





3.4/525 評價


This happened under the current management although they claim it didn’t. Pretty much the worst hostel I have ever stayed in. I’ve stayed in dozens. Bullying staff and management, actually emotionally abusive. The decent one or two staff members don’t know how to handle the crazy staff. Apparently those nasty staff were fired or left - Max and Lorna - but not until the new management enabled them to harass / bully guests and throw them out in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason. Staff play varied between being your best friend and your worst enemy, keeping everyone off kilter and on edge. They were either on a crusade of righteousness or ganging up against some guests with other guests in really nasty ways. Weird quiet guests in the shadows, saying really strange things to people, lots of mind games - and the management kick out anyone with no notice or explanation - about 10 people kicked out over the course of 2 weeks for having harmless fun or “not telling, just go - rumours”. Staff members would get very overly close to some guests and bully other guests and even kick them out in the middle of the night - without verifying the truth. This happened under current management. The same staff who claimed to be against extreme racism & sexism that was rampant at this hostel. Suddenly they very guest that they were protecting from racism and sexism was the guest they kicked out in the middle of the night because one of the bullies turns out to be one of their friends. Horrible stuff. The staff get uptight and close up any social outdoor seating and the tv room after about 11 pm. Even if you’re not disturbing anyone. You have to wait till they go home, but they make sure everything is locked up so that no one can actually relax. Then, they go around blacklisting at other hostels anybody who says that they want to check out early, or who they kick out, to try to prevent them from checking in anywhere else, even if they haven’t told them what is supposedly done wrong. That’s how insane they are. Or for minor misdeamnours. The hostels humour them, and then ignore them. Many guests left early as they felt uncomfortable, several of my mates left, we all went to a hostel elsewhere and relaxed and laughed and felt way better - the other hostels had all heard of Band laughed when we mentioned it, their reputation as the last place to be for travellers precedes them. Guests are aggressively threatened and rebuked for peacefully congregating one minute, and then sidled up to the next, very strange. Then, they will be smiling and collecting stories on somebody else and threatening them. It’s just a very strange place. Most who say “it’s great!” stay short term before they realise. All outdoor areas are smoking and staff were flaunting the no smoking section of the outdoors, so everybody else does, too, which is great if you are a chain smoker like most of us and sucks if you are not or are tying to give up - absolutely no chance in this plac



4.5/5148 評價
房間非常乾淨、明亮、現代。浴室也很寬敞。最重要的是,就公共交通工具、周邊散步和購物林立區而言,位置非常好。步行 10 分鐘到 Darling Harber,乘坐 T 或 L 12 分鐘到環形碼頭也是非常吸引人之處。
4.7/5114 評價
悉尼喜來登裝修了后感覺煥然一新 服務非常好,員工對客人都笑臉相迎,特別是lounge的服務員。 這次住了六晚,被分配到一個位於六層的客房。五樓有半層麪的小會議廳外麪是個terrace。每天晚上10:30開始客人就坐下terrace喝酒講話嬉笑,而這個位置就在我們卧室的下麪。開始兩晚因為累睡得挺沉,但第三晚睡著了硬生生被他們吵醒了。凌晨1:50打了concierge的電話投訴,但他們很興奮一直鬧到3:30我才迷迷糊糊睡著了。第四晚也是如此後叫了night manager讓他們把座椅移到遠一點才完事。我提議酒店要麼要麼晚上11點關閉terrace、要麼6層的客房不能賣如果晚上有會議聚會之類的活動。 提醒如果有去喜來登酒店住宿的國內朋友 其他一切都很好,shopping非常方便,前麪又是Hyde公園。
3.9/5103 評價
酒店位置近地鐵站,走路到sydney victoria shopping centre/ 環形碼頭大約需要15-20分鐘,樓下有巴士站去不同市內的地方,比如是bondi beach。酒店設施一般,牀很窄,也不喜歡看到被子的裏面,其他設備還算乾淨。
3.8/514 評價
In Sydney for a wedding very central to where the wedding was held, reception staff fantastic and that's where it stops. Bath room amenities were almost empty as nothing came out when you tried to use it, just as well we took our own, the day we arrived there was only a 1/2 roll of toilet paper, as that did not take long to use I went down to ask for some more so was given one roll even though there was room for 2 rolls on the roll holders, so as they did not replace even the empty holder I went out and bought my own. Another thing they left one face washer for two people and one day they didn't leave any. So top marks for front desk staff and I would give a minus mark to house keeping staff
卡斯爾雷精品飯店 - 阿桑德連鎖飯店
4/5113 評價
這家酒店和共濟會會所位於同一個位置 - 你和其他人公用休息室,餐廳等設施。我們的房間雖然有點小,但至少是個雙人間,所以夠用了。屋子里有一扇毛玻璃窗戶,你可以打開透透氣。餐廳只有在周四和周五晚上才開放-唯一一個可以就餐的地點是個高級酒吧,不過那裡飯菜少得可憐。好在很乾凈衛生。酒店的地理位置很棒,在這裡有許多古色古香的地方和古董店。停車場(收費的)離希爾頓國際酒店只隔着一條街。
4/5122 評價


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