瀏覽用戶對Warwick Farm飯店的評價

4.4/595 評價
The hotel itself is very good. The pool area is small but is on the 9th floor so has a good view. Gavin at the pool bar was extremely friendly & helpful. More seats/Sun lounges are needed & more shade. If the 4 cabanas were taken out there would be a lot more room for seating & a huge shade could be put up. The staff are very friendly although there wasn’t enough staff on when we had dinner. I couldn’t find anything on the menu I could eat as I have food intolerances. I had to seek out a waitress & ask for help. Thankfully ‘Jenny’ spoke with the chef & I had fish & salad. (It did still cost $42 which was the price for the fish meal on the menu). We waited for well over an hr for our meals & my husband’s was not what he ordered. Due to the fact we had waited so long he agreed to eat it. Bit of a disappointing experience. We didn’t have breakfast at the restaurant as we weren’t able to use my Accor card on a public holiday. I can’t justify spending $70 for the two of us when there’s not a lot of food options for me. We ended up sharing a room service meal which was good.
3.4/585 評價
我們於2019年10月度過了一段不幸的時光,因爲我們的父親不得不進行四聯心臟搭橋手術。我們查看了離利物浦醫院近距離住宿的地方。我們最終在利物浦的El Toro住了下來。我們得到的歡迎只是AAA級,我們在酒店和餐廳的服務,再次與汽車旅館相連。我們吃的飯菜都新鮮而漂亮。雖然所有工作人員都非常友好,但要說出其中兩個員工的名字,Jay,特別是Cassie,他們竭盡全力確保我們快樂。做得好,保持良好的工作。乾杯。Ian Michie。Armidale


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