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探索我們在Restaurant Havelska Koruna附近的熱門飯店


4.3/5113 評價


老城區 布拉格|距離Restaurant Havelska Koruna0.16km
Booking from 14/02/2023 to 21/02/2023 for 4 people in BHG APARTMENT We overnight stay in APARTMENT 2 and on 20/02/2023 (dd/mm/yy) from 2 p.m. the water felts in our apartment so we had unease about hygiene and services (cooking included). We talked with reception and they said that we had to wait. At 6 p.m. we called again the reception to search for more information and we waiting until 7:30 p.m. They called us and said that finally we’ve been change our apartment with another. We were really tired (in order to not having a place were we could relax ourselves for hours before go out again in the night). So on, the other apartment was far from the first hotel; far from the central place (OLD TOWN SQUARE) where we want to overnight stay and of what we payed; and it also was in a place not really quite. The apartment was really bad, doesn’t respect the standards of a 4 stars hotel because it was really dirty, smaller, fetiscent and with no services (bidet, terrace, hob, oven…). We hadn’t a room from 2 p.m. if we liked to have a shower, we couldn’t! It was 9 p.m. and we really don’t even know where we had to sleep, where we had to go to the toilet and where we had to put our 6 luggage! The girl who stayed at the reception, Tatsiana, (and her manager too) propose us to have the night free and stay in that bad apartment, and also they will give us a voucher from 200 CROWN (exactly 8 euros) so on we could spend it for a dinner in the terrace with a special sit to admire the view! For what? If we’ve accepted, where we’ve to sleep? Certainly not in that dirty apartment! Obviously we said no and reject her propose (you can’t buy people with money or offer them a voucher from 200 crowns, when they are telling you that don’t have a place to overnight stay!) Over that, she told us that she was already called others hotels looking for a room, but they were all full! And also their sisterhood hotel and their presidential rooms was full! That’s no possibile! There are so many hotels near by Old Town Square! And a real hotel can’t be full on a Monday in February! Hotels always have a spare rooms! After 30/40 minutes a man come to us telling that they found a room in another hotel who was 2 minutes from “Hotel U Prince”! Weren’t it all full?! It was 10 p.m and we were really mad, tired and we couldn’t enjoy our last night in Prague! Leave and learn. I will never recommend this hotel.







正在尋找Restaurant Havelska Koruna附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.3/5113 評價
Booking from 14/02/2023 to 21/02/2023 for 4 people in BHG APARTMENT We overnight stay in APARTMENT 2 and on 20/02/2023 (dd/mm/yy) from 2 p.m. the water felts in our apartment so we had unease about hygiene and services (cooking included). We talked with reception and they said that we had to wait. At 6 p.m. we called again the reception to search for more information and we waiting until 7:30 p.m. They called us and said that finally we’ve been change our apartment with another. We were really tired (in order to not having a place were we could relax ourselves for hours before go out again in the night). So on, the other apartment was far from the first hotel; far from the central place (OLD TOWN SQUARE) where we want to overnight stay and of what we payed; and it also was in a place not really quite. The apartment was really bad, doesn’t respect the standards of a 4 stars hotel because it was really dirty, smaller, fetiscent and with no services (bidet, terrace, hob, oven…). We hadn’t a room from 2 p.m. if we liked to have a shower, we couldn’t! It was 9 p.m. and we really don’t even know where we had to sleep, where we had to go to the toilet and where we had to put our 6 luggage! The girl who stayed at the reception, Tatsiana, (and her manager too) propose us to have the night free and stay in that bad apartment, and also they will give us a voucher from 200 CROWN (exactly 8 euros) so on we could spend it for a dinner in the terrace with a special sit to admire the view! For what? If we’ve accepted, where we’ve to sleep? Certainly not in that dirty apartment! Obviously we said no and reject her propose (you can’t buy people with money or offer them a voucher from 200 crowns, when they are telling you that don’t have a place to overnight stay!) Over that, she told us that she was already called others hotels looking for a room, but they were all full! And also their sisterhood hotel and their presidential rooms was full! That’s no possibile! There are so many hotels near by Old Town Square! And a real hotel can’t be full on a Monday in February! Hotels always have a spare rooms! After 30/40 minutes a man come to us telling that they found a room in another hotel who was 2 minutes from “Hotel U Prince”! Weren’t it all full?! It was 10 p.m and we were really mad, tired and we couldn’t enjoy our last night in Prague! Leave and learn. I will never recommend this hotel.
Adrez Living的帕拉茨U Kočků飯店
4.1/538 評價
4.1/5101 評價
優點:位置就在天文鐘對麪。裝修還不錯,給了樓下三家餐廳15%dicount的打折卡。 缺點:非常致命的缺點是特別特別吵!!!我和小伙伴4月20號住在二樓220,整晚都有人非常大聲的吵鬧、說話,街上路過的行人的聲音、樓下餐館盤子的碰撞聲、露台上人們交談聲全都聽得十分清楚,甚至樓下餐廳的氣味也能被聞到。窗戶一點隔音效果也沒有,直到夜裡近兩點我們都沒有睡着,衹能下樓去找前台工作人員。酒店工作人員明知經常有客人投訴這種情況,但在我們預訂以及入住前都沒有盡到任何告知義務,麪對我們的投訴,工作人員既沒有去找出噪音的源頭,也沒有採取任何其他措施,衹是給我們提供了耳塞。我們要求換房,也未得到回應。作為酒店,最基本的職能是為客人提供安靜舒適的睡眠環境,然而在這家酒店的入住體驗非常差,我和小伙伴幾乎整晚未眠,第二天一大早又要去趕火車,導致我們身心俱疲。 我們不知道是衹有我們住的這間房會有這樣的情況還是每間房都這樣,但以我們的體驗來說,非常不推薦大家定這家酒店!
4.2/541 評價
4.1/561 評價
房間布局有點舊式,淋浴間較狹小,單人牀約一米寬,被子與牀同寬。和一般國內的酒店設計有差異。 但酒店餐廳全天免費供應自助茶水或咖啡,在飲用水價格較高的地方很有實際意義。 酒店地理位置很好,各主要景點都可以步行抵達。
4.1/58 評價
Este alojamiento se encuentra cerca de los atractivos turísticos más destacados del centro de Praga. Para empezar, llegar allí después de haber arribado a la ciudad en avión, resultó sencillo, pues tomamos primero un bus desde el aeropuerto que nos acercó a una estación de metro, donde tomamos la línea A y nos bajamos en la estación Mustek, la cual queda en pleno centro, en la Plaza Wesceslao, prácticamente a tres cuadras del hotel. La persona de la recepción muy amable, la habitación, que era para dos, era pequeña, pero bien organizada y limpia, con baño compartido, el cual permanecía muy aseado. El hotel ofrecía un desayuno muy bien servido, estilo buffet, no muy variado, pero suficiente y saludable. Me gustó mucho que por la calle del hotel había un mercadillo muy simpático para hacer compras de souvenirs, además todo era relativamente cercano y fácil de recorrer, como ir a la Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja, o caminar por la Plaza Wesceslao para hacer shopping, o simplemente perderse por los callejones admirando los lindos adornos en murano y cristal de bohemia, o las famosas muñecas matrioskas. Praga es, sin duda alguna, una ciudad muy bella para contemplar y hosped**** en este alojamiento lo hace encantador y sencillo. Lo recomiendo!!


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