
4.1/541 評價
從開塞利機場坐上了提前預訂好的接送大巴,大約一個半小時可以送到酒店。酒店還是很有意思的,有的房間是半洞穴,我入住的改裝成半洞穴吧。到格雷梅中心商業街、sunset與汽車站,都是很近。sunset步行估計要10分鐘,其他的,五分鐘可以到達。 酒店老闆很熱心,進進出出都會打招呼,早餐擺盤很有感覺。房間有兩張80公分寬度的小窗。麪積很小,很有洞穴感覺。 晚上入住也很安靜。 還是很有意思的,主要是老闆很熱心。我住了2個晚上,當我第三天早餐后,帶着一杯咖啡和土耳其茶到房間門口喝、消磨時間,老闆看到,馬上搬來一套桌椅。 早餐是一樓地下餐廳用餐,很有感覺,幾張桌子,可以遇到世界各地的人,會相互簡單打一下招呼,簡短交流,很溫馨感覺。 老闆還養了一隻貓,他們家的小主人,會在客人麪前玩這隻貓,很有趣。 這是我土耳其入住酒店感覺最溫馨的一家酒店。 走的時候,主人還幫我拎着行李下來,還問我感覺如何?並問我能不能給他寫好評。 其實,不問我,我也會寫這段好評的。主要是這個酒店老闆熱情,入住環境嘛,不是這兒考慮的重點。
4.6/5111 評價
I stayed at the hotel in early June 2023. I would like to highlight both the advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: 1. Friendly and responsive staff who can solve your problem without unnecessary explanations. 2. Comfortable rooms with convenient furniture. 3. Spacious toilet and bathroom. 4. Stable internet connection. 5. Incredibly delicious breakfasts. 6. Magnificent photo zone on the rooftop for morning photography with air balloons. Disadvantages: 1. There might be a smell of dampness in the rooms. I encountered one such room. The administrator resolved this issue by relocating me to another room where the smell was much less noticeable. 2. Limited seating on the terrace for breakfast. Local features that are not related to the hotel itself but should be noted: 1. The door of our room opened onto the street. You will hear people passing by. 2. There is a mosque located 50 meters from the hotel, which can be heard very well, including during the early morning hours (3-4 am). Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I recommend it to those who are not bothered by waking up to the sound of the mosque singing in the early morning hours.
4.5/542 評價
三口之家從9月3日一直呆到2022年9月7日,從我們到達奈維希爾機場到我們出發到下一個目的地的那一刻,我們都感到非常歡迎。非常注重家庭的環境,非凡的款待和微笑的面孔。我們參觀了酒店和設施,然後被帶到我們的房間。我們的房間是一個洞穴房間,名爲帶露台的特大牀套房(304號房間)。它很漂亮,地道,乾淨,有一個交流電。美麗的寬敞大理石浴室。房間以卡帕多克-土耳其風格真實地裝飾。牀單被更換,毛巾應要求更換。可愛的管家團隊。前台非常樂於接受和樂於助人,所有酒店工作人員都超越了一切,向客人提供幫助,以確保所有的人都有一個很棒的經歷。考慮到它是一個家庭經營的酒店的性質,它有熱情友好的氛圍。SETEN RESTAURANT–絕對要死!Cappadocia最好的餐廳把手放下。早餐–最好的傳播很多選擇。由可愛的人服務。晚餐-這是絕對必須的。特別是Muhammara、Mutancana、TestiKebab和PumpkinDessert!!!我建議您預訂酒店之旅,但一定要和Kelebek旅遊公司一起,因爲我們在市中心的一家公司有過一次可怕的經歷。感謝酒店出色的員工,使我們在卡帕多西亞的住宿令人難忘。我們都是熱心的旅行者,所以相信我,當我說這家酒店非常值得,特別是事實是,觀看美麗的熱氣球飛越格雷梅上空的最佳景色,周圍有許多洞穴特別感謝前台 - Duru, Amir, Sena, Murat - 包括 Seten 餐廳– Hussain, Utku 和 Serife – 包括其他我可能忘記名字的人,你們都在做驚人的工作。等不及要回來!
4.6/5152 評價
這家酒店幾乎就是在格雷梅小鎮的最高點了,如果衹用google maps導航,走起來稍微有點繞,其實有個階梯可以直達頂層。酒店前台大哥很NICE ,2015年的時候在北語學過一年,中文不錯,考慮到我們第二天一早趕飛機來不及吃早餐了,於是作為某種補償還幫我們升級了房間,非常感謝他。房間整體是不錯的,露台設計挺好,可以俯瞰整個小鎮,最好的是早上可以看漫天的熱氣球飛起來,拍照絕佳!當然住在小鎮中心的酒店也能拍,但可能角度感覺不一樣了。房間挺乾淨的,但是洗澡的噴頭有點兒問題,亂滋水,希望店家可以改進。房價有點小貴,但考慮到不錯的觀景位置,可接受。總體評價不錯,希望房間裏細節可以再改進。
4.7/5114 評價
4.7/550 評價
房間是很有特色的洞穴,風景很好。地理位置也不錯,周圍有很多吃的。距離goreme約20分鐘車程。早餐很豐盛。 老闆人非常好,在中國呆過,會說不錯的中文。幫我們定了接送機、熱氣球旅行……總之有什麼需求都可以問他,非常非常友好熱心。也給我們接下來的旅程推薦了很多,還幫我們解決了差點趕不上飛機的問題。
4.8/538 評價
This time, a local tour guide in Taiwan helped to book a cave hotel. It’s the first time I stayed in this kind of hotel. I was really surprised. The huge bathroom and the whole room are made of stone, which is super special. It’s not hot at all in midsummer. I was worried that it would be super stuffy without air-conditioning. The hotel owner said that it is warm in winter and cool in summer, especially the super warm handmade exquisite breakfast. I was especially touched by the waiter kader, super helpful and sweet, great recommendation, it’s great!
Cappadocia Cave Lodge
4.5/555 評價
I chose to stay at CAPPADOCIA CAVE LODGE based on evaluations I read on several platforms, and it proved to be accurate. The hotel staff was genuinely nice, cooperative, and helpful. Before traveling to Turkey, I contacted a few cave hotels, but only two responded proactively, with Cappadocia Cave Lodge being the quickest. I felt really at ease making a reservation with them because they were so accommodating and wanted to be as helpful as they could. Despite the fact that check-in wasn't until 2 PM, they allowed me to check in early because the rooms were empty when I arrived early in the morning. Although the hotel's location required a significant amount of hiking to reach, it offers a great balcony view and is close to Goreme Central, making it simple to access the restaurant area and bus station. There were some issues in my room, but they worked quickly to resolve them. The staff members were willing to accept customer feedback and also assisted me in checking my hot air balloon reservation, Cappadocia tour, and bus tickets to my next destination. Based on my travels around Turkey, it's difficult to find good service with friendly staff, but this hotel tried to make the hotel feel like home with very warm and welcoming staff.
4.7/558 評價
4.6/558 評價
Aza cave exceeds my expectations! we had the WOW moment when we arrived in the morning. the hotel exterior garden and every single staff at Aza made me feel welcome and they truly deserved a 5star Hotel rating instead of 3star . They paid full attention to the guest, It was my Bday trip and they made the effort to decorate the room with rose petals and wine. Really appreciate this! We got there early morning by Bus, they let us have breakfast even we weren’t entitled on that day. The breakfast was amazing! The hot air balloon was so close it felt surreal , and you could also go to sultan cave rooftop for pictures taking. I can’t think of a better hotel in cappadocia than aza!! A little tips; choose suit room / above as it is located in the main hotel building.


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平均價格 (平日)NT$8,621
平均價格 (週末)NT$8,571