Isla Blanca附近的飯店

穆赫雷斯島Isla Blanca附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Isla Blanca飯店

達馬爾悅宜灣飯店-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
達馬爾悅宜灣飯店-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店達馬爾悅宜灣飯店-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca3.32km
裡烏杜納瑪爾飯店 - 全包坐落於女人灘,在大洋邊,距離Playa Mujeres 高爾夫俱樂部和蓬塔薩姆渡輪碼頭不到 15 分鐘車程。 此全包型住宿距離Ultramar費裡波託華雷斯 9.5 英里(15.2 公里),距離穆赫勒斯島碼頭 10.6 英里(17.1 公里)。到全方位服務的 SPA 放鬆一下;在這裡,您可以享受按摩、身體護理和麵部護理。一定要去體驗5 個室外游泳池、夜總會和免費水上樂園等度假設施。此住宿的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和保姆服務(收費)。此住宿是全包飯店。房費中包括了飯店內餐廳的正餐和飲料。一些餐廳、特殊晚宴、飲料及其他服務可能需要額外收費。 住宿設有 5 間餐廳,您不妨選擇去Isla Mujeres享用美味佳餚。如果想喝一杯,放鬆一下,可以去池畔酒吧;此外還有 6 間酒吧/酒廊和 2 間泳池酒吧供您選擇。每日 7:00 至 10:30 提供免費的自助早餐。 特色服務/設施包括豪華轎車或公務車服務、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時櫃檯服務。計劃在女人灘舉辦活動?這家住宿擁有 128 平方米(1378 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議場地和會議室。飯店提供免費自助停車。有 740 間特色裝修的客房提供免費迷你吧物品和平板電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。客房設有私人陽台。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;衛星頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備淋浴設施的半開放式浴室提供免費洗浴用品和吹風機。

Christiano and Barragana are the absolute best tenders at riu Dunamar cancun. Always going out of their way to get you the drink before anyone else. As we are three chefs we appreciate all that is done here. Thank you to all the rest of the staff for putting up with our shenanigans.
101 reviews
穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca4.31km
入住穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。所有客房均禁煙。 這裡的部分房間附設陽台,並能讓您坐擁絕美花園景觀。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。前往室外的游泳池鍛鍊身體,也能單純放鬆身心。 入住期間可以到海灘戲水玩耍。穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店擁有專屬海灘,另提供風浪板運動及浮潛在內的活動。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa、按摩室或三溫暖好好慰勞自己。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有划獨木舟、網球場及釣魚,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間度假村,您還能找到花園等設施。 這間設施齊全的飯店還提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。

訪客用戶 2024.06.01
位置是晚上去哪裏的路,沒有車絕對不能出來。 我認爲這是酒店中最好的設施。它整潔,沒有雜物。餐廳也很開放,我喜歡它。 服務也很好,但是因爲之前住過斯卡雷特·阿爾特,所以職員們的親切度很遺憾,但是我認爲公司的積極活動可以覆蓋一切。 米飯比斯卡雷特好吃質量也很好因爲沒有活動性所以很遺憾以後公司再投資的話會產生 質量真的很好。最好的
86 reviews
女人海灘壯麗優雅飯店-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
女人海灘壯麗優雅飯店-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店女人海灘壯麗優雅飯店-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca5.88km
女人海岸壯麗優雅飯店 - 全包式位於女人灘,緊鄰海灘,距離Playa Mujeres 高爾夫俱樂部和蓬塔薩姆渡輪碼頭不到 10 分鐘車程。 此全包型住宿距離Ultramar費裡波託華雷斯 7.9 英里(12.8 公里),距離北海灘 9.3 英里(15 公里)。到全方位服務的 SPA 放鬆一下;在這裡,您可以享受按摩、身體護理和麵部護理。一定要去體驗12 個室外游泳池、2 個 SPA 浴缸和健身俱樂部等度假設施。此住宿還提供免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和禮品店/報攤。此住宿是全包飯店。房費中包括了飯店內餐廳的正餐和飲料。一些餐廳、特殊晚宴、飲料及其他服務可能需要額外收費。 住宿設有 7 間餐廳,您可以去Flavors簡單吃一點;也可以待在房間裡,享受部分時段客房送餐服務。 歡迎光臨酒吧/酒廊和海濱酒吧,喝一杯,放鬆一下;此外還有 6 間泳池酒吧供您選擇。每日 7:00 至 10:00 提供免費的全套早餐。 特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務、24 小時櫃檯服務和多語言服務。計劃在女人灘舉辦活動?這家住宿擁有 755 平方米(8123 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議中心和3 間會議室。飯店提供免費自助停車。有 570 間空調客房提供免費迷你吧物品和智能電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。您的客房備有加厚層臥床。客房設有私人陽台。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;有線頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備獨立的浴缸和淋浴的私人浴室提供按摩浴缸和大花灑淋浴噴頭。

SSchiller 2022.02.07
(TL:DR) 哦,天哪!我相信 Majestic Elegance Costa Mujeres 在一段时间内可能已经让我们为任何其他全包式度假村宠坏了! 多么不可思议的经历!这确实是一次包罗万象的体验,除了他们的场外游览公司 (GoMajestic) 和他们的摩托艇租赁机会(在通往家庭游泳池/天空休息区的主要走道旁的售货亭预订那些!) 管家服务用处不大(入住期间1-2次);然而,阿图罗是个甜心,非常乐于助人! 至于小费,其他去过类似度假村的人推荐我们(因为这是我们第一次!),在酒吧每杯饮料小费 1 美元,用餐时每人 1-3 美元。我们还做了每天 5 美元的客房清洁服务,因为在我们 5 天的住宿期间,他们确实需要更换几次我们的床单。她是如此甜心,如此高效,所以我们很高兴这样做。不确定他们是否有团队,但我们意识到我们每次都有同一个管家,这真的很整洁!我不太确定我们给小费的方式是否合适/足够,但如果不是,他们会非常感激和尊重(!) 强烈推荐带户外按摩浴缸的游泳套房!我们在 3010 房间,这绝对是美妙的——当游泳池不是超级温暖时,按摩浴缸非常适合,但你仍然想在水中!气泡非常响亮,但这是唯一的缺点! 度假村本身的布局设计几乎完美!成人方面与家庭方面明显分开;餐馆和商店不远也不挡路;有足够的空间四处走动并享受您的隐私,但如果您愿意,仍然有许多社区空间可以结识新朋友! 海滩保存得非常好。海滩每天至少清洁两次,保安人员每隔一段时间就会四处走动,以确保度假村的隐私和供应商的缺乏得到维护。每天晚上在海滩上散步和站在水里,我们都感到非常安全。保安会微笑着挥手让我们知道我们没事,他们也尊重我们的隐私,因为我们凝视着星星聊天,沉浸在其中:) 食物很好吃!他们很好地满足了每个人的饮食需求,我们有很多食物要尝试!自助餐非常适合午餐和晚餐,但请务必在需要时预订晚餐餐厅选项,因为您不想错过!餐厅都包括在内,除了牛排馆,我们计划在下次访问时尝试!否则,Mar House 太棒了!我们有幸在那里享用了龙虾晚餐——这是我一段时间以来吃过的最好的龙虾,我在新英格兰长大!每次我们吃的时候,肉类/海鲜都非常柔软和美味! 我可以继续说下去,但我只想说,我们绝对计划再次访问,并带上朋友!度假村迎合了各种各样的人,我们迫不及待地想把它介绍给我们的朋友和家人! 我想说我们唯一希望的是,在传奇体育酒吧/俱乐部关闭后,有一个深夜社区空间供年轻人闲逛,因为有时他们会提前一个小时关闭,然后就没有什么可做的了* 从凌晨 1 点或 2 点到早餐,并不是每个人都想邀请全新的朋友到他们的房间😅 虽然我们在那里的时候确实结交了一些好朋友,并且实际上计划今年在他们的家乡拜访他们!不过,我希望下次会有更多的国际游客到那里,因为当我们在那里时,度假村里似乎主要是美国人(!) 总体体验为 10/10,我们绝对会很快再次访问!
103 reviews
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
帕拉迪姆精選科斯塔穆赫雷斯全包式飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
帕拉迪姆精選科斯塔穆赫雷斯全包式飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店帕拉迪姆精選科斯塔穆赫雷斯全包式飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca7.08km
入住海岸帕拉迪姆水療度假村-全包,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。海岸帕拉迪姆水療度假村-全包提供設施齊全的客房,包含如迷你吧、咖啡機、私人入口、房內保險箱及咖啡壺/茶壺等設施。 所有客房均禁煙。 您能在這間飯店的部分房間找到花園景觀。預訂景觀房型,享受獨特入住體驗。閒暇時間,您可以前往室外的游泳池內游泳。 如果您要自我充電或簡單放鬆一下,可以前往飯店的spa、按摩室或三溫暖。 健身房可供旅客前往活動筋骨。 您在這裡能找到多樣的運動及活動,包含划獨木舟、水上運動設備、網球場、高爾夫球場及釣魚。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi 能讓您保持連網。 在這間度假村,您還能使用花園、兒童遊樂場及遊戲室等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

訪客 2023.08.01
This resort was wonderful. The staff were very friendly and helpful. The Pop team was fantastic - especially Rey and Danny! There was something for everyone to do which was great. The food was good. The steak house was our favorite. I do wish the ability to get reservations / walk into restaurants was better. Some were better than others. The pool and beach were very well maintained and perfect for all ages
106 reviews
INR 45,233
TRS珊瑚飯店-限成人-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
TRS珊瑚飯店-限成人-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店TRS珊瑚飯店-限成人-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca7.39km
TRS 珊瑚酒店 - 僅供成人入住 - 全包式位於女人灘,位於海邊,距離Playa Mujeres 高爾夫俱樂部衹有 4 分鐘車程,且距離Ultramar費裏波託華雷斯有 13 分鐘車程。 此全包型住宿距離Garrafon 自然礁公園 6.4 英里(10.4 公里),距離北海灘 7.9 英里(12.6 公里)。到全方位服務的 SPA 放鬆一下;在這裏,您可以享受按摩、身體護理和麪部護理。一定要去體驗3 個室外游泳池、室外網球場和健身俱樂部等度假設施。此藝術裝飾風格住宿的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和遊樂廳/遊戲室。此住宿是全包酒店。房費中包括了酒店內餐廳的正餐和飲料。一些餐廳、特殊晚宴、飲料及其他服務可能需要額外收費。 住宿設有 6 間餐廳,您不妨選擇到Capricho享用國際美食,也可以待在房間裏,享受 24 小時送餐服務。此外咖啡館還供應美味點心。這裡有 3 間酒吧/酒廊、2 間海灘酒吧和 3 間池畔酒吧供您選擇,可以喝一杯,放鬆一下。包含免費的自助早餐。 特色服務/設施包括商務中心、大堂免費報紙和乾洗/洗衣服務。計劃在女人灘舉辦活動?這家住宿擁有 995 平方米(10710 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議中心和12 間會議室。住客可付費乘坐來回機場班車,酒店還提供免費代客停車。有 469 間空調客房提供免費迷你吧物品和智能電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。您的記憶海綿床墊卧床備有高檔床上用品。客房設有私人備有傢俱的陽台或露台。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;數碼頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備獨立的浴缸和淋浴的私人浴室提供按摩浴缸和大花灑淋浴噴頭。

LLeungAlex 2022.04.26
109 reviews
INR 47,612
女人海灘夢想高爾夫及水療度假村-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
女人海灘夢想高爾夫及水療度假村-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店女人海灘夢想高爾夫及水療度假村-全包 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca7.8km
入住女人海灘夢想高爾夫及水療度假村-全包,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 這裡的部分房間附設露台,並能讓您坐擁絕美海景。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。您可以在飯店的游泳池游泳,或悠閒曬個日光浴。另外請別錯過溫水泳池。 正打算到水邊消磨時間嗎?您可以前往女人海灘夢想高爾夫及水療度假村-全包的專屬海灘放鬆身心,也能參加風浪板運動或浮潛。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa、按摩室、三溫暖或足浴好好慰勞自己。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。 您在這裡能找到多樣的運動及活動,包含網球場、高爾夫球場及釣魚。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。整間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi,讓您能隨時上網。 在這間度假村,您還能找到燒烤、花園、兒童遊樂場及遊戲室等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。
100 reviews
艾特利爾女人海灘飯店-全包-限成人 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
艾特利爾女人海灘飯店-全包-限成人 Isla Blanca附近的飯店艾特利爾女人海灘飯店-全包-限成人 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca8.65km
入住艾特利爾女人海灘飯店-全包-限成人,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。所有客房均禁煙。 這裡的部分房間附設露台,並能讓您坐擁絕美海景。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。這間飯店設有游泳池,亦包含景觀泳池。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa、按摩室、日光浴區或三溫暖好好慰勞自己。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。整間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi,讓您能隨時上網。 在這間度假村,您還能使用花園。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

訪客 2023.06.07
My experience at Atelier was nothing short of amazing. I visited the resort for my 30th birthday which was also my first solo trip. Every single person I encountered treated me with care and received me with love. I felt so special, literally like a Princess! I would love to come back and visit another time with friends and family. Here are some highlights worth mentioning: - I ate at Alba, Mercado 19, María Dolores, Takeshi, Limon y Sal, Bikini Azul, and La Consentida during my stay and all of them were good! Now for me, some were better than others depending on the type of food you like, but still, every single thing I ate was delicious. No hit or miss, the food was amazing, and at no point did I fall ill from food consumption. - Carmelo was my server at Maria Dolores for my birthday dinner and he and the entire staff treated me like royalty. I was alone at the restaurant for most of my reservation so they were all very attentive to me. The attention to detail in the food and the presentation made this a fine dining experience like no other. Everything was very well thought out and explained beautifully, like a story. Although the food at the restaurant is not included in the price of the resort, it’s very reasonably priced and worth it. - Joshua, Freddy, Adriana, and the pianist at the Azucar Bar & Lounge treated me like family for my entire stay. Every night I would visit them they would be so happy to see me and wanted to celebrate my birthday with me. Joshua is such a talented mixologist, every drink he made was made with love. I attended one of the cocktail classes hosted on Sunday evenings and although I learned some cool drinks, I wish we were able to be more hands-on and actually replicate making the drink instead of just watching him. - On the night of my birthday room service delivered a small plate of cheese and bread along with a champagne bottle, I really enjoyed that surprise! Random things to note that could matter to some people and are worth mentioning: - The walls in the rooms are pretty thin and you can hear everything going on around you, whether in the rooms surrounding yours or outside in the hallway. There’s ambient music playing 24/7 which is nice during the day but I think they should turn it down at night so guests can rest. - The app they suggest using for the resort is a bit glitchy and not fully functional. They encourage you to make dinner reservations using the iPads around the property because you can’t make reservations via the app which I find to be counterintuitive. You’re not able to see the reservations you set up in the app so if you forget what time you booked, you have to find an iPad to double-check. Also, the map of the resort on the app is very hard to use and understand. - I feel like this is a given at any beach resort but if you’re looking to get a cabana by the pool or hut on the beach, I suggest you get there early. On my last day, I went to the beach at 7:30 and already all of the cabanas a
120 reviews
INR 68,448
賽琳娜伯克納女人島飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
賽琳娜伯克納女人島飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店賽琳娜伯克納女人島飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
女人島 | 距離Isla Blanca9.47km
塞利娜 Poc Na 女子島位於女人島,距離北海灘 0.3 英里(0.4 公里),距離Playa Mujeres 高爾夫俱樂部 8.2 英里(13.2 公里)。 此飯店距離Ultramar費裡波託華雷斯 8.7 英里(14 公里),距離坎昆購物中心 10.6 英里(17 公里)。您可充分利用室外游泳池和腳踏車租賃等度假設施。在塞利娜 Poc Na 女子島,您可以去餐廳享用美餐。您可以到酒吧/酒廊,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。每天 7:00 至 10:00 提供收費的歐陸式早餐。特色服務/設施包括行李寄存、圖書館和櫃檯保管箱。飯店的 9 間客房定能讓您在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫。浴室提供淋浴設施,備有大花灑淋浴噴頭。便利設施包括風扇,而且每天提供客房服務

訪客 2023.12.28
We loved Selina, we stayed in the suite for 7 nights which was spacious and gorgeous. I would have loved to give a 5 out of 5 but for half our stay we had to put up with dj’s playing until 2am, and 4am on one of the nights. We asked about a room change but would have had to give up the suite, they provide earplugs but nothing can cut that noise or bass out! My suggestion would be to stay if you want a great hostel in a great location but ask for a room that’s further away from the music, if that’s even possible.
115 reviews
INR 1,418
卓越女人海灘度假村-全包型-限大人 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
卓越女人海灘度假村-全包型-限大人 Isla Blanca附近的飯店卓越女人海灘度假村-全包型-限大人 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
穆赫雷斯海岸 | 距離Isla Blanca9.61km
品質女人海灘 - 僅供成人入住全包式位於蓬塔山姆普拉亞穆赫雷,距離Playa Mujeres 高爾夫俱樂部和Ultramar費裡波託華雷斯不到 15 分鐘車程。 此全包型住宿距離北海灘 6.2 英里(10 公里),距離La Isla購物中心 14.8 英里(23.7 公里)。您可到 SPA 慰勞一下自己,這裡提供按摩、身體護理和麵部護理。在7 個室外游泳池中充分放鬆後,可以到私家海灘徜徉片刻。此住宿的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和禮品店/報攤。此住宿是全包飯店。房費中包括了飯店內餐廳的正餐和飲料。一些餐廳、特殊晚宴、飲料及其他服務可能需要額外收費。 住宿設有 10 間餐廳,您不妨選擇到Toscana享用國際美食,也可以待在房間裡,享受 24 小時送餐服務。此外咖啡館還供應美味點心。如果想喝一杯,放鬆一下,可以去海濱酒吧;此外還有 11 間酒吧/酒廊和 7 間池畔酒吧供您選擇。 特色服務/設施包括24 小時櫃檯服務、多語言服務和行李寄存。飯店設有收費的24 小時往返機場班車,此外還提供免費代客停車。有 450 間客房提供免費迷你吧物品和LED 電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。您的臥床備有羽絨被和高檔床上用品。客房設有私人備有傢俱的陽台或露台。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;衛星頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備獨立的浴缸和淋浴的私人浴室提供按摩浴缸和免費洗浴用品。

訪客 2023.06.09
If you're looking for a place with great service, this is it. Every single staff member was more than courteous. This is the second Excellence resort we visited and although similar every resort has its own experience and shine. Although you may be tempted to check out the steak house or the seafood restaurant for dinner, we highly recommend checking out the AGAVE restaurant. Not only did they highlight traditional local dishes but again the service was great! Our Hostess Alexandra, was friendly, made us feel more than welcome, and gave us some great tips as to what to do at the resort!
102 reviews
INR 49,687
祕密印象女人島度假村-限成人- 全包式 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
祕密印象女人島度假村-限成人- 全包式 Isla Blanca附近的飯店祕密印象女人島度假村-限成人- 全包式 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
女人島 | 距離Isla Blanca15.54km
入住祕密印象女人島度假村-限成人- 全包式,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。這裡的部分房間附設露台,並能讓您坐擁絕美海景。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。 這間飯店的所有客房均設有私人浴室。這間飯店設有游泳池,亦包含溫水泳池。 正打算到水邊消磨時間嗎?您可以前往祕密印象女人島度假村-限成人- 全包式的專屬海灘放鬆身心,也能參加浮潛或潛水。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa、按摩室或三溫暖好好慰勞自己。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有划獨木舟及水上運動設備,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi 能讓您保持連網。 櫃台提供 24 小時全天候服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。

We wanted a relaxing, easy travel, 4 night / 5 day vac. We found and booked Secrets Impressions on Isla Mujeres. We are from upstate NY. Flew from ROC to ATL CUN. Pre arranged pick up at the airport who transported us to the marina where we would take the catamoran to the property on Isla Mujeres. So this is the only negative we experienced - the waiting area experience could be greatly improved. It is outside under a thatched roof, which was comfortable enough but we did get quite warm. The ”snacks” and ”drinks” were not very good. I asked for water. I received water in a glass. I did not see where the water was dispensed from so I did not drink it. I used the ladies room which is a shared facility. It was dirty and extremely HOT. Once we arrived at the property, we were stunned. It is gorgeous. Our butler greeted us, provided a drink and took us on a tour. Omar& Martin were absolutley amazing. We saw Omar often and he checked in with us via the WhatsApp. He was off for a day and Martin took care of us. I cannot fully express how amazing the butler service is and ALL service at Impressions. The property is beautiful! The use of materials, textures & colors provides a soothing and luxurious feeling. The rooms are amazing. I have never stayed at a property with two sinks in the bathroom, never even though about it. Now I am ruined, I will forever be dissapointed with one sink bathrooms. Its the little things. Our room had automatic black out blinds and an auto shade on the shower. I will not explain as to not spoil for others. Again, the materials used in the room were pure luxury. The food! Almost everything we ate was top notch and presented beautifully. You can eat all the time, and drink all of the time. And we did. Your butler will make reservations for you. Which at first I was not a fan of but understand why after staying there. The restaurant is ready for you and that takes the service to a whole other level. They are aware of your preferences, allergies, celebrations etc. We never left the property. We decided on that when we booked. We simply wanted to stay and relax. The service poolside / ocean side is amazing. When they see you coming, the staff greets you and gets your preferred loungers ready with towels and shade. Staff will offer drinks and food throughout the day. Everyone at the property spoils you. It was a wonderful trip!! Thank you Omar, Martin and all of the staff who make you feel like royalty. Chris and Mary Hunt Keuka Lake NY
47 reviews
查看所有Isla Blanca飯店

精選Isla Blanca住宿推薦

過去 30 天內最熱銷的Isla Blanca附近飯店
吉恩別墅飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
101 則評論


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島 | 距離Isla Blanca9.08KM
"Good Location"
凱布納斯瑪利亞德爾瑪飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
102 則評論


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島 | 距離Isla Blanca9.15KM
"Good Location"
波薩達德爾瑪爾飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
103 則評論


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島 | 距離Isla Blanca9.46KM
"Good Location"
西科瑞託飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
69 則評論


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島 | 距離Isla Blanca9.27KM
"Good Location"
尊榮阿盧斯島姆荷度假村 - 限成人 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
103 則評論

尊榮阿盧斯島姆荷度假村 - 限成人

女人島, 穆赫雷斯島 | 距離Isla Blanca9.39KM
"Good Location"
飯店廣場阿蒙德羅斯,伊斯拉穆赫雷斯 Isla Blanca附近的飯店
80 則評論


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島 | 距離Isla Blanca9.44KM
"Good Location"


I came here with the utmost intention of writing a horrific review but the last few days I’ve seen a big change in the hotel. Sucks that it was literally the last day I was here. Here’s the rub, this hotel is simply not ready to receive people. They are under staffed, poorly trained, extremely slow, and flustered with even minimal people. I have never heard the word “no” so many times at an all inclusive. For example, had lunch at Bungalow and asked for chicken in my salad and was told no. Had dinner at the Italian restaurant and wanted shrimp in my pasta and was told no. Wanted a simple cucumber for breakfast and was told no. This was the theme all around. I want to shout out Fernando the manager at Market for trying to make things better. Now on to the next problems. I had an elite room specifically for the jacuzzi on the roof and the benefits. The water was filthy brown just like in the toilets, sink, and shower. I got compensated for not being able to use my room. PS butler service is a waste of time. Unresponsive and no use. Their instagram is misleading. All of their comments say everything would be ready a month ago. Guess what it’s not. Half the hotel is still undergoing construction. Hallways smell of paint and there’s construction going on. The sad part is only three restaurants are open. Italian, steak, and Mexican. If I had known this I wouldn’t have booked this hotel and instead would have gone again to Atelier where they don’t even know the meaning of no. The pool is absolutely ice cold. No one swam in it. Everyone was huddle in the jacuzzi by the pool that was maybe 75/80 degrees. Overall the resort is not ready to receive people at this time. They rushed to get some money in but it’s unfair to the customers to pay for certain categories and not only not have access to them but also not have restaurants to eat at. Frankly the other reviews here worry and are dishonest. There’s a few here that mention the dirty water, slow service, cold pool, and lack of food. They are telling the truth. Notice my pictures show the toilet water and jacuzzi water are the same color. Let that sink in. Ha!
SLS PLAYA MUJERES Isla Blanca附近的飯店


穆赫雷斯海岸, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 31,031
If you are wanting to have a destination wedding, I highly recommend Casa de los Suenos on Isla Mujeres in Mexico. My wife and I started planning about a year in advance and were coordinating with the hotel manager/Chris, who is also the wedding coordinator and Robert his assistant. We did not know what to expect when we got there for the wedding with 65 friends and family members, but our expectations exceeded 100 times over. The bar tenders and wait staff worked tirelessly throughout the whole evening to make sure everyone was happy and accommodated. From food to flowers to cake to seating to pictures and the timing of all of the day’s events, (It was Amazing!) We stayed in the Presidential Suite and had the other 12 rooms booked out as well for 5 days. The restaurant/ bar down on the beach “Kin Ha” has 3 pools, GREAT food and service, and allows you to be in a self-contained environment with your group. We can’t say enough good things about Chris. His knowledge, connections and attention to detail made for the perfect wedding for my wife and I.
夢想之家飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 23,789
優點: Wiliam和Arturo太棒了!!!他們很細心,每次都理解我們的訂單。他們讓每頓飯都很容易,我們超級感激。Wiliam甚至做了我的伴侶要求的特殊浪漫之夜。這是海灘邊,很漂亮!他們播放我們要求的音樂,我們都感覺很特別。缺點:早餐工作人員需要一些工作。他們真的不明白我們大部分時間想要什麼。他們會多次問我同樣的問題,即使我澄清了,他們仍然錯誤地提出。通常,我不得不多次要求同樣的事情(如 leche ) , 每次他們表現得像我第一次問。當我們的一家餐廳不可用,關閉或預訂超過我們9晚住宿的一半的聚會時,我們感到失望。有一場風暴,我們很高興家裏有餐廳,所以我們不必出去,只是發現他們在我們下來之前30分鐘都關閉了兩家餐廳。他們給我們一封信說渡輪下午4點停,但沒有通知餐廳晚上7點關門,當我們問前台時他們說我們在信中通知我們,我們沒有,信中沒有提到關閉。前台告訴我們,唯一接近交貨的是披薩。我們不得不出去進城,找到一個開放的地方。我們找到了一個。當你在現場付款吃飯時,不方便。
伊茲拉海濱飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 13,066
For 4 whole days I did not have running water. From the beginning I stated this was an issue, and the response was that they were working on it. The front desk clerk Alan stated he would get me moved but did nothing and every day I asked he said one more day. The room was a bungalow but smelled like an outhouse with no running water. Finally when I was moved the property made me sign a waiver stating I would relinquish all rights that they had no liability because they were putting me in an “upgrade”. There was no upgrade other than running water. This is not an upgrade this is an amenity i paid for and not delivered on. I did ask for my money back and would have rather just moved hotels completely but the front desk manager refused to give a refund and said he could not do that and the only thing I could do was forfeit everything I had already paid and dispute with booking directly. Then I was double charged upon check out for a restaurant bill that was tacked on to my room as room service also. Had to argue and pull receipts live before a refund was given. Went back and forth with the manager for over 45 min. Horrible experience all around. For the price of this hotel you are far better off staying at a large resort. Would never recommend anyone staying here.
布蘭卡海灘之家 Isla Blanca附近的飯店


穆赫雷斯海岸, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 16,793
Muy cómodo lugar para descansar y a muy buen precio. La habitación es amplia con TV, refrigerador, aire acondicionado. Tiene jacuzzi dentro de cada habitación, lo cual considero muy mal, dado que en la isla hay escasez de agua y un baño en jacuzzi desperdicia cantidades impresionantes de agua. El hotel tiene alberquita, para ir a la playa caminando hay clubs de playa cerca, ya si quieres ir a punta Norte, un taxi te cobra de 100 a 150 pesos. El servicio del hotel es muy bueno, a excepción del señor de la recepción quien siempre te atiende con cara mala. Es recomendable este lugar pues si quieres descansar, esta lejos del bullicio y tráfico del centro de la isla. Relación calidad-precio muy buena.
別墅可可度假村 - 全套房飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店

別墅可可度假村 - 全套房飯店

女人島, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 5,543
I had an amazing experience at Mayan Monkey! The food was absolutely delicious, with a great variety of flavors that left me impressed. The atmosphere was vibrant and welcoming, making it a perfect spot to relax and enjoy. Special shoutout to Dany and Paola for their outstanding service! They were attentive, friendly, and made sure everything was perfect during my visit. Their warm hospitality truly enhanced the experience. Highly recommend this place for anyone looking for great food and excellent service!
遊牧者飯店,青年旅舍和海灘俱樂部 Isla Blanca附近的飯店


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 1,887
JJen Fan位置超級好!設施不算新但維護得很好。房間vey乾淨,有冰箱和空調。矩陣很舒服。睡了兩晚很棒。酒店沒有電梯,但工作人員可以幫忙搬運行李。
布卡內羅斯飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 5,191
After many, many visits to Isla Mujeres and stays in hotels as well as small casitas, our group of two couples opted for Rocamar because of its location on the malecon and its walkability to the beach, cafés, shops and restaurants we love. We requested second floor rooms and were squared away quickly despite a midnight arrival thanks to Jesse. A very quick room change was effected by 1 pm the next day for our travelling companions who had requested a king bed, and I’d say it was a fabulous upgrade to Room 18! If you’ve stayed there you’ll know why. Many thanks, Alma. A few thing took some getting used to but were quickly sorted. Bathrooms have glass walls but full privacy is ensured by pulling draperies over exposed areas. Stand far back as you adjust your shower temperature where you like it — hot water there is HOT. Our housekeeper was Kandy, a sweet woman who left everything gleaming each day around 11 am in our case. She provided extra towels and even some “Cloro” so I could get a stain out of my new white tee. We made sure to tip her everyday, even her day off, for her pleasant demeanour and friendly conversation. It helps that my Spanish is good. I’d say the hugest plus of Rocamar are its balcony views of the Caribbean Sea and the waves rolling in. Coffee and sunrises just naturally go together here. The sun moves to the southeast by lunchtime, so we would often spend our early afternoons by the small pool or the outdoor tables under shady canopies. The pool was clean and uncrowded; other guests were pleasant and respectful. Our single complaint was handled swiftly by the desk when a family had their small children in the courtyard running and shouting at 1 am. A definite bonus for us was the hotel cat, Misha, a clean spayed female dilute calico. She befriended us and spent most nights on our bed sleeping. She meowed to go out and returned in the evenings after dinner! There may or may not have been tuna involved. :) I hope all guests are accepting of her if not completely mad about her as we are. Look past a few dated things that could use paint. New pool umbrellas would be great but we know they take a beating with the constant onshore wind. We most assuredly will return to Rocamar for what we feel was an economical, safe and comfortable stay.
洛卡馬爾飯店 Isla Blanca附近的飯店


女人島, 穆赫雷斯島
每晚起價:INR 9,422


Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間超熱門飯店?

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間豪華飯店?

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間飯店很受背包客歡迎?

無論是旅遊或臨時出行, 布蘭卡海灘之家坎昆日出別墅 都是很受背包客歡迎的住宿。

Isla Blanca附近飯店的本週末均價約是多少?

根據 的數據分析,於週末入住穆赫雷斯島Isla Blanca附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 INR 63,338。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間飯店提供早餐?

如果您想在穆赫雷斯島Isla Blanca附近找一間提供早餐的飯店,可以考慮入住 穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店,坎昆好萊塢成人場景飯店,傲途格精選全包度假村 - 限成人布蘭卡海灘之家 。記得提前預訂這幾間熱門飯店!

Isla Blanca附近飯店的每晚均價約是多少?

根據 的數據分析,穆赫雷斯島Isla Blanca附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 INR 263,326。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論是商務出差還是旅遊散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店,坎昆好萊塢成人場景飯店,傲途格精選全包度假村 - 限成人布蘭卡海灘之家 都是有提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間飯店附設健身房?

由於現代人對運動的需求變高,現在許多飯店都有附設健身房。 穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店,坎昆好萊塢成人場景飯店,傲途格精選全包度假村 - 限成人達馬爾悅宜灣飯店-全包 皆為設有健身房的熱門飯店。

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間無障礙飯店?

坎昆好萊塢成人場景飯店,傲途格精選全包度假村 - 限成人 是一間有提供無障礙設施的熱門飯店。

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間飯店有禁煙客房?

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設停車場?

如果計劃開車前往穆赫雷斯島Isla Blanca,建議入住 穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店,坎昆好萊塢成人場景飯店,傲途格精選全包度假村 - 限成人布蘭卡海灘之家 ,這些熱門飯店都設有停車場。

Isla Blanca附近推薦哪幾間飯店?

如果還沒想好選擇哪家飯店,不如考慮入住 穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店布蘭卡海灘之家達馬爾悅宜灣飯店-全包 ,這幾間飯店評論很好,記得提前預訂!

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設泳池?

想去穆赫雷斯島Isla Blanca又喜歡游泳的旅客,建議入住 穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店坎昆好萊塢成人場景飯店,傲途格精選全包度假村 - 限成人達馬爾悅宜灣飯店-全包 ,這幾間皆為設有泳池的熱門飯店。

Isla Blanca附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設餐廳?

如果想飯店就近用餐,可以考慮入住 穆赫雷斯白色海灘度假飯店,坎昆好萊塢成人場景飯店,傲途格精選全包度假村 - 限成人布蘭卡海灘之家 。這幾間飯店有提供美食餐廳。