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正在尋找Seapoint Restaurant附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.4/5115 評價
住了4天,優點缺點並存,看你的要求了。雖屬於希爾頓集團,但歡朋酒店偏實惠型,不追求奢華。 優點:1. 房間挺寬敞,浴室也大,乾淨整潔. 2. 三樓有健身房和游泳池,可以免費使用。 3. 一樓餐廳全天開放使用,非早餐時間也有免費茶和咖啡提供,旁邊還有個自助小賣部。適合和朋友聊天談事。 4.離機場很近,叫Uber不到十分鐘就到。 缺點:1.房間沒有拖鞋,熱水壺,杯子,擦鞋布。找前台也沒有!想在屋子裡泡杯茶是別想了。 2.早餐品種很少,每天也沒啥變化。吃不慣西餐的衹能喝點果汁,吃點麵包了。 3.周邊略顯偏僻,離會展中心周邊熱鬧區域還有點距離。出門還是Uber吧。 波士頓天氣不錯,像中國大連。
4.5/5107 評價
從這家酒店步行 2 分鐘即可到達 Silver LINE。酒店周邊沒有旅遊景點,坐銀線15分鐘到南站! Cospa比其他酒店好,所以浪費了15分鐘,但不打擾我。早餐是咖啡和吐司等自助式,和其他酒店一樣。酒店休息室和健身房也對電暈友好,非常漂亮。幾乎沒有人來健身房,所以它是保留的。還有洗衣房。我們一次衹接受 4 美元的四分之一硬幣。房間裏有一台大電視,很容易用智能手機或電腦工作。綜合考慮性價比和位置,感覺是非常不錯的酒店。
4.5/5109 評價
We ate at Lifted on the 5th floor. The food and service were excellent!
4.5/5107 評價
從登記入住到房間質量再到餐廳,位置等等,應有盡有。對我而言,波士頓的首選酒店! !布置精美的精美客房,可滿足您的一切需求。停車方便。從客房清潔到前台再到餐廳的頂級員工-每個人都在確保您的員工完美無缺!
4/5107 評價
波士頓市區 - 海港 的坎布里亞飯店
4.1/5102 評價
I chose this hotel for three reasons – modern swanky look, closeness to T line station and moderate price for Boston during the period we stayed in the city i.e., if you could think an average rate of $350 is moderate ☹ The staff were quite pleasant – some more pleasant than others. Although the hotel was very busy, they are kind enough to afford us a couple of hours of late checkout at no cost. The room I stayed in had a simple but cool design cool. I liked everything about the room but not the fact that the rooms had carpets in them. I am sure it saves the hotel a bundle during the winters but its not the best hygienically speaking for clients. However, carpets in the hallway are a very good feature as it makes for a quieter stay ie less noise from the hallways My room was located the 13th floor. I felt lucky for the great city view. Although I did not like my very very small room and wardrobe. My wife and I had to hop over suitcases and around ourselves to get around the room. I liked the room toilet (albeit as small as it was) which was probably the best design feature of the room. The HVAC system is a bit loud when it comes on but I got used to it. The bed was comfortable. My wife and I slept really well. It’s a basic hotel with WIFI in the room but no laundry or room service etc. The hotel doesn’t provide proper breakfast or breakfast spread but has a contracted restaurant on site but its not quite the hotel breakfast you need to start your day. We didn’t get complimentary water in the room although the room has complimentary coffee and tea. What was annoying was that they sold water at an outrageous price of $5 per bottle in the lobby. They also did not replace the coffee that I used on day one. There are some convenience stores on West Broadway close to the hotel that we were able to buy water at a more reasonable price. Lastly, the hotel was busy and we returned in the evening of our last night to find out day unmade but we called and they sent – someone who I think was a handy man – not necessarily a house keeper to make the bed. The key question is – would I stay here again? Yes, especially if the more central Boston hotels have ridiculous prices. Its clean, safe and easy to get to the airport by taxi and other parts of Boston on the T network.


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