
3.7/516 評價
太乾淨簡直是一塵不染 是在杜馬期間的一段美好記憶 有熱水洗澡 這個價簡直沒誰了 非常適合獨自旅行或者舉家帶孩子的 女主人很熱情
3.8/50 評價
4.6/523 評價
We stayed only overnight at this unique beautiful botique hotel as we have to fly the following day to Manila . We were immediately greeted by a very special and charming lady by the name of February, very sweet and charming ! Welcome drink was really timely after 1 hour ride from Zambuanquita where we had our hotel for the Apo island diving the night before. What makes this hotel special is how friendly and accommodating the staff were, not to mention the Philippine hut style “igloo” & beautiful interior design.The role model for how to “treat” a guest is the GM & Operations Manager, Marlon Navarro. I am a Filipino expat who had lived over 40 years in Europe and just on a diving & golf safari with my buddy but I have never seen an “over the top” hospitality from a hotel manager. Marlon answered all our enquiries including where to have a nice dinner, bar to hang out, sightseeing and spa. For spa, don’t miss the hotel spa especially with Jess - one of my best massages in the Philippines. Also, as Marlon noticed that I have an Austrian guest who is a little bit inquisitive about the area, brought us even by himself to the Boulevard as my friend is quite tall for a “tuktuk” (our local Tricicle). I wish UNWND all the success in the world and without a doubt, with Marlon under it’s helm, it will be the top hotel in Dumaguete in due time. Thank you so much for this “unusual “ experience! Best regards, Tristan David & Gerhard Schaller
5/51 評價
4/556 評價
4/53 評價


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