



4.5/589 評價


大阪站/梅田/澱屋橋/本町 大阪|距離Chu1.11km
I’ve been a loyal Bonvoy Gold level member for ~15 years. We usually stay at either the Ritz Carlton, St. Regis or the Edition hotels. We’ve stayed at several St. Regis hotels in the past including the St. Regis San Francisco, Houston, New York, Mumbai, Bangkok and Mexico City. I feel that I’m fairly well qualified to provide this feedback. In short, we were extremely disappointed with our stay at the St. Regis Osaka. Out of the 6 hotels we stayed at during our time in Japan, the St. Regis Osaka was the most expensive and was our only disappointing experience. The hard product was largely okay (more on that below), but the service ranged from unfriendly and unhelpful to downright discriminatory. As I’ve had more time to process our experience, I don’t think this hotel is up to the status of the St. Regis brand. The Good- 1. Good Location – Hotel is fairly well situated in a business district and was pretty close to major attractions and Osaka Castle. There is a shopping alley that connects to America Mura by 20 minute walk. Additionally Donborri was not far away by foot. 2. Room Décor and Views are Good – the rooms are well appointed with electronic controls for lighting, curtains, a/c built into the side tables. The bathrooms are really nicely done with contrasting dark and light marble. 3. Butler Service was Very Good – The butlers were very service oriented and helpful. We did avail of the daily pressing offered and the morning coffee / tea. Garments were delivered quickly and tea/coffee always arrived quickly. This was probably the highlight and something (maybe the only thing) on a service level that the St. Regis does well. The Bad- 1. No Pool, Sauna or Onsen - Despite the supposed “5 star”branding, there is not pool, sauna, hot tub or onsen facilities. This is highly unusual in Japan and of all the places were we stayed (including several less prestigious brands), they all had some facility. I would also note the gym is very undersized for this hotel with a handful of treadmills and precors. No real free weights, yoga area, etc. 2. Two elevators for 160 rooms - be prepared to wait. Forgetting something in your room means 10 minutes to go back and get it. 3. Only two check-in desks – There are only two check-in desks at the hotel. We booked through AMEX and were hoping to get our rooms at noon, but they were not available. We waited about 15 – 20 minutes to check in because there was a line. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a line to check-in at any St. Regis hotel. We weren’t provided any welcome drink while waiting either. Also, despite acknowledging the booking through Amex, no upgrade was provided. We didn’t get keys to our rooms until about 3:30 (which is after the regular 3pm check-in time). They apologized for the wait and noted that they were busy and fully booked. I really don’t understand this excuse – when the hotel is in great demand the higher pricing reflects that demand and this excuse implies that we should expect a lower







0/50 評價
yiyi house心齋橋
4.6/532 評價
到長堀橋站下車,一號口出來走四五分鐘就到了。離道頓堀走二十多分鐘,心齋橋大約十二分鐘。民宿對面有個麪館挺不錯,附近便利店也很方便。門口比較隱蔽,不注意就走過了,門口自助拿鑰匙入住和退房。房間很整潔乾淨,雖然不大,但兩個人略做落腳也可以了。毛巾拖鞋沐浴露洗髮水護髮素衞生紙都儘夠的,就是牙刷牙膏還是自備的好用,還有被子太厚,正好趕上今年十一月還很熱的,晚上很有點蓋不住。這次大阪落腳很順利,yiyi house值得推薦。
4.4/530 評價
攜程寫的“酒店”,但其實是“民宿”,而且跟國內民宿不太一樣,純自助。優點是很自由沒人管,中間也不會有人來打擾,環境很溫馨。缺點是有點不方便。 優點:房間空間比較大,榻榻米大通鋪感覺能睡4人哈哈哈,店家還給準備了鍋碗瓢盆和茶具,很貼心。 整體房間內部環境還不錯,乾乾淨淨。比較適合幾個朋友一起出遊。 服務也很好,我們因為訂的車是12點來,我們9點出門但行李沒地方放。所以跟客服商量延長,3000日元延長到12點退房,因為之前也沒遇見過,所以不知道這種情況,但跟客服溝通還挺暢快。 缺點:周圍環境太太太吵了😂😂評價裏扣的分也主要是周圍環境太吵分。 我們到的時候是周日,安安靜靜很開心。周一早上本來想睡個懶覺,結果裝修聲音比鬧鐘還早🤣🤣裝修聲音真的直衝天靈蓋🤣迫不得已收拾收拾10點左右提前出門(原計劃11.30出門直接吃飯)——這個真的完全超出預料🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ 周二凌晨,窗戶外麪不知道是收垃圾還是什麼大車,動靜也很大,我本身睡眠輕所以睡不太好😂😂😂大車本身的聲音,發動機的聲音,疑似收垃圾的聲音😂😂😂睡眠差的真要哭了
STAYAT 大阪心齋橋東店
4.2/550 評價
位置距地鐵出口行約七分鐘,易找,尚可接受。酒店大樓頗新,房內設施也齊備,包括牙擦,鬚刨,風筒,。設小型廚房可簡單煮食,用具齊全唯祇欠筷子和抹布。浴室花灑水壓高。 入住和退房全自助式,手續頗煩覆 (如早在訂房確認時已上載護照副本,但入住時又要再上載多一次,很費時)。酒店方面在入住前發了很多電郵提示,但全為日文(個人認為如想吸納外國客的話請加英文版本)。另外酒店又發了一些不解的限制(如不可走出露台)。入房時房內有怪味,住了三晚也沒散去。
4.5/5131 評價
住了2天 性價比無敵 全程主打一個自助 非常自由 房間對比其他酒店已經很大了 麻雀雖小五臟俱全 水流很大 智能馬桶 乾濕分離 要不是最後一天要去大阪萬豪體驗一下真不想走 地理位置優越很好找 走10分鐘就是心齋橋 一路都能逛過去 那個床真的巨巨巨巨舒服 這幾個月睡得最爽的一次 非常軟 感覺整個人都被包裹進去了非常絕!價格便宜 洗護用品也非常高端 好用 強推 下次來大阪還住這裏!!!
3.8/527 評價
位置在堺筋和長堀通交叉的拐角處,所以很容易理解,但是入口有點難懂 從一樓有中餐廳的入口進去,有電梯4樓的接待員 房間面積和牀的大小沒問題,雙牀也動牀,可以搭配 進房間有一點通道,很大,所以我覺得行李箱比較好 浴缸,洗手檯很小 廁所也不是手提 衛生間整體比較小,但是打掃的很周到 洗髮水和身體肥皂有點難用


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