正在查找Cox’s Creek Reserve附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Cox’s Creek Reserve附近的熱門飯店




正在尋找Cox’s Creek Reserve附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4/543 評價
3.1/551 評價
我們在參加奧林匹克公園區的一場音樂會之後住在這裏,當我們查看評論時看起來很不錯,不幸的是,這不是提供的。我通過Agoda預訂了,我預訂了豪華大床房,網站照片看起來很可愛。 我們到達的時候我已經指示我們會去預訂,我告訴服務台的工作人員我是誰,我已經預訂了一間豪華大床房,他看起來有些困惑,然後花了很長時間找到我的預訂。然後他給了我一把鑰匙,說我在3號房間,他指示了它,我問房間是否隔音,因為交通噪音很大,他告訴我,我們不會聽到房間裏的交通噪音。我們無法在我們的房間外停車,因為其他人毆打我們到我們分配的停車位。然後我們進入了我們的房間,這是多麼可怕的震撼!打你的第一件事就是它被漆成鮮橙色,就像是在南瓜裏面!網站上顯示的微妙顏色在哪裡?第二件事是雙人床,每個客人都有一個枕頭,而不是沙發和咖啡桌,如照片所示,我們發現的兩把不平衡的椅子太危險了,無法坐下。交通可能一直在中心運行房間,它是如此響亮。窗帘沒有碰到,所以我們沒有隱私,因為人們經常走過我們的房間。然後是浴室,其中包括一個洗臉器作為手巾!浴室裏沒有通風設備,所以你不得不打開窗戶,衹會增加交通噪音。 我回到接待處,問了我在預訂的女王房間的職員,而不是我給的房間。他衹是聳了聳肩說,那是分配給我的房間。我要求與經理談話,他再次聳聳肩。我說,如果那是唯一的房間,那麼我想退還兩個房間之間的差異。他說當他晚上進來時他會跟他的主管說話,我解釋說我會出去所以請他在我的房間放一張紙條,這樣我就可以在早上處理。我還要了兩個枕頭和一條額外的毛巾。告訴他交通噪音是不可接受的,然後回到我的房間。  45分鐘后,2個沒有枕套和毛巾的枕頭被送到我們的房間。沒有枕套,這肯定違反了一些健康規定? 我們從演唱會回來了,希望這麼累,以至於交通噪音不會成為問題,但即便如此,床本身也是一個問題。太難受了。至少如果有沙發我可能已經得到了休息。但事實並非如此。由於我無法入睡,我通讀了塑料展示文件夾,這是他們的訪客服務信息。顯然,他們的房間範圍與他們網站上顯示的不同。這就是虛假廣告的情況嗎?它還經常告訴你通過撥打9聯繫接待處,唯一的問題是沒有電話! 浴室設施很好,水壓和溫度都很好。所以在沒有睡覺之後,我去接待處退還鑰匙並詢問房間費用差額的退款,現在這是一個不同於前一天晚上的前台服務員,他說他什麼都不知道,房間裏支付。我說我知道這一點,而且我沒有得到我付出的房間。他衹是聳聳肩(顯然這是工作人員處理所有詢問的方式,並希望你會離開)我問了經理姓名和我可以聯繫他們的電話號碼。我得到了一張卡,並告訴我們在上午11點之後的第二天打電話。我試過多次敲響這個號碼而沒有得到回應。所以關於總結這家汽車旅館的客戶服務。他們衹對你的錢感興趣。 從積極的方面來說,房間和浴室非常乾淨,但這可以說是有利於這家汽車旅館。我不會向任何人推薦這家汽車旅館,並強烈建議不惜一切代價避免它!
2.9/514 評價
我們在有套間的雙人間度過了一個非常舒適的夜晚。建築古老而富有特色,對空間的利用具有創造性。床很乾淨,我們睡得很好。最好的部分是友好的歡迎。我們的女主人非常樂於助人和友善。她確保我們理解訪問代碼並詢問我們的旅行。地理位置優越,步行片刻即可抵達 Burwood/Victoria Rds 和一流的中餐廳。伯伍德公園也在附近。我以為靠近馬路會很吵,但很安靜,我們睡得不受打擾。這並不花哨,但這根本不重要。如果你想要花哨,你會付出更多。
3.4/578 評價
You’ll want to read this, its GREAT!!! My partner and I checked into the Greenacre Hotel on November 24th. After checking in, the desk clerk brought us to the entrance of the hotel building and handed us our room card keys. He then said to us “ The bathrooms are located down the hall outside of your room so don’t leave your room without your cards. You also need them to get into the building so make sure to always have your card on you. I don’t want to receive a call in the middle of the night that you’re locked out of your room”. Totally reasonable , I can understand how that could be frustrating. Many people, throughout the night, forgot their cards in their rooms. How do I know this? They body checked themselves against their door screaming “ let me in”. That wasn’t even the bad part. That I could put up with. The next day, my partner and I woke up early because we had an International Flight to catch. My partner went downstairs to load the car and then I followed about 10 minutes later. When I came outside the building, my partner shouted something at me but it was to late. The door to the building shut behind me. What my partner yelled at me was “ Don’t let the door close, the card isn’t working”. When I tried my card on the door, it just beeped and flashed red. I tried my partners card, the same thing happened. We were locked out and we had to return our rental car within the hour and catch our flight. I immediately called the desk clerk/manager. I told him what happened and his response was “ What do you want me to do, I’m in bed”……..well here’s an idea for you, GET OUT OF BED!!!!!!! I WAS FURIOUS!!! We had both of our cards and it was nowhere near checkout time!!! What kind of response is that, here’s the correct response: “ Oh my goodness, I am so sorry sir. I am currently unavailable but I will send someone there to open the door. Again I cannot apologize enough, this is totally unacceptable. Please send me an email at your earliest convenience and I will provide some kind of compensation, this is truly unacceptable. There will be someone there within the next half hour. Here’s my personal number in case he doesn’t show.” But of course that was not his response. After a bit of arguing, he let me know that someone was going to be opening up the bar downstairs within the next half hour. So, we waited. After a half hour, a gentlemen did show up and I have to give him praise. He moved with urgency and at the end of the day got us back into the building and we made our flight. I still can’t get over “ I’m in bed” , what is that! I’ve worked in the tourism industry for 5 years and this whole experience was just totally unprofessional. I’m looking forward to your response.
3.3/549 評價
3/581 評價
