
4.5/569 評價
Having stayed at this hotel for many years I have to say that I was bitterly disappointed with this trip We booked a King Sea View Room on a half board basis which I understood to be Bed Breakfast and either lunch or dinner I have a problem with my hip and when we got to our room i was disappointed that on previous occasions we had managed to book a room with a walk in shower The room we were given had a shower over the bath and the sealing around the bath at the tap end was all breaking away which subsequently caused the water to seep through and flood the bathroom floor To get around the issue of the Shower situation we agreed to occupy a suite at an additional 200 Dirhams per night, the room in question did indeed have a shower but unfortunately as it was located on the top floor I experienced a huge problem with air coming from the taps bidet etc which as i explained to them must be caused with air in the system To my surprise a lady on reception admitted that there was an issue with the plumbing on the top floor and despite several visits fro engineering the problem was not solved fully. The other thing I complained about was that the Half board in their terminology actually means bed breakfast and a 50Dirham contribution to eat lunch or dinner. When I pointed out that 50 Dirham didn’t buy a burger and chips in the sports bar the comment I received was that Burger and chips fell under the heading of a La Carte which in itself seems ridiculous. The holiday was pretty much ruined by these events but would comment that the staff working in the restaurants and indeed the guys who take care of the guests on the beach and around the pool were exceptional in their professionalism and care offered to all the guests as was the Food and Beverage manager who went out of his way to listen and take on board the issues we experienced. When we originally stayed at the hotel it was managed by the Kempinski Group and unfortunately all I can say is that the overall experience we endured over our 10 night stay was far from what you would expect from a 5 Star establishment
3.8/5379 評價
Nice view , walking distance from bus stop. Friendly staff, however bed was not as comfortable as last time. and washroom was little smelly this time I guess, over all stay was happy 😃 Need to work on the areas of improvement on coming days .
4.5/576 評價
昨晚我們在巴希阿治曼宮酒店吃了晚飯。食物很棒,服務也很棒!酒店的員工細心,樂於助人,高效且知識淵博。特別值得一提的是Kuya Romeo,Makhtob,Saad,Marwan,Melynde,Prince和Sohrab。感謝你們給我們帶來了一次很棒的體驗。我們一定會再來的!
4.5/556 評價
我們第一次在Ajman Saray,絕對不是最後一次。從我們凌晨到達的那一刻起,直到10晚後退房,我們體驗了每一位工作人員的熱情和真誠的款待。管理層,這些可愛的人你驕傲👏。我們想要一個寧靜的假期所以選擇了這個位置,遠離附近的迪拜的喧囂。這正是我們得到的。很棒的海灘,我想到的世界上最溫暖的海水,2個迎賓游泳池冷卻下來。游泳池周圍的服務員服務一流,沒有什麼太麻煩,總是帶着微笑。我們在那裏時做了3次旅行,蝴蝶花園所在的Al Noor島,這些美麗的生物飛來飛去,飛過你🦋。我們還去了阿吉曼博物館和迪拜購物中心的一日遊,特別是哈利法塔,我們從148樓體驗了美妙的景色,對於這個特權來說相當昂貴,但你可以得到一杯阿拉伯咖啡和這個😉的日期。噴泉表演也很棒,尤其是我們的穿梭巴士帶我們回家之前的最後一場比賽,因爲黃昏時分,一切都亮了起來,太棒了。正如我說的,所有的工作人員都非常友善,太多了,但特別感謝必須去切裏扎和喬伊斯,在禮賓部,他們超越了幾次來幫助我們。還有薩維娜在主餐廳,最令人愉快。總結一下,我和妻子與如此熱情友好的人一起度過了美好的時光。強烈推薦Ajman Saray,我們帶回家美好的回憶我們住宿!
4.2/561 評價
我們住了7晚,住得很開心積極員工非常樂於助人儘管我們提前入住了一間房間,泳池工作人員在海灘上很棒的太陽牀充足房間大淋浴和浴缸選擇在餐廳使用100 aed每天兩次免費巴士到迪拜改進淋浴托盤發黴很有意思,房間和1樓有潮溼的氣味,空調擊中了,錯過了游泳池周圍沒有日光浴牀,晚上8點後絕對無事可做。歌手只在週末。真的不能在外面好好走走房間清潔有待改進房間裏的冰箱裏放一些冷飲不只是水。如果你想要炎熱的天氣,物有所值(遠低於迪拜),並且樂於接受一些妥協(如11點之後不喝酒,一週內不娛樂)那麼一切都很好。我還會回來嗎??可能不會。
3.6/511 評價
4.4/543 評價
離酒店300米就有個大型商場,吃飯購物很方便,有家中餐館Chinese Panada, 味道還可以,價格挺貴,大概80-100RMB一餐,酒店門口出租車很坑,經常會少找錢給你,備好零錢
3.3/538 評價
2.7/51 評價
3/541 評價
The a**osphere is perfect while the surroundings are welcoming and not crowded, a nice place to visit with friend and their food was superb had a very nice time and not to forget the staff who were really nice to us and catered to all our requests and needs


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平均價格 (平日)KRW 239,506
平均價格 (週末)KRW 240,821