首先前台不滿意,下午2點入住,我下午6點到的酒店,當時有韓國人和歐美白人,他們兩組同時不到5分鐘就辦理完手續非常快捷,到我以後看預訂的單子,然後看攜程的訂單,然後看叫我拿護照,叫我填表格,填完表格不給我房卡在哪裡拖時間,又給我講酒店的注意事項和各種設施,聽完後又開始説早餐,總而言之整整的脱了30多分鐘沒有入住,我當時就急了,然後我出去看我本來裝在車上的行李也被人丟在酒店門口的路邊,然後幫我拿行李開車送我去房間的服務員我給他10萬印尼盧比。以後不會再來,也不會推薦給我的朋友們,再説餐廳,我要了一壺熱水,他們盡然跟我要壺具費,****就笑死了,一壺熱水跟我要壺具費。服務態度對待白人明顯不一樣,對待他們會很主動去詢問和幫助,對待亞洲人根本不會主動為你做什麼。印尼景色很美,但是人咋不怎麼樣。也許有的人會説你沒有遇到,那是因為你本來就不知道你應該享受到什麼服務待遇罷了。小費我沒少給過,衹要看得過去的我都會給5萬-10萬印尼盧比。First of all, the front desk was not satisfied. I checked in at 2 pm. I arrived at the hotel at 6 pm. At that time, there were Koreans and white Europeans and Americans. The two groups of them went through the formalities very quickly in less than 5 minutes at the same time. Later, I looked at the reservation list, then looked at the order of Ctrip, and then asked me to take my passport and fill in the form. After filling in the form, I was not given the room card. He told me about the hotel's precautions and facilities, and then began to talk about breakfast. In a word, he did not check in for more than 30 minutes.I was in a hurry, and then I went out to see that my luggage in the car was also left on the roadside in front of the hotel, and then I gave 100,000 Indonesian rupees to the waiter who helped me with my luggage and drove me to my room. Would not stay here again and would not recommend it to my friends. In the restaurant, I asked for a pot of hot water and they asked me for the pot. I ***ing laughed and asked me for the pot of hot water. The service attitude towards white people is obviously different. They will take the initiative to ask and help, while Asians will not take the initiative to do anything for you. The scenery in Indonesia is very beautiful, but the people are not very good. Perhaps some people will say that you have not met, that is because you do not know what service treatment you should enjoy. I have not given less tips, as long as I can see through it, I will give 50,000 to 100,000 rupees.