
4.6/53 評價
4.4/566 評價
Stayed here for 3 nights after exploring other parts of Greece, including the islands. I guess you can say I was spoiled in the other places with better hospitality than here but I can’t say this hotel was terrible; they just need to learn how to treat their guests a little better. For starters, I was told that the pool is open to everyone (including non hotel guests) and that hotel guests do not get a priority for pool chairs. The guy I spoke with told me that since the other guests also pay (€4) to stay at the pool, it is only fair they also get priority for a seat. Really? I am paying €200+ a night to stay at your hotel and if I cannot find a chair at the pool, you want to tell me the outside guests get a priority because they paid €4 to use your pool? I have never encountered such a bizarre practice from a hotel anywhere. Secondly, their wifi is so weak that when I was in the hotel room, we had no signal at all. It’s 2023. Time to update your wifi signal. Lastly, I went to the spa to get a manicure and they told me the manicurist wasn’t able to remove gel from my nails so she couldn’t give me a manicure. If you have trained manicurists and run a spa offering these services, this is a basic thing that any manicurist can do. Honestly, I wasn’t shocked by this response though. Service isn’t at the top of their list. I realize this is a pretty insignificant detail but it’s just an example of the service they lacked in. As for the rest, the hotel is clean and breakfast is decent. They make a very good frappe. Pool bar has good food. They also offer juice and some sweets upon arriving at the hotel that was a nice touch. I’d stay here again as this is the best hotel in this area but they just need to make some things better. Overall, 7/10 experience.
4.7/510 評價
4.5/59 評價
4.5/52 評價
4.7/54 評價
4.7/59 評價
4.7/523 評價
4.4/520 評價
4.7/513 評價


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平均價格 (平日)NZD 145
平均價格 (週末)NZD 151