正在查找La Salle Sport House附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在La Salle Sport House附近的熱門飯店


4/5105 評價


素萬那普國際機場 曼谷|距離La Salle Sport House2.1km


Dear all, I want to share my bitter sweet experiences of my Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) stay at Maple Hotel Bang Na. The pickup and arrival in Hotel is OK. Food is OK. The food and beverage manager is understanding and kind. If you are staying here alone and don't have any other requirements, no problem. I want to share something so that you know what you will be getting from Maple Hotel Bang Na. I booked the Deluxe room package on the ASQ brochure released by them. On their website, they stated that deluxe room have bathtub, but not in their ASQ brochure. So I contacted them and ask the type of room we are staying at the moment and to be transfer to deluxe room with Bathtub. 16 days quarantine in the room, at least we can relax in bathtub since we can't use the pool. On their websites the room we are staying (by looking at the room design and information provided), we assume that we are staying in Superior room, which is one grade lower. For the first 11 days, their excuses were the deluxe room with bathtub is in another building and they refuse to tell me what room that we are staying at the moment. So the General Manager (Owner) called me on day 12 and ask me what I want. I ask the hotel to honor their offer advertise on the brochure. I ask him, what room we are staying in at the moment and he do not want to tell me. So I explained to him that the room type offered is deluxe room and in their website stated that deluxe room have bathtub. He keep repeating that he do not want to listen to me talking about the package on the brochure. Then he THREATEN to complaint to Government if I request for room with Bathtub or talk about what is in the package. The GM also stated very clear that I should listen to him, not he listen to me. The GM also lied that Thai Government forbid them to provide rooms with bathtub to ASQ customers. So I called the hotel front desk and spoke with the so called ”Covid Manager”. This time, They give excuses that there are two type of deluxe room, one with bathtub, one without. They said every single room allocated for ASQ including Luxury, Executive and Family WILL NOT HAVE bathtub. So I reconfirmed with the him if there are such regulation by Thai Government that forbid Maple Hotel to provide bathtub to ASQ customer, at first he said YES, Thai Government don't allow them to provide bahtub to ASQ customer, then I ask that other ASQ hotel provide room with bathtub, this time he immediately said that it's Maple Hotel decision to not provide bathtub to ASQ customer. They said they are loosing money by offering us ASQ customers room with bathtub. In reality, they will go bankrupt if it isn't for ASQ. They should appreciate us, not the opposite. For the 16days quarantine at Maple Hotel, I feared for my daughter safety and my safety as anything could happen as long as we stay in their property because we will only received our Covid Free Certificate. I afraid that the GM hav







正在尋找La Salle Sport House附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.5/554 評價
3.3/58 評價
4/521 評價
We spent four nights here on route from London to Melbourne. Found the two bed/bath suite very large and comfortable meeting all our requirements. Staff were very helpful and welcoming and we enjoyed the breakfasts, a nice change to experience the Thai dishes available. Good wifi throughout hotel and variety of stations on TV. We asked for plates and cutlery etc which were readily available and room was cleaned, beds made daily. The Suites and hotel are still under booked, probably only 25% full during our stay still due to Covid so understandably the restaurant was not open but plenty of restaurants close by and don’t miss the street/market food available although last orders everywhere 8.30pm! We bought wine in the 7/11 and asked if we could take into restaurants, didn’t have a problem, don’t bother buying spirits at Bangkok airport duty free as double the price of 7/11. Genuine 25/30 mins by taxi which was kindly arranged by helpful staff at the suites, many thanks to the manager who spoke good English. Overall a pleasant stay in a well priced & very generous sized suite which was exactly why we booked the Lasalle SuiteS.
3/59 評價
C Hotel Bangna
3.6/54 評價
5/50 評價


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曼谷是東南亞最受歡迎的旅遊城市之一,展現出新舊文化交替的魅力。優美迷人的熱帶風光、深植於日常的佛教文化、獨有的民間風俗交織出令人著迷的曼谷風情。準備來趟曼谷旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門曼谷景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開曼谷之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往泰國曼谷機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。從台灣飛曼谷有素萬那普機場和廊曼機場兩個機場,多半停靠在素萬那普機場,旅客可選乘機場捷運或車程較長的公車至市區。機場捷運跟市內捷運系統直接相連,轉乘到市內各區都很方便。而從廊曼機場前往市區則可搭乘 A1機場巴士或火車到曼谷市區的華南蓬火車站。曼谷當地交通工具相當多元化,包含嘟嘟車、公車、船、 BTS 和 MRT 捷運,推薦使用 BTS 一日卡等交通卡遊玩曼谷。




1. 大皇宮

2. 美功鐵道市場

3. 四面佛


還沒安排曼谷自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的曼谷飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂曼谷住宿!


1. 冬蔭功

2. 咖哩炒蟹

3. 芒果糯米飯
