


Masai Mara National Reserve, 洛爾戈裡恩, 納羅克, 肯尼亞查看飯店詳情

小型州長營地 評論-真實旅客評語

41 則評論
入住於 2021 年 10 月
發布於 2021 年 10 月 19 日
在8月9日至12日這段可以形容為一生中的一次蜜月期間,我們都住在 Little Governor's Camp。我們喜歡這裏的每一秒——精彩的住宿,美味的食物,俯瞰馬賽馬拉的精彩的風景,可愛而熱情的員工,優秀的安全性,一流的遊戲驅動和知識淵博的Mandila,大5號和更多的!特別引人注目的是,人們看到了野生羚羊的穿越,以及一場令人難以置信的熱氣球之旅,還有香檳早餐。感謝所有的工作人員讓我們的旅程如此精彩,我們真的希望有一天能回來!
入住於 2024 年 6 月
發布於 2024 年 6 月 6 日
What an amazing Maasai Mara Safari experience! We loved our tents at Little Governors—the location was superb, the views were unbeatable, and the staff were wonderful. The tents are luxuriously decorated without losing the Safari and nature touch: we had such fun time dining with warthogs on our deck side, listening to an orchestra of sounds from the marsh and trees, watching elephants, rhinos, giraffes stroll leisurely nearby, and of course, listening to the noises from these giant hippos. But one person who made our Mara trip even more magical was Elisha, our game guide, whom we hailed from il Moran Camp at recommendation from a photographer friend who has worked with Elisha since 2018. Boy, aren’t we lucky? Elisha’s vast knowledge about Safari biodiversity, e.g. animals, birds, insects, plants, environment, was unparalleled. Besides, he could always position us at the best view point to watch the beasts in action. But we were especially impressed with Elisha’s reverence for nature and his animal subjects, his gentle demeanor, and quite honestly he was just a great guy to hang out with. Lastly, I want to say that all the Kenyan people we met during our 2-week trip to Kenya: from Nairobi, Maasai Mara, to Ol Pejeta, Lamu, were the nicest and most beautiful people …so blessed to get to know and make friends with them!
入住於 2024 年 5 月
發布於 2024 年 5 月 25 日
visita inolvidable imposible traspasar lo vivido, 100 % naturaleza, con mucha comodidad, ver los 5 grandes, todo un espectáculo, la experiencia inolvidable, la atención muy personalizada, tengo que volver, sin duda hay que volver grande Masai Mara
入住於 2024 年 3 月
發布於 2024 年 3 月 25 日
Wow! This lodge is fabulous. It is a relatively small camp with 17 tents, located in the Maasai Mara National Park. The lodge and all 17 tents border a marsh where you can permanently see elephants, hippos, warthogs and a variety of birds. The service is great, very polite and attentive. The food is out of this world, many international dishes cooked to the greatest standard. Serving is individual in your own table during the specific timeframes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Kenneth the chef is so talented and friendly! The rooms are individual tents, all overlooking the marsh, with a beautiful view and so much comfort. The tents in itself are not luxurious, but very comfortable and have running drinking water which is highly uncommon in Kenya (and so convenient). The sounds in the tents at night are priceless, with all the wildlife of the marsh being active specially at night. I stayed at tent 17 which I highly recommend for a Safari experience. It is the last tent in the compound, so it is a bit of a hike from the common areas, but given this distance, you rarely hear in any human noises and at night you have several animal visitors. I had elephants feeding righ outside my tent at one night, and 6 hippos the next. Sleeping with the sound of their grazing has been unforgettable for me. There is laundry available for free. The tents were kept spotless at all times. Wifi is avaible in all rooms (tent 17 was a bit more unreliable in the signal given the distance but still worth staying there!) and you can get cell phone signal as well. If you do the balloon ride with the Governors Balloon Company (not arranged by the lodge, its a separate but related entity), the balloon departs from this lodge so it is super comfortable (as opposed to other lodges that have to drive to Little Governors at 5 am). The only downside I could see is that the game available in the areas closer to this lodge did not seem to be the best. I had acquantances located in other areas of the Mara at the same time and they all got much more spectacular game sightings, especially big cats. However this might have just been unlucky timing on my part. This certainly does not diminish the excellency of the lodge. Overall this lodge was a highlight in my Kenya trip and would certainly recommend it! All my best to Geoffrey, Moses, Ken, Julius and Helen for their friendly and dedicated service.
入住於 2024 年 3 月
發布於 2024 年 3 月 5 日
Little Governor’s is a delightful escape that offers everything you dream of in a classic safari. I’ve been on safari before in South Africa, but Maasai Mara is more of a wilderness experience. The tents at Little Governors are situated around a marsh frequented by wildlife. I saw two elephants, a giraffe, a hippo and many baboons from my tent or while having lunch on the main deck. I visited the main Governors’s Camp and Il Moran, both of which are on the banks of the Mara River - but I liked the marsh setting of Little Governors better. The staff at Little Governor’s are wonderful! Everyone is very friendly and efficient, and I must make a special mention of Helen and Duncan. The manager, Hillary, is exceptional and takes very good care of his guests. The game drives were good - saw two prides of lions, a leopard on a tree with its kill, and a pair (mother and baby) of black rhinos. African black rhinos are critically endangered and seeing them in the wild is very special. The tents are comfortable, the food is great with a range of options and everything was efficiently run. I will be back!
入住於 2024 年 2 月
發布於 2024 年 2 月 9 日
Little Governor’s Camp is the best safari experience I’ve encountered. Everything from the flight in from Nairobi to the twice daily safari drives was excellently run and delivered with charm. The tented accommodation is perfect with an amazing view and every facility imaginable. Food is top class and service as good as I’ve met. The knowledge and experience of our Wild Life Guide, Bernard was top class. We even had an in house Wart High family and nightly visits by the camp elephant. Highly recommended.
入住於 2024 年 1 月
發布於 2024 年 1 月 29 日
Little Govenors was our second stop on our honeymoon in Kenya. I honestly couldn’t have better things to say. The staff was amazing. The food was better than anything I could have ever expected. We saw so many animals (although cats were tough due to the unexpected rains/high grass) and had the BEST time on the hot air balloon. Every night we’d go to bed early and fall asleep listening to hippos and elephants grazing right outside our tent. We felt very safe the entire time and I cannot wait to return. Thank you all ❤️
Guillermo B
入住於 2023 年 12 月
發布於 2023 年 12 月 15 日
El Masai Mara es una pasada de Parque Nacional, el Camp está muy bien situado, es muy bonito el emplazamiento, con un servicio muy agradable, Félix, Kennedy, Duncan y todo el personal amabilísimo, las tiendas son muy comodas, la comida en el restaurante muy buena y los picnic podrían mejorar un poco la presentación, pero abundante y de buena calidad. Los guías Bernard y Johnson buenísimos, hicimos varias salidas safaris y es espectacular. Tuvimos la visita de un elefante hasta la misma terraza del centro del Camp.
入住於 2023 年 12 月
發布於 2023 年 12 月 1 日
This has to be on your bucket list! To visit here is a once in a lifetime experience. Little Governors Camp is not a fenced compound, meaning you might walk out on the deck outside your tent and have an elephant walking by or a pack of Mongoose. See their X page: @governorscamps . In the middle of the night we had Hippos grazing on the grass next to our tent. When I say tent, It is a very large tent with wooden floor, comfy bed, bath, shower, "indoor toilet and Bidet butt washer", so it's a very nice tent. Not brand new but great. At night you are escorted to/from the dining tent by a guard protecting you from animals in the area. Please understand that at NO TIME did we ever feel unsafe. Our game drives happened twice a day with quite articulate, well spoken guide, always concerned with our comfort and safety. I am not a camper or an outdoorsy type but this was fabulous. Note: Once you land in Maasai Mara on Governors Camp's airstrip, You travel by Range Rover to the Mara River, passing by and witnessing animals that will blow your mind, whereby you walk down a bank, get in a boat to cross the river, proceed up the opposite bank and proceed a couple hundred yards to the camp. I would highly recommend you have the Camp arrange your travel connections from the time you arrive at the international airport in Nairobi, transfer to a small regional airport to catch your flight to Little Governors Camp. We did it ourselves, and in a city of 4.5 million people with overpacked roads and no traffic rules followed, it can be quite daunting.
入住於 2023 年 11 月
發布於 2023 年 11 月 13 日
This is a true tented camp in the heart of the Mara Triangle. Guests can fly in with Governors own fleet of small planes (10 seaters) from different locations. We arrived from Loldia House at Lake Naivasha, and left after 5 nights to Wilsons Airport in Nairobi. Both are c. 45 min flights, and serve to underline that this is a safari set deep into a true African location. Little Governors camp is accessed across a river by boat linked to a large suspended rope tether, and you are pulled by hand across by the ferryman standing at the front. That alone is a remarkable start. 17 tents are cleverly sited for privacy, and set either side of a central tented dining, sitting and bar area with a large deck for tables overlooking the marsh. The tents are well appointed with excellent facilities, individual tiled bathrooms attached to each, piping hot water - and the privacy of individual decked sitting space under overhanging canvas at the front to give peaceful views of the marsh teeming with game and birds from dawn ‘til dusk. The setting attracts large game to the site with bushpig, giraffe, hippo, impala, baboon and elephant all regular visitors that wander through the outskirts of the camp in full and close view of guests. The decking and grounds provide a clear view of the game, and the topography and staff ensure this is a safe environment throughout. You need to keep tents closed when empty (they are all double lined with mosquito proof ‘window sections’ and flaps) to also ensure Baboon and vervet monkey stay out, and at night you need to signal for an armed guard to guide you from your tent to dine as hippo and the occasional lion are not infrequent wanderers around the grounds. Fabulous food, fantastically warm and welcoming staff (100 apparently) and the comfort of these amenities do not detract from the experience of living under canvas. And, of course, the game is exceptional. Then - bearing in mind all of the above - lets not forget that balloon safaris fly from the camp every morning at dawn, and the guests are provided with the best guides in open sided Toyota Land Cruisers (the seats provide for 6 with commanding raised views). And, of course, Games Drives are the real reason everyone comes to the Mara Reserve. The game drives are available all day - ranging from 3 a day, or (like for us) combined into longer excursions with either picnic breakfasts, or lunch. Our Guide (Oliver) managed to find everything we wanted to see - Cheetah, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, and Lion are plentiful and such a thrill to find - with the latter now famous through the BBC’s documentaries charting the life of the large prides in the area. Plus herds of buffalo, Giraffe, Topi, Zebra, Impala, Thomson’s Gazelle, wilderbeest, water buck, Eiland, and a cornucopia of raucous bird life and other game from Monitor Lizard, to the biggest catfish I have ever seen emerging from hibernation in the mud. I even found a Reed Buck (twice) - a personal favourite for me and rar
入住於 2023 年 5 月
發布於 2023 年 5 月 10 日
這是驚人的住宿。老實說,我們沒想到我們會喜歡它,我們住了 3 晚,這是一次很棒的經歷。我們與伯納德進行了 3 天的比賽,他的眼睛非常敏銳,他基本上可以發現所有東西,我們設法看到了所有 5 大和令人驚嘆的地方。那天是我兒子的生日,工作人員為他準備了蛋糕。廚師海倫和所羅門是我們逗留期間的女服務員,確保我們儿子的飯菜準備充分,因為他是個挑食者。工作人員真的很周到,他們總是確保滿足我們需要的一切。我們一定會回來的
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入住於 2023 年 3 月
發布於 2023 年 3 月 31 日
我們在小州長營地度過了一段美妙的馬賽馬拉之旅。當我們著陸並且從未停止時,我們開始看到遊戲(獅子和鬣狗)。導遊非常出色,他們盡最大努力確保您擁有美妙的體驗。我們在 2 天內看到了 5 大人物等等。工作人員非常友好,服務出色,食物和葡萄酒一流。我們還在馬拉上空體驗了熱氣球,這是必須要做的。我強烈推薦
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入住於 2023 年 3 月
發布於 2023 年 3 月 15 日
我們在 Little Governor's 度過了最美妙的經歷。環境是如此特別,所有員工都無法為我們所有人做更多。從老闆喬治,到讓我們感到如此安全的大衛,再到出色的廚師肯尼思,負責酒吧的肯尼迪,再到肯定是馬拉最好的嚮導/司機的約瑟夫;一切都很出色。帳篷非常豪華,食物很美味,這是一次改變生活的旅行。
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住宿方回覆: 親愛的麗莎感謝您的評論!很高興您和我們在一起,我們很高興您玩得開心。我們一定會將您的好評轉達給團隊;他們會很高興收到你的來信。來自 Little Governors 的每個人最誠摯的問候
入住於 2023 年 2 月
發布於 2023 年 2 月 27 日
從我們到達到由於一群大象來吃午餐而稍微延遲離開,我們在這個令人愉快的營地得到了極好的照顧。一流而開朗的團隊提供優質的服務,住宿和食物都很棒。大象放牧的景色令人愉悅。我們繼續進行的遊戲驅動器總是很好,我們的導遊和我們一起度過了所有 4 次,既熱情又知識淵博。我最強烈推薦這個營地,它不是太大而且有很多東西可以提供。
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住宿方回覆: 親愛的邁克爾, 感謝您對您在我們這裡的住宿給予好評。我們很高興聽到您採取瞭如此出色的大象行動 - Little Governors 和任何在那裡逗留或工作的人一樣,是他們的家!感謝您對我們的住宿、餐飲和團隊的好評;我們一定會將它們傳遞給當地的每一個人。我們希望在未來再次見到您!來自 Little Governors 的每個人最誠摯的問候
入住於 2024 年 6 月
發布於 2024 年 6 月 21 日
Excellent from start to finish. From the flight with governors from Nairobi to Mara and little governors also throughout our 5 day stay. The location is sublime and as the oldest site in Mara it’s still the best. The staff are fantastic from the Asgari (security) the boatman on the ferry to the cleaners, waiters/waitress chefs and Sarah in reception. All could not do enough for you. The camp over the years has changed but in the right way. But not loosing its original personal feel. It’s a perfect location in the Mara with brilliant views from all the tents and eating areas. The staff to name a few! Duncan our waiter, what a legend who is so diligent and so funny with it! He makes all meals in camp a pleasure and even more enjoyable. Our guide driver, Oliver. Everyone will say theirs was/is the best. We’ve had a few guides over the years and he stands out as the best ever. His knowledge, his driving ability and his care to the detail of putting the vehicle in the right place for the best view and photo opportunity, makes him in valuable. He’s a legend and we will definitely request him next time around. Daily we had picnic safari breakfast. Which was prepared exceptionally by the kitchen staff to our requests, this was served by Oliver in a perfect breakfast picnic spot location. Eating breakfast watching the animals graze by or pools of hippopotamus. The animals we seen were fantastic, made even better by the hunting of the more elusive ones due to Oliver patience and knowledge. Some of the animals even came to watch us in camp, elephants giraffe warthogs. Also listing to the hippos grazing outside your tent at night. Or opening the tent flap in the morning to be greated by an elephant. Would visit again! YES Would we recommend little governors Definitely