My family and I stayed at the hotel from 26 Dec to 28 Dec 2023 and upon checkout, the staff insisted that they had issues reversing my 200 000 krw deposit because I didn't use the same card. This is strange and confusing because I only used one credit card the whole time in Korea. I also used the same card to pay for the hotel booking upon check in. We stayed in other Lotte Hotels in Korea and compared to those hotels, our experience at Lotte Hotel Busan was not the best. During check-in, i had several questions for the staff assisting us but she told us curtly that she will explain this later. Perhaps it was a language issue but definitely rubbed me the wrong way. During our time using the pool, different lifeguards asked me on two separate occasions if my family had registered to use the pool -- we paid for the pool usage and received wristbands. They also hovered around my family quite a bit - prolly cos my husband's arm tattoo was showing under his shirt and my kids are rather loud (they are 3 and 6 fyi). We were also told by the staff to keep our 3 year old quiet. We understand that compared to perhaps other Korean children, our child can be quite loud. We tried our best to keep him quiet but he is just 3 and simply excited to be there and it was not so nice to feel like we were being watched all the time for our child.
hfm96,cㅇm hfm96,cㅇm hfm96,cㅇm←←←←←←← □▽@♬‡♧■▽※☞†△▣〈♤θ“↕”[○〕α♡〓“”★☆“▼〈“*保證入出金,船在沒有限制的網站上盡情享受吧。 * 10大汽車吉諾網站。 *保證入出金的公司。*高額船歡迎億貸款。 *船沒有限制。 *包括微遊戲電波和網絡遊戲在內的23家軟件公司的Ge。 * 24小時韓語客戶中心!(現場聊天,電話,回電話服務,電子郵件,KakaoTalk,Tele圖等)*除了電話號碼認證外,您還可以註冊,存款,遊戲和付款,而無需進行本人認證程序!. *** Ka Ginoge Im的天堂數十種Ge Im, Pang Pang Tage Sl Lot, Exciting Bar Cara Black Jack, Texas Hall Dum, PO Ker, Rule Let 等。 Ka Ginoge Im 整體擁有。 ▣”♭♭〕”♬☆○ ■♭α▷ ▼□◈▲▽※α 〉‡■●@♡♩☜♭◇◈□→■ ㉿★▼ →■♡α△▽ 〔◎◇ ▽ ☏ ♩♡ θ○◎〈〔 [我們車吉諾是韓國最多的用戶在線使用的Ka吉諾遊戲的Ka吉諾網站之一。它也被稱爲“我們的系列”,並且在下級系列中擁有6個不同名稱的網站,每個網站都以獨立的平台和獨特的服務運營,但由於它們是一個網絡,因此被稱爲我們的系列。很久以前我們擁有我們系列獨家的遊戲服務,例如在運營期間積累的信任和Hogame,Sagame和RT Seul Lot,我們仍然吸引許多新會員。 ●〔⊙●◈⊙♭㉿〔《》[●♧〕☆α→♬〓]♧β♭α♬《⊙θ▲†#在線汽車 Im; # Texas Hall Dum Site; # Online Sl Rot Machine Recommendation; # Blackjack Probability; # Realtime Bar Kara Site; # Pra Gma Tick Sl Rot Machine; # Sl Rot Machine Jack Pot; # Safe Sl Rot Site;#江原道樂天機器預訂;#Sloss;#在線Sl樂天推薦;#Haewaka吉諾網站;#Muk飛不飛的Sl樂天;#evotion韓國經銷商;#Maserba卡拉網站;#Sl樂天方式;#江原道奧林格爾;#澳門吉諾黑色傑克;# Pragmatic操作;# Live Sl Lot Site;# Sl Lot Free Experience;# Live Bar Kara Address;# Sl Lot 驗證公司推薦;# Gangwon Land 大發;# Sl Lot 驗證網站地址;#Pragmatic Sl Lot操作;#實時酒吧 Kara推薦;# Major Sl Lot Site;# Gangwon Land當天入場;# Gangwon Land Sl Lot Machine Jack Pot;# Gangwon Land 價格;# Gangwon Land Tteokjip;# Food No Fur Car Gino;#Sul Rot Machine推薦;#澳門電子酒吧卡拉;#擔保酒吧卡拉網站推薦;# Sanzka吉諾地址;#海外酒吧卡拉網站;#BlackJack Online;#卡吉諾驗證網站推薦;#江原樂園入場人數;#傑克鍋類型;#8階段馬丁;#Mook No Tump Car Gino Site;#江原樂園主頁;#天堂城游泳池;#美利堅合衆國 Gino推薦;#Point Hall Dump Tump;#拉斯維加斯Sl Lot Machine Down;#德克薩斯霍爾 Dump Recommendation;#實時Sul Lot推薦;#Sul Lotdo Park;#Ba Kara System Ship Ting Method;#Po Bigge Im apk;#Ba Kara Analyzer;#Sul Rotna Egvet;#Muk Nothing Bar Kara Site Recommendation;#Ba Kara Painting Field;#天堂城市酒店自助餐;#私人酒樂天推薦;#擔保車吉諾;#車吉諾規則 Let;#免費酒樂天;#霍爾 Dum社區;#黑傑克ge Im Down;#拉斯維加斯汽車吉諾推薦;#Ba推薦卡拉驗證公司;#澳門吉諾滾動;#Internet Car吉諾;#拉斯維加斯規則 Let;#Po像Ker一樣的族譜;#Sul樂網站推薦;#澳門入境;#實時酒吧卡拉酒吧卡拉之神;#Evolusion Bar Kara Recommended;#新加坡汽車吉諾;#Haewaba卡拉網站;#江原樂園Chip Girl評論;#7-Ker戰略;#Car吉諾網站運營;#Major Car吉諾網站;#PoKigosoo;#7Luck Car吉諾韓國人;#7Luck Car吉諾後期;#Sul樂天機器線;#Po大蓋免費下載;#Oneshot Hall Dum;#Texas Hall Dumba