正在查找Albion Millennium Green附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


正在尋找Albion Millennium Green附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3/544 評價
4月7日星期日在8.45pm經過漫長的一天到達,如果旅行被保安告知酒店關閉了,我們應該提前24小時通過電子郵件通知我們。匆忙打電話到門上一張A4大小海報上貼的電話號碼後,我們被告知“哦克羅伊登中央期待你”給我們新聞!!檢查了我們的收件箱,手機和zilch上的垃圾郵件和垃圾郵件!!我問了克羅伊敦中央在哪裏,由Travelodge幫助(較少)辦公桌告知“只是跳上出租車”到達克羅伊敦中央9.45pm,那裏的工作人員對此表示歉意,並聲稱這已經發生了幾次。抵達家後,我們立即提出投訴,並立即回覆,抱歉,我們會讓相關部門知道!我們再次發電子郵件建議我們收到全額/部分退款或合理的折扣券,供將來使用。對此的迴應是“沒有退款”克羅伊登比水晶宮便宜,但這也沒有解決。如果我們作爲潛在客人取消了我們的預訂,我們本來會全額損失我們的錢,但Travelodge在一頂帽子的下降可以取消我們的預訂,而沒有任何補償給我們。對我們來說似乎非常不公平。我們正在等待Travelodge的進一步迴應,但閱讀之前的評論後,我們不會堅持太多。將來,我們將使用一個信譽良好的更貼心的連鎖酒店,他們有一個bette PR團隊。在預訂之前注意人們。
3.4/511 評價
4.4/563 評價
赫恩·希爾(Herne Hill)是品味一流啤酒和美食的聖地,而《半月(Half Moon)》則不容置疑。傳統風格的酒吧/餐廳/酒店,啤酒種類豐富。餐廳寬敞,提供優質的服務和優質的食物。有一個花園,但是十月是一個寒冷潮濕的夜晚,沒有使用。強烈推薦。
3.5/567 評價
We booked a room expecting it to be like the pictures from booking.com. When we arrived it was NOTHING like we paid for. The room looked so dirty, pillows had holes in them, the Walls were disgusting and it was a tiny room. We arrived late evening and decided we were not gonna stay there. It gave off a bad Vibe. Worst start of out Vacation. We talked to a man who was Sitting in the reception, But he didnt know anything about how it would work, if we wanted to get a refund. He couldnt help us at all. We had to Call booking.com ourselves and cancel the booking. They couldnt give us a full refund either. Dont waste your time or money here. Literally felt like walking into a crime scene.
4.6/5133 評價
4.3/544 評價
Unfortunately it was not a good stay. Booked a hotel and after taking payment received a notification that the hotel was unable to be booked due to refurbishment. Proceeded to book another hotel due to this issue hoping for a refund from the 1st booking however hours later received a confirmation for both hotels. Tried to contact over 100 hotel numbers and not one could help me contact the 1st booking to get this refunded and cancelled. I have now lost £300 out of my own pocket due to a notification in error showing on the screen as the hotel had clearly been taking books. I Will no longer be booking with premier for my weekly travels with work again until I can contact someone for a refund.
