, plus the in-house dining was delicious. There is also a shuttle that helped transport all of us from the airport straight to the hotel which was a life saver for most of the guests who didn’t have rental cars lined up. I highly recommend anyone looking for a hotel to place incoming guests of your companies to contact the Courtyard and see how they can accommodate your needs!
每一個住過這個酒店的客人都被它的迷人魅力所折服,我也不例外,尤其是沒有對比就沒有傷害,我原本是在訂的是另一家酒店,但到了后失望鬱悶得不行,屋子裡的潮氣霉味讓我一分鐘都呆不下去,當晚就把那家酒店給退了,馬上換了第二家酒店,但也不甚如意,在高速馬路門邊很吵,而且酒店設施簡陋,特別冷,但半夜三更的我不便多折騰就勉強湊合了一晚上,第二天趕緊搜索新的酒店,直到發現了這家酒店,在看見這家Shirley's Bed and Breakfast酒店實體的第一眼就被驚艷到了,完全就是一個世外桃源般的度假村,之前在另外2家酒店的不開心立馬被治癒了,可以說這種完美的住宿體驗是連那些頂極的酒店諸如Marriot ,Hilton等都是達不到的,而價格卻比它們低得多,衹比我那第二家吵鬧簡漏的酒店多20美金而已,但質感卻完全不在一個層次,一個是天上,一個是地下。這家酒店比較低調,實景遠比攜程上的這些圖片要美,我自己拍的這些可能還接近點,早餐豐盛可口,是由房主親自下廚新鮮現做的,還免費,房主熱情又周到。地理位置方面其實離市區並不遠,衹是可能因為在山上,道路彎彎繞繞的感覺像有些遠似的,其實都是錯覺,打的士衹要10幾美金,要是自己駕車就更方便了,也不用擔心停車費用,這裏地方寬廣,想咋停車愛停車多久都可以,這間酒店衹有3間房開放作為住宿,訂完了就沒了,每間房都很大,可以容納3人,活動場地也超大,都配有單獨的客廳和外景陽台啥的,每個房間裝修風格都不一樣,設施一流,物品高檔乾淨,這次我住的是地下那間,是淑女屋風格的,無論何時這家酒店寧靜又安逸,簡直就是夢想的小屋,不能更滿意了,下次就是衝著這家酒店我也要再游一次Roanoke這個城市。