
4/545 評價
預訂的時候訂的2+2房間,結果到酒店,前台説平台的單子顯示普通雙人房。 好在給酒店展示訂單後,免費給我們升級到親子房,還給小孩子們都送了小禮物,很貼心
3.8/567 評價
4/5112 評價
4.4/558 評價
超級棒!被安排到了7樓,行政房升級成套房,還給免費加了一張小床。相比倫敦其他酒店(比如萬豪公寓、indigo),服務響應很快,基本能在20分鐘內拿到想要的東西或服務。 特別高光的時刻,酒店給入住的小朋友準備有little waldorfian passport,完成探險找到酒店前台貼上相應的sticker,就能獲得神秘大獎(一隻小泰迪熊)。我們離店最後一天才開始挑戰,很不巧已經沒有泰迪熊庫存了。但是酒店竭盡全力(前台、客房服務、禮賓部)幫我們找泰迪玩偶,前台一位黑人帥哥打電話給自己的同仁,說道:“孩子就要離開英國了,他通過了全部挑戰,拿不到泰迪熊他會非常失望,請你幫助可憐的孩子吧”。最後在離店時,酒店把泰迪熊送到了孩子手裡,還送上很多祝福的話。 行政酒廊也非常美妙。 非常好的入住體驗,下次還會預定!
4/569 評價
非常好的酒店體驗,可以提前讓我早上9點多辦理入住,不需收取任何費用,非常好的服務。 酒店裝潢時尚優雅,房間空間足夠大。 早餐方面種類很齊全,因包早餐,可從菜單上點一份。 食物味道質素好,會是推薦和再次入住!
4.3/5133 評價
I was looking at the Biltmore and the Waldorf but decided to stay at the Trafalgar as they have bigger rooms than the Biltmore and the Waldorf looks like it is in desperate need of an upgrade. Everyone was very polite and helpful apart from one staff member, more on that later. I was upgraded to a Suite on arrival but requested a toom with two beds instead which was granted. The Nelson double room is very spacious and modern. It faintly smelled of mothballs whenever you entered the room and the smell then quickly disappeared. We noticed that one of the beds was sagged in the middle and this was very quickly resolved by the maintenance team and was not an issue for us at all. The only reason i mention it in my review is because Alejandra apologised a thousand times for this “inconvenience” and even send us Macaroons and drinks to the room as an apology. During checkout, Alejandra apologised again and made sure our stay was perfect. There was a key card under the bed which was covered with dust as was the carpet under the bed. Cleanliness regarding this could obviously be better as dust can trigger allergies. The service of the staff at Trafalgar is above that of all other Hilton properties in London and certainly a step above from general hospitality service in Europe. I would give the service at Trafalgar a 9 based on European standards and a 7 based on Middle-Eastern and Asian standards. Breakfast was so highly rated in many reviews of this hotel which also influenced my choice, i was expecting an absolute feast. Unfortunately, breakfast was quite disappointing for us. Staff was great apart from someone who i can only describe as a North-African young woman with shoulder length curls who did not want to give us one of the three empty tables available in the Breakfast room with only 40 minutes available for Breakfast as she was keeping those for families of 7. This is rather absurd and we ended up taking one of the tables anyway as i wasn’t going to sit where she suggested which was away from everyone else. Breakfast in any hotel, especially 5* is always based on first come, first serve. You can’t deny your guest seating space at breakfast as if you were running a dinner service. Vegan options are very, very limited. Fruit selection is even more basic than what you can get at any supermarket in London. There was only Cantaloupe, Watermelon and Pineapple. There were Apples and Bananas for grabs but that is still not enough. Pastries are miniatures which is really shameful for a breakfast buffet. Only sausages available were Pork, no vegan and no Chicken so unfortunately no sausages for me. It’s basically a full English and that’s it. You could order A-La-Carte but that wasn’t special either. We had Amex Platinum credit so we used that for one of the dishes which was not special for the £15 asking price. Room service was basic as well. Food arrived with a very friendly staff member but it was slightly cold. All in all it’s a good hotel fo



最高價格TWD 73,326
最低價格TWD 1,815
平均價格 (平日)TWD 11,615
平均價格 (週末)TWD 12,768



有著兩千多年歷史的英國首都倫敦,是極具魅力的大都會。路上是保有歷史記憶的傳統建築,而巷弄間又隱藏著現代藝術、新潮時尚的精神。準備來趟倫敦旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門倫敦景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開倫敦之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往英國倫敦機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。倫敦交通非常多元化,以下的倫敦交通指南你千萬別錯過!

倫敦地鐵分九區,初訪倫敦的朋友最常前往的便是 Zone 1、2,因為知名景點大笨鐘、倫敦眼、倫敦塔橋、白金漢宮等皆集中在 Zone 1、2區。只要簡單弄懂分區,就能知道怎麼看單程票價與區域票價!入住鄰近這兩區的倫敦飯店對行程安排也會更方便!

倫敦自由行最常使用的交通卡有兩張:Oyster Card 與 Travelcard。Oyster Card 類似悠遊卡,先儲值後搭車,是倫敦自由行必備之一。Oyster Card 還有每日收費上限,在 Zone 1、Zone 1-2,Oyster Card 不分時段,每日都會有固定的收費上限;相較於 Travelcard,Oyster Card 較為划算。但若你想用特定 Travelcard 景點優惠,推薦購買特定版的七日 Travelcard,可以省下不少景點門票費用。




1. 倫敦眼

2. 大英博物館
成立於1753 年,作為世界三大博物館之一,大英博物館館藏來自世界各地的豐富藏品,喜愛歷史、參觀博物館的旅客絕對不可錯過的倫敦景點!其收藏的瑰寶足以讓人大開眼界。博物館的鎮館之寶就是紀錄三種語言版本的羅塞塔石碑 ,喜歡埃及歷史的朋友一定要來!

3. 泰晤士河


還沒安排倫敦自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的倫敦飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂倫敦住宿!
