這家飯店的清潔度確實需要提高。 當我想睡覺時,一隻小蟑螂在我面前的枕頭上走來走去。 我下去遇到了接待員,他們給我換了一個更大的房間,並給了我新台幣100元的麥當勞代金券。 但是,早上我又在新房間裡發現了一隻小蟑螂。 當我結帳時,我再次遇到了接待員(我只在這裡住了一晚),他們要求我將影片發送給他們。 又拿到了新台幣100元的麥當勞禮券..酒店的服務和位置都很好..但是為什麼衛生這麼差?
this hotel really have to improve the cleanliness. a little cockroach walking in front of me on my pillow when I'm trying to sleep. i went down and met the receptionist, they moved me to a larger room and giving me NT$100 McDonald's voucher. but still, I found a little cockroach again in the morning in my new room. I met the receptionist again when I'm checkouting (I stayed here only 1 night) and they asked me to send the video to them. and I got a NT$100 McDonald's voucher again.. hotel's service and location is very nice tho.. but why the hygiene is so bad ?