







4.2/5112 評價


狎鷗亭/清潭洞 首爾|距離首爾手辦博物館W0.74km


I stayed here for 8 days. The reception staff were helpful and polite when we checked in, the lift's very fast. The room appeared clean and had good amenities, 2 bottles of water in the fridge, coffee machine, large bed, we loved the TV above the bath, kido loved the heated toilet. It looks clean, clean bed sheets, then I slide the bathroom door closed and it's pretty dusty. No problem, I grab a tissue and wipe it down, I have a dust allergy. We lost something in between getting out of the cab and sitting down in the room so I try to find it, I look under the bed, it's really dusty and also has rubbish from previous occupants. We could hear the traffic outside but it's a busy road and it's understandable, we didn't find it annoying. There are strict check in and check out times and they won't charge you extra if you stick to these, they need time to clean the room and get it ready (they do need to slide the bathroom doors and clean these though, and under the beds too). I had a shower the next day, the waterfall shower's not easy to use and there's no instructions, but there's a handheld shower head attached to the wall. Great, I thought, that will help, It would have helped, but there's no seal around the bottom of the shower door and there's a gap, and the shower head faced the shower door. 30 minutes later I magage to clean the large amount of water in the bathroom and around the toilet up using towels, and I pop downstairs to let them know there's a problem with their shower. They sent someone up right away, I explained the issue, the shower door is missing a seal, he says 'I can't sort that' and walks out. No more showers then. We get back from a walk at around 8pm, and there's a very high pitched whistle coming from the ceiling in our room. I check the lights, the air conditioning and it whistles for about 30 minutes so I pop to the reception desk and let them know. Someone comes up right away and lets us know it's a valve in the bathroom ceiling, there's a hatch, he opens it up, and it stops. Yay! 5 minutes later... yup, it's back. He comes back and adjusts the valve once again. It stops. 5 minutes later... yup. Then it stops. Until the following evening. I let reception know it's still happening, they send someone out, again, it stops, again, and starts, again a few minutes later. It stops and starts throughout the night, midnight, 1am, 4am, 9am. We're tired, I'm rather grumpy, so we ask to change rooms so we can sleep. They check with the manager and give us another room. The new room has a seal at the bottom of the shower, unfortunately their water fall shower lasts for 1 second if you try to use it as the handle on the door self adjusts. There's still dust on the sliding doors and under the bed. We're exhausted having had a pretty bad night due to the alarm, so we sleep, a lot. We didn't eat in the hotel, it's expensive, there's a little French baguette place not too far away and a Starbucks so we're sorted. The Nespresso only ha



4/563 評價
4.2/5112 評價
I stayed here for 8 days. The reception staff were helpful and polite when we checked in, the lift's very fast. The room appeared clean and had good amenities, 2 bottles of water in the fridge, coffee machine, large bed, we loved the TV above the bath, kido loved the heated toilet. It looks clean, clean bed sheets, then I slide the bathroom door closed and it's pretty dusty. No problem, I grab a tissue and wipe it down, I have a dust allergy. We lost something in between getting out of the cab and sitting down in the room so I try to find it, I look under the bed, it's really dusty and also has rubbish from previous occupants. We could hear the traffic outside but it's a busy road and it's understandable, we didn't find it annoying. There are strict check in and check out times and they won't charge you extra if you stick to these, they need time to clean the room and get it ready (they do need to slide the bathroom doors and clean these though, and under the beds too). I had a shower the next day, the waterfall shower's not easy to use and there's no instructions, but there's a handheld shower head attached to the wall. Great, I thought, that will help, It would have helped, but there's no seal around the bottom of the shower door and there's a gap, and the shower head faced the shower door. 30 minutes later I magage to clean the large amount of water in the bathroom and around the toilet up using towels, and I pop downstairs to let them know there's a problem with their shower. They sent someone up right away, I explained the issue, the shower door is missing a seal, he says 'I can't sort that' and walks out. No more showers then. We get back from a walk at around 8pm, and there's a very high pitched whistle coming from the ceiling in our room. I check the lights, the air conditioning and it whistles for about 30 minutes so I pop to the reception desk and let them know. Someone comes up right away and lets us know it's a valve in the bathroom ceiling, there's a hatch, he opens it up, and it stops. Yay! 5 minutes later... yup, it's back. He comes back and adjusts the valve once again. It stops. 5 minutes later... yup. Then it stops. Until the following evening. I let reception know it's still happening, they send someone out, again, it stops, again, and starts, again a few minutes later. It stops and starts throughout the night, midnight, 1am, 4am, 9am. We're tired, I'm rather grumpy, so we ask to change rooms so we can sleep. They check with the manager and give us another room. The new room has a seal at the bottom of the shower, unfortunately their water fall shower lasts for 1 second if you try to use it as the handle on the door self adjusts. There's still dust on the sliding doors and under the bed. We're exhausted having had a pretty bad night due to the alarm, so we sleep, a lot. We didn't eat in the hotel, it's expensive, there's a little French baguette place not too far away and a Starbucks so we're sorted. The Nespresso only ha
4.3/50 評價
完美,沒有第二個詞 身在異鄉,拋下我的豪花大別野來住這裏仍然覺得是家一樣的地方非常完美非常有安全感,感謝房東的關心和熱心,讓我一個人在首爾 也覺得這個暫時的家超越了很多很多 謝謝房東一家 謝謝在寒冬深夜裡這樣溫暖的地方可以抄經書可以溫暖入眠
4.5/50 評價
3.7/50 評價
4.4/5159 評價




首爾擁有歷史悠久的寺廟與宮殿、優美的自然風景和現代化摩天高樓,是一座年輕又有文化的城市。同時,首爾也是知名的購物的天堂,在明洞、東大門市場、新沙洞、三清洞等地,都有潮流的人氣服飾與化妝品。喜愛品嚐美味的旅客也千萬別錯過首爾美食,試試拌飯、泡菜、人參雞湯等。準備來趟首爾旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門首爾景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開首爾之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往韓國首爾機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。首爾有仁川機場與金浦機場,差別就像是桃園機場和松山機場。機場快線分為直通列車和普通列車,直通列車較快、停靠站較少。機場巴士亦分為兩種:高級機場巴士和普通機場巴士,有多條路線。若搭乘紅眼班機於凌晨抵達機場,可乘坐深夜巴士至市區,車程約70分鐘。在首爾自由行時,可利用地鐵和公車遊遍各大景點。建議購買 Cashbee、T-money 卡類似台灣悠遊卡,用來搭乘大眾交通工具,也可享有店家優惠。




1. 北村韓屋村

2. 景福宮
景福宮是朝鮮王朝規模最大的正宮,最大看點是王宮守將換崗儀式,是一項重要的韓國傳統宮廷文化。景福宮一年四季美景各異,春有櫻花、夏有綠樹、秋有銀杏、冬有白雪。 《大長今》、《屋塔房王世子》、《來自星星的你》等韓劇曾在此取景。

3. N首爾塔

4. 愛寶樂園


還沒安排首爾自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的首爾飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂首爾住宿!若預計前往首爾遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如地鐵站、公車路線附近,旅行更便利省時。


1. 烤腸

2. 韓式炸雞

3. 醬油蟹
醬油蟹是韓國五大名菜之一, 10 至 11 月是盛產季節,蟹黃特別多,嘗鮮一定要來首爾。

4. 雪濃湯

5. 綠豆煎餅
