住宿方回覆: TAT SENG您好,感謝您選擇台北時代寓所作為此次台北之行的下榻飯店。我們很高興得知飯店便利的地理位置、設施及服務都讓您感到滿意。平安夜的小小心意,希望能為旅人帶來溫暖和幸福,迎接美好的2025,能獲得您的喜愛與肯定,我們深感榮幸!此外,您對洗衣房的建議我們也已記錄下來,做為日後優化服務的參考。期待很快就能再次歡迎您回來,為您帶來更多幸福體驗。台北時代寓所管理團隊 敬上
住宿方回覆: Hi there,Thank you for choosing Hotel Resonance Taipei for your recent Taipei trip.We are delighted to know that you are satisfied with our spacious room and comfortable beds. It’s wonderful to know that you appreciated our thoughtful features —meeting the needs of modern travelers has been a key focus for us from the very beginning.Once again, thank you for your review and we look forward to welcoming you whenever your travel plan brings you back to Taipei.Sincerely,Hotel Resonance Taipei Management Team