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探索我們在Next Adventure附近的熱門飯店






Society Hotel波特蘭
4.1/562 評價

Society Hotel波特蘭

波特蘭|距離Next Adventure1.18km
I originally booked for two nights but I ended up extended for a total of five nights because I enjoyed the accommodations that much. Lobby, check-in, and cafe downstairs were all beautifully designed and welcoming areas to hang out or study. I loved the fireplace and living space. Wifi was great! Staff: Everyone on staff was wonderful and welcoming; however, Candace and Branson were people I had the most contact with and it was always a good time. From Candace always being available to help me with navigating the neighborhood and hotel to Branson giving me tips on Portland, chatting about life and fulfilling my caffeine needs, I loved getting the chance to know them. They definitely sealed me in for additional days and were a big reason I felt so comfortable throughout my stay. The Rooms: My first two days were in a King suite with a private bathroom. I was in the room deigned by Peter. It was comfortable, quiet despite the locals living it up outside, and roomy. The rest of my stay was in a Queen room with shared bathroom. I was concerned about having to share a bathroom but they are large, extremely clean and have comfortable and convenient amenities. I slept so well in every room I booked. There might be something to this no technology in the bedroom ”myth”. I liked the minimalist approach to hotel stays and appreciate the added luxury feel with the bathrobes. Little things like a robe really elevate the overall experience in hotels. Cons: No formal parking but there is plenty of street parking and much of it is free. Private security in the community keep a good watch on vehicles. A con that is not the hotel's fault is the unfortunate state of Old Town and it's displaced and struggling locals. They didn't bother me when I was outside but it was sad to see other human beings in those conditions. Be safe walking around the area as some can be unpredictable or in distress. Like with any city, especially downtown areas, just be aware of your surroundings. Overall, The Society is on my list of Portland favorites and I will be returning for future visits.



正在尋找Next Adventure附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/5118 評價
4.3/5110 評價
4.5/5105 評價
4.3/5101 評價
自1990年代初期以來,我一直在舊金山的金普頓摩納哥酒店住過。他們在二十世紀是最先進的住所。我的忠誠度一直持續到21世紀,因為摩納哥全國各地的房間都進行了更新,但波特蘭的房間除外。 一旦前台發現我們年紀大了並且養了一隻小狗,我們花了很多錢就把我們的套房改了個房間。進入這個所謂的套房后,我立即感到沮喪。自酒店建成以來,尚未進行過裝修。我希望能在電視機上看到羅納德·裏根。房間裏聞到霉味,浴室很小又不舒服。浴缸排水很困難。我的猜測是這個房間很少分配。金普頓組織應該感到羞恥。他們宣稱自己對狗友好。如果將帶狗的人分配給最高比率的最差房間,那就太不正確了。我的猜測是,正在發生某種年齡歧視,因為兩個戴着棒球帽的傢伙向後排在我身後,受到的待遇比我還溫暖得多。然而,那不是摩納哥的錯。美國就是這樣對待70歲以上的人的。
Society Hotel波特蘭
4.1/562 評價
I originally booked for two nights but I ended up extended for a total of five nights because I enjoyed the accommodations that much. Lobby, check-in, and cafe downstairs were all beautifully designed and welcoming areas to hang out or study. I loved the fireplace and living space. Wifi was great! Staff: Everyone on staff was wonderful and welcoming; however, Candace and Branson were people I had the most contact with and it was always a good time. From Candace always being available to help me with navigating the neighborhood and hotel to Branson giving me tips on Portland, chatting about life and fulfilling my caffeine needs, I loved getting the chance to know them. They definitely sealed me in for additional days and were a big reason I felt so comfortable throughout my stay. The Rooms: My first two days were in a King suite with a private bathroom. I was in the room deigned by Peter. It was comfortable, quiet despite the locals living it up outside, and roomy. The rest of my stay was in a Queen room with shared bathroom. I was concerned about having to share a bathroom but they are large, extremely clean and have comfortable and convenient amenities. I slept so well in every room I booked. There might be something to this no technology in the bedroom ”myth”. I liked the minimalist approach to hotel stays and appreciate the added luxury feel with the bathrobes. Little things like a robe really elevate the overall experience in hotels. Cons: No formal parking but there is plenty of street parking and much of it is free. Private security in the community keep a good watch on vehicles. A con that is not the hotel's fault is the unfortunate state of Old Town and it's displaced and struggling locals. They didn't bother me when I was outside but it was sad to see other human beings in those conditions. Be safe walking around the area as some can be unpredictable or in distress. Like with any city, especially downtown areas, just be aware of your surroundings. Overall, The Society is on my list of Portland favorites and I will be returning for future visits.
4.1/5109 評價


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1. 先鋒法院廣場(Pioneer Courthouse Square):先鋒法院廣場得名於法院對面的先鋒法院。廣場佔地約3000多平方公尺,地上鋪滿許多吸引人眼球的紅磚,這些紅磚上刻滿了曾經助建造和維護廣場的人的名字。這來源於一個名為「Buy a Brick」的項目。廣場附近還有許多高檔購物中心,由于波特蘭免稅,所以在這裡購物也是一個不錯的選擇。它位于波特蘭市中心,所有的商鋪沿著廣場向四周延展開,是一個逛街的好去處。

2. 俄勒岡動物園:俄勒岡動物園最早的名稱是「華盛頓公園動物園」(Washington Park Zoo),該動物園位於波特蘭市中心西南3.2公里,坐落在波特蘭華盛頓公園(Washington Park)之中,並與國際玫瑰實驗花園(International Rose Test Garden)相鄰。從1887年的起源開始,動物園面積已經達到了64英畝,是是密西西比河(Mississippi)以西地區曆史最悠久的動物園。

3. 華盛頓公園:華盛頓公園是波特蘭著名的觀光場所,位置在西側一個小山上,園內設有聞名於世的國際玫瑰試驗場,這是一個玫瑰原產地與試驗農場的混合試驗場,時常培育新品種和改良品種的珍貴玫瑰,因此對愛好園藝的人來說,這裡的確具有相當的魅力,園內有五百多種玫瑰品種,一萬多株玫瑰,每年五月中旬至十一月,玫瑰盛開,最是動人。

4. 俄勒岡科學與工業博物館:俄勒岡科學與工業博物館位於波特蘭市中心,經常舉辦教育、科學及文化等主題的各類展覽,而其中的天文館長久開放,會有激光表演等較為新奇的演出。如果您對科學和技術感興趣,這裡絕對是您不能錯過的地方。

5. 國際玫瑰試驗園:在波特蘭西面的山腰上有一座美麗的玫瑰花園,建立於1917年。波特蘭玫瑰園是國際玫瑰花栽培的試驗區,因此每年都會有約50種新品玫瑰花來此進行栽培。成立至今,玫瑰園已經有了近550個品種,1萬多株的玫瑰。玫瑰花開花是在4-9月,好的賞花時節則是6月份,每年此時都會迎來不少遊人。





1. 氣候、季節和溫度:波特蘭的氣候溫和,但在冬季可能會下雨。請確保帶傘和適合的衣物。

2. 必須攜帶的物品:請攜帶有效的身份證明文件和旅行證件。此外,請攜帶足夠的現金或信用卡,以應對可能的開銷。

3. 交通:波特蘭擁有良好的公共交通系統,包括輕軌和巴士。您可以使用這些交通工具輕鬆地在城市中移動。






此外,波特蘭還擁有火車站——波特蘭聯合車站(Portland Union Station),您可以便捷地乘坐火車到達其他城市。波特蘭聯合車站位於波特蘭市中心,與各大主要目的地距離均在10公里以内。




