





3.4/54 評價


終於,我們和家人住在這裡慶祝我的生日。從登記入住開始,前台工作人員要求我們等到下午 2 點,因為他們說這是標準時間。我們在樓下等,因為大廳沒有座位。下午 2 點沒有人接近我們,所以我提醒他們我們正在等待。我注意到前台人員缺乏培訓。他們沒有那麼多笑容,也不熱情。 4樓的電梯平台甚至沒有很多客人被絆倒而且很危險,因為沒有警告標誌。我們的房間很棒。舒適、乾淨、寬敞。陽台很無聊。沒有桌椅和濕衣服的毛巾架。我最喜歡的是浴室!也非常寬敞整潔。我喜歡最多可容納兩個人的按摩浴缸。唯一的問題是浴室的門。它很舊,需要更新。您可以從外面達到頂峰,因此使用廁所的人沒有隱私。客房設施有咖啡機和保險箱。電視頻道有點模糊。當我要求一壺水時,我必須跟進4次。游泳池很大很漂亮。兒童滑梯不滑,所以使用它是浪費時間。我喜歡沙子和游泳池,你可以感覺就像在海灘上一樣。那個時候的問題是他們有一個活動,所以那個時候沒有設置沙灘床,也沒有工作人員協助要游泳的客人。我得找人要毛巾。自助早餐有很多選擇。我們很喜歡這裡的食物,尤其是孩子們。遊艇的景色是 instagrammable。我第一次踏上度假村時注意到的是工作人員。他們應該接受培訓如何正確地完成他們的工作。有些他們會,但大多數不會。對於這麼貴的房間,期望值很高,我從來沒有滿足過這些期望。這個地方很有前途,但缺點是服務。
3.8/520 評價


It’s our first time to go to this place and it’s quite far from commercial establishments so you have to have all of your needs before going there. You can feel the exclusivity of the resort since they have their own road going there in the midst of the jungle forest. Lobby was not that stunning as it looks like a receiving area. Parking is big so it’s not a problem. The room is spacious and big but it’s not what I expected. Furnitures are a little bit outdated and lots of scratches from previous guests. Everything in the room is just basic for a premium resort. We rented two rooms at the ground floor so we have an easy access to the pool and the beach. The pool is great. Water temperature was just right (not cold nor warm) with a great view especially during sunset. The beach is not that nice because you have to pass on a gate and no beach sand area. The staffs are very helpful and polite. Food is a little bit expensive but taste good for us. Buffet breakfast was also satisfying but not something to rave about. If you love nature, this place is for you as there are birds flying around the area during afternoons and monkeys are roaming around at the back of the vicinity. They have several amenities like beach volleyball, playground, basketball and kayaking. My overall experience is just very good but not excellent because I expect too much about this place. Maybe I’ll go back only if they will lower their rates.





4.2/516 評價


我不明白好評。也許這取決於不那麼高的標準。你就是這樣,然後繼續。但如果你沒有,繼續閱讀。首先。這家酒店沒有自己的網站,所以取消將是地獄。網站的電話號碼jn不工作。***?酒店禮賓會無濟於事。他們只會說,是第三方預訂,他們無能爲力。(也許如果酒店有自己的預訂網站,他們也許你可以幫助他們的客戶!)所以如果你想被麻煩取消,如果那是你的事情,那麼這家酒店是爲你。Goodluck。第二。便宜的房價是誘餌,因爲現實中他們會額外收取P2k費用。所以在網上預訂時要小心,因爲實際價格是在“繼續預訂”按鈕後網頁方式的底部!所以很可能,你會點擊“繼續預訂按鈕”以爲你只是支付誘餌便宜的價格,因爲在那個按鈕之前,沒有提到其他價格!我成爲受害者,這是我的錯。我不習慣像這樣的便宜把戲,特別是當萬豪從來沒有拉我的時候。很棒。如果我知道我會支付更多,那麼我應該預訂一個更好的酒店。哦,等等。我不能取消,因爲取消只是麻煩。第三。房間陳舊,如果不是完全雷諾,需要大量的TLC。它們應該包括圖片中的免責聲明對象看起來比現實生活中要好得多 ) , 有很多更好的酒店,以獲得更好的價格和服務,所以請,子vic的其他酒店的偵察員。對於我支付的價格。它甚至不包括自助早餐,但見鬼,我甚至不想在這家酒店看到。






Playa de la Misericordia



3.8/520 評價


It’s our first time to go to this place and it’s quite far from commercial establishments so you have to have all of your needs before going there. You can feel the exclusivity of the resort since they have their own road going there in the midst of the jungle forest. Lobby was not that stunning as it looks like a receiving area. Parking is big so it’s not a problem. The room is spacious and big but it’s not what I expected. Furnitures are a little bit outdated and lots of scratches from previous guests. Everything in the room is just basic for a premium resort. We rented two rooms at the ground floor so we have an easy access to the pool and the beach. The pool is great. Water temperature was just right (not cold nor warm) with a great view especially during sunset. The beach is not that nice because you have to pass on a gate and no beach sand area. The staffs are very helpful and polite. Food is a little bit expensive but taste good for us. Buffet breakfast was also satisfying but not something to rave about. If you love nature, this place is for you as there are birds flying around the area during afternoons and monkeys are roaming around at the back of the vicinity. They have several amenities like beach volleyball, playground, basketball and kayaking. My overall experience is just very good but not excellent because I expect too much about this place. Maybe I’ll go back only if they will lower their rates.



3.8/520 評價


It’s our first time to go to this place and it’s quite far from commercial establishments so you have to have all of your needs before going there. You can feel the exclusivity of the resort since they have their own road going there in the midst of the jungle forest. Lobby was not that stunning as it looks like a receiving area. Parking is big so it’s not a problem. The room is spacious and big but it’s not what I expected. Furnitures are a little bit outdated and lots of scratches from previous guests. Everything in the room is just basic for a premium resort. We rented two rooms at the ground floor so we have an easy access to the pool and the beach. The pool is great. Water temperature was just right (not cold nor warm) with a great view especially during sunset. The beach is not that nice because you have to pass on a gate and no beach sand area. The staffs are very helpful and polite. Food is a little bit expensive but taste good for us. Buffet breakfast was also satisfying but not something to rave about. If you love nature, this place is for you as there are birds flying around the area during afternoons and monkeys are roaming around at the back of the vicinity. They have several amenities like beach volleyball, playground, basketball and kayaking. My overall experience is just very good but not excellent because I expect too much about this place. Maybe I’ll go back only if they will lower their rates.


Camayan Divers

3.8/520 評價


蘇比克灣|距離Camayan Divers1.08km
It’s our first time to go to this place and it’s quite far from commercial establishments so you have to have all of your needs before going there. You can feel the exclusivity of the resort since they have their own road going there in the midst of the jungle forest. Lobby was not that stunning as it looks like a receiving area. Parking is big so it’s not a problem. The room is spacious and big but it’s not what I expected. Furnitures are a little bit outdated and lots of scratches from previous guests. Everything in the room is just basic for a premium resort. We rented two rooms at the ground floor so we have an easy access to the pool and the beach. The pool is great. Water temperature was just right (not cold nor warm) with a great view especially during sunset. The beach is not that nice because you have to pass on a gate and no beach sand area. The staffs are very helpful and polite. Food is a little bit expensive but taste good for us. Buffet breakfast was also satisfying but not something to rave about. If you love nature, this place is for you as there are birds flying around the area during afternoons and monkeys are roaming around at the back of the vicinity. They have several amenities like beach volleyball, playground, basketball and kayaking. My overall experience is just very good but not excellent because I expect too much about this place. Maybe I’ll go back only if they will lower their rates.



4/57 評價
1st time to book a Hotel in Subic since we were attemding.a wedding at the Yacht Club And GH2 provide us a very nice accomodatio. Location : 6 mins to Subic Yacht Club 6 mins to ligjt house and Pier Walking distance to Royal Duty free ane Ayala mall Room : Big size can really move around / Cold AC Food : Delicious and price not that expensive reasonable Parking : not covered but enough to accomodate guest Staff: kind and helpful Enjoy stay ang highly recommendable although an old Hotel MASSAGE for 400 is a nice waubto refresh aftee whole ray of activity
4.1/549 評價
4.2/557 評價
聖誕節前和週末我早早和家人一起住,自從我們第一次入住這些酒店以來,我希望有忙碌的一天和被佔領的工作人員,但感謝它順利進行 設施:寬敞,地毯乾淨的房間,地板到天花板窗戶(但沒有景色)遮光窗簾,舒適的軟牀,帶浴缸的大型感應浴室,房間設施,觸摸屏燈和交流控制器等。那些孩子玩區和玩具是一個加分項。服務:首先,我想向在住宿期間爲我們提供服務的工作人員,從前台短髮女士,香港的丹尼斯先生,芬蘭銀行的 Jemar 以及無數從未放棄給予這些額外英里和微笑的工作人員服務。從入住開始,他們提前給我們房間,無縫退房。我的帽子是爲那些願意超越你標準服務的人脫帽致敬。對於香港團隊來說,我們很快提出了我們的要求,安全總是隨時準備協助和FnB,確保您在餐廳擁有舒適的地點和時刻。我唯一擔心的是,除了那些沒有藍色橡膠墊覆蓋的屋頂甲板上的游泳池外,這個地區是如此的邀請,像我兒子身上發生的事情一樣,發生重大事故,你用的那些地磚太滑了,連我幹鞋上的都很難駕,只要你不換,無論那些救生員如何盡最大努力提醒顧客,防止這種情況,你總是容易發生事故。總的來說,這是一個偉大而難忘的住宿,特別是與我的孩子們一起,他們渴望復出。
3.4/54 評價
終於,我們和家人住在這裡慶祝我的生日。從登記入住開始,前台工作人員要求我們等到下午 2 點,因為他們說這是標準時間。我們在樓下等,因為大廳沒有座位。下午 2 點沒有人接近我們,所以我提醒他們我們正在等待。我注意到前台人員缺乏培訓。他們沒有那麼多笑容,也不熱情。 4樓的電梯平台甚至沒有很多客人被絆倒而且很危險,因為沒有警告標誌。我們的房間很棒。舒適、乾淨、寬敞。陽台很無聊。沒有桌椅和濕衣服的毛巾架。我最喜歡的是浴室!也非常寬敞整潔。我喜歡最多可容納兩個人的按摩浴缸。唯一的問題是浴室的門。它很舊,需要更新。您可以從外面達到頂峰,因此使用廁所的人沒有隱私。客房設施有咖啡機和保險箱。電視頻道有點模糊。當我要求一壺水時,我必須跟進4次。游泳池很大很漂亮。兒童滑梯不滑,所以使用它是浪費時間。我喜歡沙子和游泳池,你可以感覺就像在海灘上一樣。那個時候的問題是他們有一個活動,所以那個時候沒有設置沙灘床,也沒有工作人員協助要游泳的客人。我得找人要毛巾。自助早餐有很多選擇。我們很喜歡這裡的食物,尤其是孩子們。遊艇的景色是 instagrammable。我第一次踏上度假村時注意到的是工作人員。他們應該接受培訓如何正確地完成他們的工作。有些他們會,但大多數不會。對於這麼貴的房間,期望值很高,我從來沒有滿足過這些期望。這個地方很有前途,但缺點是服務。
4.2/531 評價
3.4/522 評價
家庭 - 友好,優雅,安全的地方留在蘇比克。乾淨寬敞的房間。有一個迷你站和Nataniel的附近。唯一的問題是游泳池的氯含量高。強烈推薦如果你在鎮上



最高價格TWD 10,659
最低價格TWD 1,081
平均價格 (平日)TWD 3,817
平均價格 (週末)TWD 3,813