

4.2/5269 評價
老實說,我很抱歉我不能爲這家酒店安排5星級,但一切都“亂了套”我無法做到。我不太確定爲什麼業主在一切結束之前決定開這個酒店,因爲它只是給顧客一個非常混亂的體驗。我們到的時候被告知桑拿是出問題了,早餐廳還沒完,沒有池邊酒吧。。基本上很多事情沒有完成,但是當我們預訂時,它沒有在任何地方說,並且被廣告說成已經存在的東西。當你到達酒店時,首先得到的是一排壞消息,這讓你非常失望。他們告訴我們他們會把我們升級到更好的房間,但實際上他們給我們的房間絕對不是升級。它比之前的房間小了一張牀,而且沒有休息區了。他們說這是更貴的房間,因爲它比現在高一層,而且可以看到游泳池(!?)我們告訴他們,甚至沒有沙發了,這怎麼可以升級?但是他們真的不明白我們的問題是什麼,所以他們讓我們覺得很愚蠢,我們又問了我們以前的房間,因爲那個房間更好,他們告訴我們泳池景房沒有沙發,但後來我們看到他們有。但是可以肯定的是,如果您正在考慮預訂,並且不關心風景,那麼高級山景房比高級高層房更好!在高樓泳池景房,你只擁有一張硬板凳和一張大牀,而不是國王。他們答應會補償我們,但最後他們忽略了這種情況,而我們被留在了這種“感覺愚蠢”的情況。另一個我們經常遇到的,我們看到別人也經常碰到的事情是,鑰匙卡一開始就不工作了,或者根本就不工作,所以你必須經常去前台。游泳池邊的酒吧和早餐還在建造,但我看到的可能很不錯。桑拿只工作了一天晚上,甚至那時我們裏面沒有燈,不得不呆在黑暗的桑拿中,這沒問題,但仍然不是一個好兆頭。非常失望。但是牀真的很棒,絕對新 - 絕對推薦!健身房設備很好,所以一定要打包你的跑鞋。也許將來健身房裏能有水喝會更好。游泳池很好,但遺憾的是他們沒有爲游泳池提供不同的毛巾(可能在未來還會添加一些東西!)另外房間的鏡子處於非常黑暗的地點,您應該絕對應該在那裏添加一些燈光。我認爲作爲一個剛剛開放的新地方,你應該嘗試提供更好的服務,但我看所有的“錯誤”是否都已解決,它如何成爲一個非常舒適的放鬆住宿的地方。如果你去那裏,那麼期望值很低。
4/5144 評價
Prior to arriving at this hotel, we had stayed at some nice hotels in Vietnam & Cambodia, which in our view we’re getting better as our trip progressed. That wasn’t the case with the Beachfront hotel. First impressions were ok but we arrived late in the evening, and the receptionist must have been in a rush, as she rhymed off a lot of information in a matter of seconds. Our room, to be fair, wasn’t bad until we looked around. The first thing we noticed, was the toilet seat. It was a small size seat put on a large bowl!! We opted for the sea view room, but it wasn’t until the morning when we looked out the window, that we overlooked a field full of ****s and old tin buildings. Technically, we could see the sea, but really! We had to strain our neck to see it! Then came the beach! What beach? An area at the bottom of the hotel that is covered in sand and has sun beds. They have a bar there, so that saved the day, or did it? We quickly noticed that between the hours of 15:00 - 17:00 & 19:00 - 21:00 were happy hours, where they advertise 2 drinks for the price of 1. That made things better, until we noticed that all drinks on happy hour were nearly double the price. So, a bottle of Chang beer was normally 130 baht, but on happy hour, the same bottle was 250 baht!!!! Rip-off! If you happened to be one of the lucky ones to get the hotel transport to a beach area, some 15 minutes away, you’ve done well. The vehicle can only sit 8 persons, which means, most of the hotel wishing to go to the beach area, needs to order their own transport. Give credit where credits due, the breakfast and food in general is good. Staff in the restaurants are polite and helpful, but less can be said for the reception area. I found them slightly abrupt, ignorant and no patience. If you’re staying here for one or two nights, it’s ok, but anything more, I wouldn’t bother. The one thing that did come out of our trip here, was the menu. As much as the food is good, it was same old, same old, so we went out one night for something different. This lead us to a restaurant called Zen Eat, only about a 5 minute drive in a taxi, which should cost about 200 baht. A fabulous French fusion restaurant that was just amazing. You really have to try.
4.1/515 評價
普吉島芭東英迪格飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.4/5277 評價
到過很多不同的Indigo系列酒店,喜歡獨有的本地情懷裝修及格調。 布吉Indigo也不例外。 不過今次入住布吉Indigo有少許不算太滿意。當入住Check-in時, 很感恩可以提早Check-in,員工還不用我們自己拿行李。但是在房間中,等待行李已有1小時,行李還未到,決定出外走走並提議前堂部員工我自己也可以拿行李的,因為我需要換衣服。 在那刻他們才意識到的的行李一直在旁邊沒有人處理。這一點令我留下不太好的印象。 另外,我們房間的大門並沒有安全鎖,看到有損壞的痕跡,相信是在待維修,但安全性方面始終不算太舒適。我並沒有即時向員工聯絡,因為我知道客房入住情況應該很高,不想再換房了,但我希望你們會知道商情事會影響客人對酒店的觀感及感覺。 第三點我是看不透的,選住時大概知道房間情況,但真實情況原來影響也很大,就是浴室玻璃窗的磨紗,絕對影響了我在浸浴時的感覺,酒店會不會考慮選用可調節的遮簾去取代? 大可增加房間的空間感及透光度,但現在的情況真的有點格格不入。還有我預訂的直通泳池房間,這個泳池我實在不大願意游泳,影相是好看的,但是一直也有很多樹葉及微生物在池中。 幸好我是預訂直通泳池的房間並不是向馬路的那邊,因為行過房間走廊時的吵音已經十分之誇張,真的不敢相信晚間休息時會有多吵。不過值得一讚的是泳池酒吧的員工,招呼及服務也很好,以及泳池的另下邊露天影院區十分特別,幾乎沒有人,相信酒店方面需要提高住客意識去支持這個特別空間。 早餐食物還可以,款式不算太多,第一天享用時十分失望因為沒有noodle station,但幸好第二天有了。
4.5/567 評價
Rosewood is the most magical resort, and my husband and I truly had one of the best nights of our life here! The beach is beautiful and feels like a private oasis, the food and restaurants are absolutely delicious, and the spa was incredible!! I surprised my husband for his 30th birthday with a private dinner, and it was a night we will cherish and remember forever. The entire room decor and set up was stunning, the food was absolutely divine, and we danced the night away - but truly the most special part was the entire Rosewood team- thank you so much Chef Luca, Kanokwan, Mew, Boouthong, Anne, and Nun. We are forever grateful for you all, and we will remember this night for the rest of our lives. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything.
4/599 評價
很大的酒店,在邁考海灘附近。服務很好,酒店員工很友善。酒店外觀很有特色,還有超長的游泳池以及健身房等等。餐廳的餐品比較多也很好吃,價格適中,蝦很新鮮處理得很乾凈。 游泳池有好幾個,也很大。衛生的話個人認為是比較乾淨的,嗆過幾次水沒感覺到異味,清澈見底有水循環。 房間個人也比較滿意,浴缸很好用,唯一缺點就是換氣設備在開空調后的噪音比較大,要過一個小時才比較安靜。 總之非常推薦這個酒店,之後有機會再來還會入住。



最低價格TWD 510
最高價格TWD 82,321
平均價格 (週末)TWD 7,077
平均價格 (平日)TWD 7,047