正在查找Kadokawa Cinema Yurakucho附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Kadokawa Cinema Yurakucho附近的熱門飯店


4.7/576 評價


東京站/日本橋 東京|距離Kadokawa Cinema Yurakucho0.45km
The location is great, right next door to Tokyo Station and walking distance to the Imperial Palace. The staff in this hotel are fabulous, very polite, helpful and attentive without being intrusive. Check in was a nice easy process and I was kindly shown to my room. The room itself is fine, I've stayed in better Four Season Hotels but there was nothing wrong with the room I was given. The bed was comfy but the pillows I found were way too soft. I'm sure however if I'd asked they would have replaced them with firmer options. They also had limited charging sockets near the bed but not close enough for shorter cables so I had to charge my phone on the other side of the room. The shower was powerful, there was a nice deep bath but no bath salts and the bathroom amenities are not miniatures but rather large dispensers, great to save on plastic waste. Robes, hair dryer, tea and coffee facilities and mini bar are all provided. It appears they don't offer a pressing service because when I requested this they suggested an iron and ironing board to be brought to me instead. I personally don't mind ironing my own clothes so this was fine for me. WiFi was very good. The gym and restaurant are located on floor 7. The gym was nicely equipped for a hotel gym and had just about enough kit to get a decent workout in. They had a selection of cardio options as well. There are tin bottles of water and towels readily available. The hot pool was nice to relax in after and they also had a steam room and jet massage shower. Breakfast I had both as room service and in the restaurant. The menu was the same in both but you had more freedom on portion size with the continental option in the restaurant. I also had dinner room service whilst at the hotel. Room service was quick, normally arriving within 30mins of the order being placed. The food was well prepared and delicious. My only constructive criticism would be, it would have been nice to have had more choice, I found the room service menu limited, and I'd like to have had more local Japanese options, especially sushi. All in all a good hotel with fabulous staff in a great location. It wasn't however perfect with the points mentioned above so I can only award this hotel a 4* rating.







正在尋找Kadokawa Cinema Yurakucho附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/562 評價
4.6/5150 評價
沒有想到這麼高端的酒店早餐是套餐,而且做得非常精緻營養和養眼。 前台接待有説粵語的熟年男士對普通話的客人十分不耐煩,看着我們找不到房間電梯不做引導,問周邊餐食也冷漠地説不知道。日本語接待女士都是努力提供服務建議引導。讓我們看到了日本旅遊業人士的素質教養。 房間配品都很精緻周到。東京的半島服務超過香港。 在早餐時間邂逅日本婚禮,借位大堂早餐空間,卻並不喧囂,一起感受幸福的剎那。有福啦。 下次來避開港式粵語服務生吧。
4.5/5220 評價
房間在日本來説實在太大了 要是空間利用率高一點就完美了 很安靜 沒有任何噪音 床品枕頭都很舒服 服務也滿分 位置很方便 出銀座c1就到 走幾步就是成田巴士站 皇居步行5分鐘 如果要説缺點就是沒有足夠的潤膚露 早餐精緻但不夠豐富
4.5/57 評價
無印良品酒店沒有辜負我的期望!如果您是 Muji 產品的粉絲(或者對如何將 Muji 產品放在酒店房間裡感興趣),那麼這家酒店就是您的不二之選! 我喜歡這裡的房間、設施和優越的酒店位置(在銀座)。工作人員很友好。但是,他們可以更專心。下樓就可以買到無印良品的商品! 好處之一是你不需要每次都經過接待處才能去你的房間——我更喜歡這一點。我建議在這裡住一到兩晚,試試他們的早餐或餐點! :) 享受!
4.7/576 評價
The location is great, right next door to Tokyo Station and walking distance to the Imperial Palace. The staff in this hotel are fabulous, very polite, helpful and attentive without being intrusive. Check in was a nice easy process and I was kindly shown to my room. The room itself is fine, I've stayed in better Four Season Hotels but there was nothing wrong with the room I was given. The bed was comfy but the pillows I found were way too soft. I'm sure however if I'd asked they would have replaced them with firmer options. They also had limited charging sockets near the bed but not close enough for shorter cables so I had to charge my phone on the other side of the room. The shower was powerful, there was a nice deep bath but no bath salts and the bathroom amenities are not miniatures but rather large dispensers, great to save on plastic waste. Robes, hair dryer, tea and coffee facilities and mini bar are all provided. It appears they don't offer a pressing service because when I requested this they suggested an iron and ironing board to be brought to me instead. I personally don't mind ironing my own clothes so this was fine for me. WiFi was very good. The gym and restaurant are located on floor 7. The gym was nicely equipped for a hotel gym and had just about enough kit to get a decent workout in. They had a selection of cardio options as well. There are tin bottles of water and towels readily available. The hot pool was nice to relax in after and they also had a steam room and jet massage shower. Breakfast I had both as room service and in the restaurant. The menu was the same in both but you had more freedom on portion size with the continental option in the restaurant. I also had dinner room service whilst at the hotel. Room service was quick, normally arriving within 30mins of the order being placed. The food was well prepared and delicious. My only constructive criticism would be, it would have been nice to have had more choice, I found the room service menu limited, and I'd like to have had more local Japanese options, especially sushi. All in all a good hotel with fabulous staff in a great location. It wasn't however perfect with the points mentioned above so I can only award this hotel a 4* rating.
4.5/572 評價
住了2天,離銀座非常近,走路10分鐘就到了,不會説日語,前台的工作人員非常耐心的指導我,並用翻譯機與我溝通,check in非常順利,房間裏面也特別乾淨,還有一個按摩椅,雖然説面積不算大,但是我一個人住已經很足夠了,價格上來説,在銀座附近,已經算是很便宜了,很滿意這次入住,下次來東京還會繼續預訂。





東京氣候四季分明,通常旅客最常選擇的旅遊季節為春季(約 3 到 5 月),東京的春季為櫻花綻放的季節,因此往往能吸引大批遊客前往朝聖,另外,春季沒有夏季的炎熱,也沒有冬季的酷寒,氣溫較為舒適,但因為早晚溫差大,因此旅客要注意做好保暖!在東京,6 月、7 月為梅雨季節,因此旅客要記得攜帶雨具,才不會發生只能待在飯店住宿中發霉的窘境。此外,秋季是另一個東京自由行旺季,因為隨處可見美麗的楓葉以及銀杏,氣候也和春季一樣,氣溫比起夏季以及冬季來得更舒爽。


1. JR

JR 可比擬為台灣的台鐵,是旅客在穿梭於東京市內以及郊區時,最常搭乘的交通工具。而在各式各樣的 JR 線中,安排自由行交通選擇時,你一定要知道的有以下幾線:分別為綠線 - 山手線、黃線及橘線 - 中央線、紅線 - 京葉線以及 N’EX 成田特快線。

2. 地鐵


3. 私鐵

不同於地鐵主要遍佈在東京市區內,私鐵的營運地區主要分佈在東京的郊區,旅客可以藉由地鐵以及私鐵的搭配使用、轉乘,暢行東京是以及東京郊區內外。然而目前營運東京私鐵的公司超過5 家,雖然這增加了許多不同的線路可供旅客使用挑選,對於前往各景點也更方便,但由於每家私鐵的路線以及票價各不相同,因此旅客在搭乘之前,一定要先規劃好遊歷路線,確定有哪些私鐵的路線是有抵達您的目的地,以及該如和購買票券才比較划算。


1. 銀座

走在銀座的街道上,隨處可見 Armani、Chanel 等等的精品專賣店,體驗高端購物的奢華感受。距離銀座不遠的日比谷公園是許多遊客會前往賞楓的景點之一。此外再步行一段距離到 Caretta 汐留,可以到 46 樓一覽東京全市的風采,從彩虹大橋、台場築地市場到月島一切美景盡收眼底,更是許多人會來拍攝夜景取景的好地方,可謂不能錯過的東京景點!

2. 淺草雷門

東京最具有歷史的寺廟 - 淺草寺可謂是到東京自由行必去的景點排行榜冠軍。在社群平台上,時常可以看見許多旅客穿著和服與雷門拍攝的照片,淺草寺前的商店街,充滿著許多特色商品,從日式伴手禮、點心、美食,到可愛的小玩具等等,都能讓旅客欣賞得不亦樂乎、流連忘返。

3. 東京鐵塔



1. THE 皇家花園飯店東京汐留

THE 皇家花園飯店東京汐留擁有絕佳的交通位置,在飯店的地下二樓就直接與地鐵新橋站以及地鐵汐留站相通,此外飯店也提供前往成田機場羽田機場的接駁巴士,為旅客的東京飯店住宿提供了最便捷的選擇方案。

2. 東京銀座大和 ROYNET 飯店

東京銀座大和 ROYNET 飯店,提供最完善的住宿設備給所有入住旅客,從房內無線網路、自助洗衣店、便利商店以及無障礙設施,滿足所有在東京住宿旅客的需求,不論是商務住客或是觀光遊客各方面都能得到全方位的滿足。

3. 東京銀座 QUINTESSA 飯店

剛開幕不久的東京銀座 QUINTESSA 飯店,採現代化的設計裝潢,更擁有絕佳的地理位置,步行即可抵達銀座松屋、三越百貨以及地鐵東銀座站。飯店前台還貼心提供咖啡茶飲給入住旅可飲用,東京銀座 QUINTESSA 飯店可說是在銀座地區超高 CP 值的飯店選擇。

4. 日和東銀座飯店

日和東銀座飯店距離地鐵八丁堀站、新富町站以及寶町站都只需數分鐘的步行路程,對於不論乘坐哪一地鐵線路的旅客都可說是非常方便的選擇。另外在日和東銀座飯店的 11 樓,更設有可以眺望銀座風景的大浴場以及露天浴場,還能夠遠瞰東京晴空塔,提供旅客一個一邊欣賞美景一邊放鬆身心的絕美體驗,是熱門的東京飯店選擇!

