住宿方回覆: Dear Guest,Thank you for visiting our H+ in Brühl and rating it so perfectly. It is always nice to see that we were able to satisfy our guests in every aspect. We are happy if you have spent a nice time with us - hopefully you will do it again sometime. Until we meet again, we wish you all the best.Your H-Hotels teamStefanie Bergforth - Online Reputation Manager
住宿方回覆: Dear Kaiko, thanks a million for your fantastic review. We are happy to read, that you enjoyed the excellent breakfast offers. We are more than happy about your great rating. Please come back soon for another brilliant stay. Greetings from the H+ Hotel Koeln Bruehl. Kind regards, Your H-Hotels TeamSergej Rosenberg - Online Reputation Manager
住宿方回覆: Lieber Gast,vielen Dank für Ihre lobenden Worte und Ihre großartige Bewertung! Es freut uns, dass Sie eine angenehme Zeit in unserem Haus verbracht haben. Ihr Feedback ist eine tolle Bestätigung für unser Team. Wir freuen uns auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen!Herzliche Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels,Fabienne Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West
住宿方回覆: Dear Guest,thank you very much for taking the time to review your stay. We are really happy that you enjoyed your time with us and that our hotel met your expectations. We are looking forward to welcoming you soon again!Best regards,Your H-Hotels Team,Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager
住宿方回覆: Dear guest, Thank you for the incredible review of your recent stay at our H+ Hotel. We are delighted that you enjoyed your time with us so much and hope to welcome you back soon for another fantastic stay in Bruehl.Your H-Hotels Team Nicole Krötz - Online Reputation Manager
住宿方回覆: Dear guest, Thank you very much for the great review you have given our hotel. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us and hope to welcome you back soon! With best regards, Your team from H-Hotels,Fabienne Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West
舒適雙人房 2張單人床
入住於 2024 年 12 月
39 則評論
發布於 2025 年 2 月 25 日
有無障礙房間 好大 性價比高 環境好 態度好
住宿方回覆: Dear Guest,Thank you for the great review and lovely words about your stay in our hotel!We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again very soon.Kind regards,Your H-Hotels Team,Fabienne Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West
住宿方回覆: Dear guests, Thank you very much for the fantastic review you have given our hotel at Koeln-Bruehl. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us and hope to welcome you back soon! With best regards, Your team from H-Hotels,Fabienne Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West
住宿方回覆: Dear Guest,Thank you for the great review and lovely words about your stay in our hotel!We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again very soon.Kind regardsYour H-Hotels TeamFabienne Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West
舒適雙人房 2張單人床
入住於 2024 年 7 月
5 則評論
發布於 2024 年 9 月 3 日
住宿方回覆: Dear guest, Thank you very much for the fantastic review you have given our hotel. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us and hope to welcome you back soon! With best regards, Your team from H-Hotels,Fabienne Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West
舒適家庭間(2名成人 + 1名孩童)
入住於 2023 年 12 月
166 則評論
發布於 2024 年 2 月 17 日
住宿方回覆: 尊敬的客人,
感謝您對我們酒店的好評和美好的評價! 我們很高興您住得愉快,並希望很快能再次見到您。
您的 H 飯店團隊,
Fabienne Lennert - 線上聲譽經理 West
入住於 2024 年 10 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 12 月 4 日
住宿方回覆: Dear Guest,Thank you for the great review and lovely words about your stay in our hotel!We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again very soon.Kind regards,Your H-Hotels Team,F. Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West