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探索我們在Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya附近的熱門飯店


4.5/563 評價


赫爾拉薩加拉 康提|距離Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya2.47km


Title: A Tranquil Oasis in the Heart of Sri Lanka - Amaya Hill Hotel Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ From the moment I set foot in the enchanting Amaya Hill Hotel in Sri Lanka, I was transported to a realm of unparalleled luxury and serenity. Nestled amidst the lush greenery of the Kandy hills, this hidden gem offers an experience that is nothing short of magical. The first thing that caught my eye was the breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The hotel's strategic location provides guests with an uninterrupted vista of nature's beauty, creating a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere. The sight alone is worth the visit. Amaya Hill Hotel effortlessly combines modern elegance with traditional charm. The architecture is a blend of contemporary design and Sri Lankan aesthetics, creating a harmonious atmosphere that resonates throughout the property. The attention to detail is impeccable, from the intricately designed lobby to the thoughtfully decorated rooms. Speaking of rooms, the accommodations at Amaya Hill are nothing short of luxurious. Spacious, well-appointed, and equipped with all the amenities one could desire, the rooms offer a perfect sanctuary for relaxation. The comfortable beds ensure a restful night's sleep, and waking up to the breathtaking sunrise from the large windows is a treat in itself. The hotel's culinary offerings are a true delight for the senses. The restaurants showcase the best of Sri Lankan and international cuisine, prepared with precision and passion. Each dish is a culinary masterpiece, and the attentive staff adds to the overall dining experience. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a romantic dinner under the stars at one of the outdoor dining venues – an experience that will linger in your memory. One of the standout features of Amaya Hill Hotel is its commitment to wellness and rejuvenation. The spa facilities are world-class, offering a range of treatments that blend ancient healing practices with modern techniques. A dip in the infinity pool, surrounded by the serene landscape, is a perfect way to unwind and soak in the beauty of nature. The attentive and courteous staff at Amaya Hill Hotel deserves special mention. Their genuine warmth and eagerness to make every guest feel at home truly set this establishment apart. The level of service is exemplary, making it clear that the staff is dedicated to ensuring a memorable stay for every guest. In conclusion, Amaya Hill Hotel in Sri Lanka is a true haven for those seeking a blend of luxury, natural beauty, and genuine hospitality. Whether you're a solo traveler, a couple looking for a romantic getaway, or a family in search of a peaceful retreat, Amaya Hill Hotel is an absolute treasure waiting to be discovered. My stay was nothing short of magical, and I eagerly look forward to returning to this paradise in the hills.





正在尋找Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.8/511 評價
4.5/541 評價
4.1/521 評價
優點 非常寧靜的招待所,高高地在繁忙的康迪的喧囂之上。我們在這裏度過了1晚的住宿。他們爲我們提供了美味的早餐。所有工作人員都非常熱情,樂於助人,善良。牀很大很舒服,空調工作得很好,水很好,很熱。我和丈夫喜歡坐在陽台上,早上看書,看太陽升起。令人驚歎的景色。這是完美的我們需要和物超所值。缺點房間裏有些螞蟻。但到目前爲止斯里蘭卡的大多數地方,我們都有類似的經歷。總的來說,會推薦給家人和朋友,會再次入住。謝謝
3.9/540 評價
酒店交通非常便利 周圍有超市和餐館 房間整潔 服務人員態度很好 幫忙提行李 特別客氣 早餐也比較豐富 可以選擇的很多 總之是一家很不錯的酒店 大家可以放心預定 b
3.9/544 評價
我經歷過的最糟糕的酒店體驗之一。我從未有過如此冷漠的酒店員工,他們甚至沒有嘗試滿足單個客戶的要求。 我與我的兄弟和一位朋友在斯里蘭卡旅行,我們越過了康提。因此,我們決定入住Randholee Resort Hotel。我們到深夜,大約晚上9點到達,儘管我們還有30分鐘的時間。游泳,因為游泳池開放至晚上10點。辦理登機手續時,我們出示2本護照,酒店工作人員對我們說,我們可以將行李放在1樓的地板上,我們可以在1樓的休息室坐下來。我們也得到了提神的紙巾。到目前為止,一切都很好。至此,鬥爭開始了。 25分鐘後。關於在休息室等候,我問接待處現在是否可以辦理登機手續,因為我們仍然計劃去游泳直到游泳池開放,由於到達的時間太晚,我們對等待並不滿意時間。我看到我們的護照和房間鑰匙已經準備好放在接待台上了,所以我認為他們忘了告訴我們可以入住了。我也在尋找可以拿些新鮮紙巾的人,因為我們拿著他們持續25分鐘。在我們手中,等著拿走毛巾或告訴我們可以入住的人,真是太好了(諷刺)。 我們有一個友好的酒店工作人員,向我們展示了房間,現在大約是9點。下午30點,進入房間後,我們意識到我們的行李仍然不在這裡,我問他,我們的行李在哪裡?他看了看房間,對我們說,他們將把行李帶給我們。因此,我認為他們將行李放在1樓的地板上,而忘記了當我們在休息室等候時將它們帶入我們的房間。也許下次您可以對您的酒店客人說,他們可以將自己的行李帶到自己的房間裡時,我認為這要安全得多。 所以我們再次等著行李,因為我們的泳裝在裡面-。 -再過20分鐘。一名酒店員工仍將行李帶給我們(時間戳:9:50 pm)。我們問他,好吧,謝謝你的包ge,現在是否可以游泳?他對我們說,游泳池在10分鐘內不會關閉。時間太短了真? 50分鐘後。等待登機和等待行李的時間,真的很棒。我們對他說,好的,我們只會游泳大約10分鐘。 ,最多20分鐘。 ,我們很安靜,不會打擾其他酒店的客人。他說,好的,他會問,他試圖用我們房間的電話給接待處打電話,但是沒人接。他說,好的,他會問,然後再回答。所以我們再次等待。 。 。 。 -。 -所以我們等到晚上10點,他再也沒有回來給我們答复,做得很好。我們從陽台上看到,他們恰好在晚上10點關閉了游泳池的燈。所以我當時真的很生氣,所以我決定去接待處,問問我自己現在是否可以游泳。旅館的事情告訴我,不是不可能的,因為游泳池在晚上10點關閉,早上7點再次開放,我們應該早上去游泳。我問他們是否可以做一個例外,但不能,游泳池在晚上10點正好開始一些清潔過程,這時沒有人可以游泳。我認為cleanig過程是一個普通的泵,用於過濾水,這是每個普通游泳池的標準配置,在人們游泳時整天運行。但是好吧,游泳池關閉了,我回到房間,我們對整個情況真的不滿意,似乎沒人在乎客人的利益。 我們認為,好吧,也許我們可以看電視,然後我們意識到電視遙控器不起作用,也許電池沒電了,這並不是很悲慘。順便說一句,我們的迷你吧里只有一水。我是這樣想的,真的嗎? ?三人一水?因此,在此之後,我們準備上床睡覺了,我們想將空調的初始溫度從22 C更改為24 C,因為22 C的溫度太低,無法入睡,然後我們意識到即使空調遙控器也無法正常工作沒有遙控器,我們就無法更改溫度。因此,我們拿起椅子,放在桌子上踩一下,以關閉空調。但是在那一刻,我們這家酒店怎麼了? 我們在酒店房間四處張望,每個角落都看到一些灰塵,毛髮,蜘蛛和其他昆蟲。浴室的一些縫隙發霉了。我們甚至在浴室裡看到一隻螞蟻排,螞蟻直接走到他們放毛巾的地方。接下來是毛巾,我們有一個三人間的三人間,他們在浴室裡給我們放了兩張毛巾,所以另一件事是經過精心計劃的,真的,你們這是怎麼回事-。 -? ? ? 鬥爭仍在繼續: 在刷牙的過程中,我看到了鏡子的危險電,因此,如果您不小心觸摸電纜,則會受到110 V和2安培的電擊。有些有壁爐問題的人會在50 mA下死亡,這比您在酒店浴室遇到的電擊低40倍。 鬥爭仍在繼續: 在這家酒店度過了美好的夜晚之後,我們入睡,我在早上4點醒來,感覺這房間的溫度大約是30攝氏度,每個人都冒著最壞的汗,因為我們關閉了空調,導致22攝氏度太冷,遙控器無法更改溫度。 我打開風扇,每個人都醒來,說,這個房間太熱了,風扇只能在最大溫度下工作。速度實在太快了,如果您調低速度,它會發出一些奇怪的聲音。 因此,我們再次拿起椅子和桌子,在22°C的初始溫度下打開空調。 第二天我們決定,好吧,我們吃早餐,然後我們應該盡快離開這家超級酒店。對於退房,我想,如果有人問我們在酒店的住宿情況,我可以告訴他一些事情,我們真的對所有事情都不滿意,我想如果可以找到解決方案,也許我可以提出註釋,但NOBODY ASKS導致NOBODY CARES。 。 。 -。 -我想,好的,讓我們付款然後離開。 我還在退房時看到我們的朋友,他說一天前他會問我們是否可以去游泳池游泳,我們等到晚上10點才關閉游泳池。他今天晚上再也沒有回來。我問他,你去哪裡了,我們在等你嗎?他的反應是最好的,他友好地笑著走開了。這裡出了點問題。 請,如果可能,請選擇另一家酒店。謝謝。
4.5/563 評價
Title: A Tranquil Oasis in the Heart of Sri Lanka - Amaya Hill Hotel Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ From the moment I set foot in the enchanting Amaya Hill Hotel in Sri Lanka, I was transported to a realm of unparalleled luxury and serenity. Nestled amidst the lush greenery of the Kandy hills, this hidden gem offers an experience that is nothing short of magical. The first thing that caught my eye was the breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The hotel's strategic location provides guests with an uninterrupted vista of nature's beauty, creating a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere. The sight alone is worth the visit. Amaya Hill Hotel effortlessly combines modern elegance with traditional charm. The architecture is a blend of contemporary design and Sri Lankan aesthetics, creating a harmonious atmosphere that resonates throughout the property. The attention to detail is impeccable, from the intricately designed lobby to the thoughtfully decorated rooms. Speaking of rooms, the accommodations at Amaya Hill are nothing short of luxurious. Spacious, well-appointed, and equipped with all the amenities one could desire, the rooms offer a perfect sanctuary for relaxation. The comfortable beds ensure a restful night's sleep, and waking up to the breathtaking sunrise from the large windows is a treat in itself. The hotel's culinary offerings are a true delight for the senses. The restaurants showcase the best of Sri Lankan and international cuisine, prepared with precision and passion. Each dish is a culinary masterpiece, and the attentive staff adds to the overall dining experience. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a romantic dinner under the stars at one of the outdoor dining venues – an experience that will linger in your memory. One of the standout features of Amaya Hill Hotel is its commitment to wellness and rejuvenation. The spa facilities are world-class, offering a range of treatments that blend ancient healing practices with modern techniques. A dip in the infinity pool, surrounded by the serene landscape, is a perfect way to unwind and soak in the beauty of nature. The attentive and courteous staff at Amaya Hill Hotel deserves special mention. Their genuine warmth and eagerness to make every guest feel at home truly set this establishment apart. The level of service is exemplary, making it clear that the staff is dedicated to ensuring a memorable stay for every guest. In conclusion, Amaya Hill Hotel in Sri Lanka is a true haven for those seeking a blend of luxury, natural beauty, and genuine hospitality. Whether you're a solo traveler, a couple looking for a romantic getaway, or a family in search of a peaceful retreat, Amaya Hill Hotel is an absolute treasure waiting to be discovered. My stay was nothing short of magical, and I eagerly look forward to returning to this paradise in the hills.


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