
4/556 評價
1,在sokhna是很好的度假親子酒店,老而不舊,配套完善,適合帶娃,比我們之前住過的movenpick好,除了房間沒有他家大,其它泳池,餐飲,海灘,小童樂園等方面都勝出。 2,室內游泳池不能讓娃進,室外的泳池有特別淺的區域,一兩歲的娃自己玩都很安全。 3,沙灘質量不錯,沙子細膩,除了躺椅還有白色的塑料椅。娃玩沙子,你可以搬個塑料椅子坐旁邊看着。 4,房間裏都有一大牀,一小牀,適合家庭。我訂的泳池景加側海景房,很好。 5,晚餐自助在埃及算豐盛的,自製酸奶好喝,烤雞,烤肉,魚,魷魚,小牛肉或者烤鴨都很美味。午餐一般,不在包餐中,但也就收200磅,摺合80元,娃不收費。 以後再來sokhna,還是會考慮這家,推薦。
4/558 評價
Hotel is very expensive raising expectations of comfort and location, the website and description on booking sites give an impression that they have a beach. They don’t, it’s 10 minutes away by car and you have your make sure you take towels from the hotel with you, it’s super crowded, commercial with 10 rows of beach chairs lined up with a construction site behind you and the sea Infront. No privacy, very noisy as every other guest has their speakers on, not a place to read relax or just enjoy nature in. The hotel itself is in the middle of a residential compound, very much as if you stay in a suburb of cairo, the view is that of swimming pools or buildings and some greenery. Rooms are clean and basic, not fancy, which is good if you’re not paying for it, but since we payed a ridiculous amount per night we expected more in way of comfort, food quality and maintenance of rooms (maybe this price was inflated during the Eid holiday). The staff were nice and helpful, the entertainment in the evening was catering to different tastes and was not too loud which was a relief, quite nice actually. If you want peace and quiet take rooms looking towards the back of the hotel away from the pool which is a bit noisy. All in all it was a pleasant experience if it was not for the fact that guided by the cost we had set much higher expectations and felt tricked specially by the fact that it definitely is NOT a beach hotel. I looked up prices of front row, beach access villa rentals and found as a family needing 3 double rooms we would have payed one third what we payed at this hotel and would have gotten nature, beach, peace and quiet without compromising comfort. Again I need to emphasize that staff were really kind and helpful
3.5/547 評價
4.1/559 評價
It was a great stay and really we have enjoyed this vacation. The staff were so helpful and supportive and the food was delicious the place is clean and organized. We have enjoyed the new year party and it was amazing. I need to recommend this place for families and couples also thank you for the whole staff and special thanks for Chief Zain for the delicious food and different varieties.
4/560 評價
I enjoyed my stay in Stella Di Mare sea club hotel, one of my best vacations in El Sokhna, I almost enjoyed everything, the clean room, variety of tasty food, one of the best beaches in Sokhna without rocks, the aqua park was wonderful my daughter liked it a lot, the daily kids club on beach and the shows at the theater were fantastic. The staff is helpful and very friendly trying to do their best to keep you happy and enjoying. For sure I will be back again to Stella Di Mare Sea Club next vacation.
4.1/557 評價
2.9/54 評價
3.8/58 評價
坎昆索赫納度假村 & 別墅
4.4/51 評價
酒店環境非常好,到店后決定多住一晚,給升級到海景房,房間很大就是設備比較舊和簡陋,早餐和晚餐都不錯,住酒店的都是當地人,非常友好,晚上還有活動安排,不錯。第二天我們孩子喉嚨發炎導致發燒,酒店還有醫生免費看病開藥,也介紹了開羅的醫院給我們,非常感謝。到開羅,我們不放心,也去醫院看了,醫院醫生同意酒店醫生的診斷和用藥,孩子次日完全康復,非常感謝! 順便說一句,酒店和開羅醫院的醫生都沒有因為我們是中國人發燒而歧視我們,甚至沒有刻意戴口罩,甚至不同意我們提出檢驗病毒的要求,在這個新冠肺炎疫情的恐怖時期,難能可貴。非常感謝! 拍了很多很漂亮的酒店照片,開始怎麼也上傳不了,看看回國后能不能再上傳。非常推薦該酒店,包早餐午餐不貴。


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平均價格 (平日)NT$6,468
平均價格 (週末)NT$6,575