

3.8/532 評價
4.3/5101 評價
首先,我喜歡‘Bougie’(我和我的朋友經常在那裏呆着,親切地叫它!)不過,幾周前,我剛剛回到英國,在那裏呆了2-Month。我對酒店在每年這個時候的薩加蘇姆海的接近完全失望和失望的地方!對於那些沒有經歷過的人來說,一眨眼就能堆到60釐米以上,而且(顯然)雖然酒店對海洋發生的事情沒有任何控制,但它花費了 WEEKS ,還有一封我給運營經理的“咬人”郵件,之前,他們做了任何關於腐爛、臭烘烘的垃圾的處理,這些垃圾被沖刷在海灘上通常令人驚歎的白色滑石粉沙子上,在酒店20米以內的某個地方(價格太貴了(我可以加上)海濱餐館!爲了把鹽揉進傷口,在同一片海灘上的另外兩家旅館(海龜海灘和桑德斯)每天都在努力地和不斷地清理他們的傷口,因爲他們顯然認爲我們支付的原因(不斷增加)參觀他們的島嶼的成本很高,就是體驗這些無與倫比的自然寶石(沙子和海洋),不想涉水過噁心的氣味,有毒的氣味,膝蓋高****,以便進入浴溫水域!我的電子郵件給他們的 OM 回覆了一個完全站不住腳的藉口,(關於海龜,打哈欠!)它曾經在那裏擁有一所房子,並訪問了36次,在鶴口仍然擁有一個3-month時間共享,被我自己認爲是幼稚和悲哀的嘗試,這可能愚弄了某個人第一次到島上,但只是讓我更加惱火,因爲我每天都在視覺和鼻音提醒人們注意我花了幾十萬英鎊的假期,我覺得這很理所當然。到此爲止,在我剩下的8-week假期不到一週的時間裏,他們開始清理可怕的臭***。雖然不是我心目中典型的熱帶天堂度假消遣方式,但我希望我的電子郵件“干預”使其他一些人的假期更加愉快!!(順便說一句,我還親自通過****清理了通道,讓客人進入大海,只使用了我的FEET和HANDS,因爲我被他們的園丁拒絕使用園藝!)糟糕的表演布干維爾!
3.6/564 評價
Sorry for the long review but there is a lot to say to try to counteract the numerous poor reviews. Not discrediting peoples experiences but we went anyway with low expectations as only 3 star. Had a deluxe room with 2 double beds and ocean view. Very good size room, lap top safe and very comfy beds and pillows. A real bonus was sufficient coat hangers, not to be sneezed at in my experience. In room refrigerator. A couple of small water bottles every day but as a ”green” person just used the water dispenser to fill my water bottle (near the shop). Well done hotel for that, much appreciated. Food was as expected for a 3 star in the buffet however, the a la carte restaurant had very good food and service, has to be booked so do that as soon as you arrive. Beach towels are available for a rather large deposit compared to other hotels, disappointed with the quality as they were similar to a tea towel in texture. Drinks were adequate eg only 10 cocktails all based on rum or vodka, I have a photo of the menu, the management claimed 16 but no evidence at the bar for that? Service at the bar was really good despite being short staffed sometimes. That said the white and rose were very drinkable, not so much the red. At breakfast, really nice orange juice and a good selection of teas. Good choices for breakfast food. Only problem was size of cups outside meal times where tiny paper cups were available. No problems finding a lounger but cushions were in short supply, a customer complained and suddenly more were supplied - come on management its not hard to please your customers - you could remove the cushions overnight like other hotels do. You can step out right onto the beach which is lovely but as others have said sea very rough - global warming? No sea**** despite the rough seas?? Managed to snorkel at Pebbles beach, bus ride away and Dover beach a 20 minute walk away. Turtles everywhere! Entertainment most nights, some great and some so so. Desiree is amazing, did wood burning activity with her that resulted in a souvenir. Most staff great but some really quite openly miserable that made me wonder about the manager?? Give this hotel a chance.
4.1/589 評價
這家酒店正是我們需要的。從一開始,電話服務就非常出色。每個人都在電話中超級樂於助人,善良。特別提到格雷厄姆,他安排了我們的出租車,Colin aka Taximan 246。Colin準時準時,安全地帶我們往返機場。他是一個了不起的司機。我們甚至在其他場合僱用了他。一般的工作人員總是帶着微笑,讓我告訴你清潔清潔。房間一塵不染,牀很舒服。我們就在Gap上,這使得四處走動更加容易。我一定會向任何不尋找豪華但只是需要一個非常溫暖乾淨價格合理的巴巴多斯和聖勞倫斯溝住宿的人推薦這家酒店。我一定會回來的。感謝您邀請我們,我期待着再次見到你。Xoxo Nicole & Trevor
4.4/5102 評價
We stayed at this hotel for three nights as an extra little add onto our Tobago holiday, and I must say it was absolutely stunning . We had an ocean view junior suite which was right on the deck of the pool and looked out straight over the Sea which was also absolutely beautiful. We was concerned after reading some of the reviews about the noise at South gap hotel as it is located on Saint Lawrence gap. However it’s towards the end of Saint Lawrence gap and maybe because we wasn’t there over the weekend it may have been different but we didn’t feel or find it too noisy at all. Maybe having a room at the front of the hotel overlooking the sea as opposed to the gap may have made a difference . The Sun loungers were amazing and super comfy and the pool with a lovely temperature, with amazing views over the sea that are absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking. The only downside I found to the hotel was the price of the drinks and food, but I felt it was expensive all over Barbados, It was definitely one of the more expensive Caribbean islands we have visited. All in all an absolutely beautiful hotel. Staff are very friendly and always happy to help room large and stunning would definitely recommend.
4.2/519 評價


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    不論您到奧伊斯廷斯商務出差或悠閒度假,喬 J 青年旅舍 很熱門。

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    對於奧伊斯廷斯的旅舍,平日均價大致落在 RUB 11,110,而週末 (週五到六) 均價大致落在 RUB 11,013。

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    奧伊斯廷斯的旅舍之間,喬 J 青年旅舍 極受歡迎。

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    喬 J 青年旅舍 提供美味早餐。

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    喬 J 青年旅舍 提供停車位。

  • 奧伊斯廷斯有哪些旅舍提供優惠?

    Trip.com 提供旅舍的多樣優惠及折扣。您可以到優惠活動頁面查看 Trip.com 提供的絕佳優惠。


最高價格RUB 29,971
最低價格RUB 3,210
平均價格 (週末)RUB 11,013
平均價格 (平日)RUB 11,110