

4/5122 評價
Disapointed that on arrival, we were given a piece of paper, (which we did not read until day 2), advising that the room would not be serviced daily, (by that time I had put the towels on the floor to be changed) only if you stayed for over a week then your room would be serviced after day 3 or 4, you can ask for clean towels but at a charge. Also you must remove rubbish and put it in the garbage room shute on leaving, otherwise your credit card would be charged. I have never experienced this in any hotel/motel, even 2-3 stars, resort any where else in the world. We stayed 4 days, on day 3 my husband asked for more toilet paper and clean towels, husband asked why our room had not been serviced, we were told, it was a studio appartment, reception was quite flippant, but agreed to the request, although did not replace either, had to go ask a second time, told we did not have to pay for the clean towels.
4/587 評價
我們贏得了3晚的住宿,這要歸功於Altiqa參加了90分鐘的分時度假演講。我們被標榜為4。五星級酒店公寓,但是公寓過時了,工作室裝潢看起來好像90年代以來就沒有更新過。如果它是3星級的公寓,我們會喜歡它的,而沒有5星級的期望。 床很大,空調很好用,我們很幸運,可以看到海灘/公園/街道的美景。牆壁需要很好的油漆工作,電視大約是10歲,但效果很好。他們甚至有DVD播放器!浴室是我們唯一的絆腳石-浴缸高出我的膝蓋2英寸(我的身高165厘米!)所以進去很困難。但是工作人員知道,考慮到那裡安裝了殘疾人專用滑軌,對您有幫助!花灑是那些陳舊的廢話之一,很少有水出來。當他爬進高水盆/淋浴間時,哈比的頭幾乎撞到了屋頂。沒有浴墊,所以我們在地板上用了擦手紙。 可悲的是,在遊戲室/桑拿室中安裝了一個全新的浴室。你最好去那裡!此外,遊戲室是一種獎勵。曲棍球桌的聲音和卡車一樣大,但仍然可以正常工作!一些視頻遊戲需要更新(未放入硬幣)。 接待人員是有意見的女性,當為4時。 5星,您希望他們走進來時打個招呼或感謝您。 我們最喜歡的是毗鄰酒店的意大利餐廳。優質的服務和美食! 再見沙灘毛巾和DVD!最好租一輛車,因為衹有幾步之遙可到海灘和5間餐廳。科爾斯,電影院和大多數觀光景點都需要汽車。晚上的位置超級安全,海灘很漂亮! 陽光海岸非常適合那些非常喜歡在海邊生活的家庭,但在活動方面卻很少。如果您有3星級的期望,那麼您會喜歡這個地方的!
4.3/5106 評價
4.2/5107 評價
4.5/563 評價
We had a nice spacious 1 bedroom apartment at the back of the property overlooking the pool and tennis court. During our stay it was very windy and the balcony was protected from the wind. We spent a lot of time out on the balcony. However I think if we were at the front of the property which faces the ocean, I don’t think we would have spent much time on the balcony due to the wind. The room itself was nice and clean although we found that inside cupboards and wardrobes doesn’t seem to get enough attention to detail in cleaning than the rest of the apartment. The apartments are in a good location for restaurants and the beach. You have an assigned car park with the apartment underground. I would stay here again.



最高價格TWD 212,624
最低價格TWD 2,057
平均價格 (平日)TWD 6,022
平均價格 (週末)TWD 6,875