
S2 飯店
3.5/55 評價
這是我第一次入住OyoS2酒店,入住時需要加50RM押金和10RM旅遊費,我會重點介紹一些我喜歡的東西和一些可以改進的缺點。Pro:1.Close到AEON商場和一些當地餐廳(3-5 mins walk)2.AC不錯,冷3.大房間4.友好的工作人員5.清潔度還可以6.電梯進入1和2層7。如果您是來Seremban 2看Kwan醫生,這是最好的住宿酒店,因爲Kwan 醫療專家步行5分鐘。8.免費瓶裝水,走廊外面有飲水機。缺點:1.牀墊很舒服,但是底部很作響2.牀單舊了,很薄,有小洞3.沒有吹風機4.第一天晚上,我的朋友的毛巾很髒,所以她要了一條新的,但是有煙味。他們每天換毛巾,所以第一晚之後毛巾乾淨,沒有異味。這是溼浴室,這意味着沒有獨立的淋浴間。只是需要一點習慣。
3.6/530 評價
3.7/55 評價
還可以的酒店可以入住 加分,充足的停車位 離通往高速公路的路超級近 好的印度氣味,甚至在毛巾上 整體6.5/10
4.3/569 評價
我們在這家酒店住得總體來說還行,我也推薦這家酒店,尤其是那些傾向於住靠近機場和港口酒店的人,但是這裏確實有些地方還有待改進。不錯的方面有:裝飾總體不錯,床上用品和廁所用品質量不錯,茶水很好喝,在汝來的位置也不錯。但是禮賓很差勁。 我詢問了一些關於威斯特敏斯特教堂的內部信息,但是衹得到了開放的時間。沒有早餐。但是我們的房間是奢華的大床房,而且窗戶的隔音效果很好,浴室也很寬敞。但是令我氣憤的是酒店的管道被破壞了,而且周六的時候附近會有抗議遊行。 大多數的酒店都會給客人關於行程的建議,也會幫助客人選擇備用路線,但是這家酒店沒有給出相應的通知,我們不得不最後變更計劃。我反饋給禮賓(跟之前的禮賓是同一個人)的時候,得到的回應是獃滯的目光。我們在這裏住得還不錯。
3.9/524 評價
I used to be able to rate this hotel as a four-star establishment, but unfortunately, the quality has since declined. 1.The first impression upon entering was not one that was terribly dull. 2. Due to a lack of adequate cleaning, everything is unclean. 3. There has not been sufficient maintenance performed, as evidenced by the fact that numerous problems exist in all areas. 4.The room has been renovated, but the door to the toilet has not been updated; it is still old and stuck, and it cannot be opened.Room 803. 5.The general manager, together with their HOD, the maintenance crew, and the cleaning team need to stroll through each part of the hotel so that they may correct it. 6. The algae-covered end of the swimming pool is a hazardous and slippery region for both children and adults.There is absolutely no sense of safety.If any of the children trip and are hurt as a result of the hotel's lack of proper housekeeping, we reserve the right to file a lawsuit against the establishment. 7.The general manager needs to take the appropriate steps to improve the safety and cleanliness of the facility in order for a lot of things to be improved. 8.Staff entry bin central area please close.Unhygiene. 9. Could you please paint the whole building?
3.8/55 評價
漂亮乾淨的酒店 電視頻道卡住繼續加載。



最高價格TWD 16,295
最低價格TWD 935
平均價格 (週末)TWD 3,774
平均價格 (平日)TWD 4,108